Circlebroke2 gets mad when pewdiepie fans call bullshit on their queen

1  2018-12-12 by BenaGD


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I hope one day people get psychic chips implanted in their brains that give celebrities remote control over their body. Show your ultimate dedication to the ideals your hero represents by fully transforming into their puppet.

I will have you know that I have been receiving direct orders for my everyday activities from Iggy Azalea for months now.


New Black Mirror episode!!

I'm 25 and I remember watching his videos after school every day (alongside Amazing Atheist and The Young Turks―I'm cringing so hard right now). It's actually kind of amazing he's still enjoying YouTube success when all he did was scream into a microphone while playing games.

I started using Reddit at around 18 and by that point my Internet browsing habits had changed substantially and I welcomed the Reddit hatejerk against PewDiePie. People absolutely loathed the guy back then here. "Lets Players" altogether were sort of these personae non grata here. The Reddit crowd back then was too mature for these "YouTubers" who appealed to kids.

There was still love for the Amazing Atheist as Reddit was in its mopey teenaged atheist edgelord phase where /r/atheism was a default. Now the annoying atheism-as-an-identity crowd has finally left and in its wake is the likes of whatever the fuck this is now. We should have seen it coming, honestly. The so-called New Atheism movement primed emotionally vulnerable young people to accept casual bigotry using "religion" as a way to connect to these frustrated children. Nothing against atheism, I'm an irreligious atheist myself, but I'm just saying that these talking head YouTube channels would frequently couch their subtle racism and xenophobia in a "telling it like it is" manner using the trust they had already gained in their audience from having awakened them to the enticing and attractive world of atheism, a sort of counterculture where Mom wasn't the boss and school wasn't the one deciding if you were smart or not because you had YouTube which was far more enlightening!

Now you see the same thing with PewDiePie, but instead he uses gaming. Now gaming, not religion, is the vehicle in which this stuff is spread. I can't wait for clothes or maybe food to be the next thing. That soyboy thing nearly set that off. I think maybe the Alex Jones crowd has already bought into that food (and the chemicals in the water!) thing. Maybe Paula Deen might make a comeback. Oh, goody.

AFAIK PDP barely even plays games on his channel anymore. The rest of this post is wild conjecture based on trends and assuming that the same audience has been using reddit the entire time. Imagine taking all this fucking time to write out some smug effortpost and it's barely even couched in reality. The bullet is too good for CB2posters.

Wow, you must be a JP fan

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I remember the Amazing Atheist being a laughing stock back then and actually being banned from Reddit.

Remember when he fried his penis in hot oil and stuck a banana in his butt instead

Hot take: still the only example of a funny video ever produced by a member of Channel Awesome

Reddit used to hate him until he came out as bigoted garbage, now they love him.

He stopped being hated before the WSJ controversy because his content drastically changed. Instead of cringey Lets Plays aimed at 12 year olds, it's meme reviews and other meta videos aimed at 15 year olds.

old enough to love him spitting the truth about the harms of multiculturalism and feminism

Doesn't he live in Brighton? The San Francisco of Britain? He hates Feminism and multikulti so much he moved to a place where the fucking Green Party actually wins elections. Did /pol/ really succeed into memeing pewdiepie into the next David Duke?

Who is Lilly Singh?

Probably some socialist internet personality that is only big on chapo and anarchy

A YouTube creator more commonly known as Superwoman.

Oh shit I forgot about her. Was dubbed for years.

A dumb bitch that whine about being not being on Forbes top paid youtubers even though she gets paid millions. So she blamed it on wage inequality cause ads are sexist.

Lol more pewdiepie viewers are kids shite. Misinformation that gets passed around frequently. While they do call themselves 9 year olds, and statistically having 75mill subscribers will mean a lot of kids, his demographic charts he's shown has 20-29 as the biggest base. That could still be skewed by teenagers signing up with a fake age, but there's no way to measure that kind of thing.

That still includes a lot of college kids

lol "we're not kids, we're 22!"

Ahh the ignorance of youth.

his demographic charts he's shown has 20-29 as the biggest base.

You have to be at least 18 on your account to view a lot of videos on youtube, so this doesn't reflect reality. I was 10 when i made my first youtube account and I sure didn't put in my real age so I could view age restricted content.

Keep in mind he's been on youtube for awhile too. Probably had 12 year olds age up to around that range to "stick with him" as part of a loyal fanbase or whatever.

No matter what I do, what I like, I get called alt right even though I'm not lol. This world is so fucked.

Imagine caring about youtube celebs and their drama.

tbh, whoever posted this should be denied their existence for simply showing an understanding about YouTube celeb drama.

Who tf is this lilth?

Yikes indeed.


This subreddit is now "Pewdiepie drama"

what a bunch of losers wwwww

imagine getting that remarkably asshurt over asinine, pointless shit.