Mommy May will face a vote of no confidence today. Will Jeremy Corbyn become the next Prime Minister?

1  2018-12-12 by GodOfWarWineLove


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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It’s over for UKcels.

It never started 😰😰😰

Great Britaincels you bloody wanker


God save the Queencels

Bland, tasteless crumpetcels



PM Jeremy "Every kulak to the gulag" Corbyn would be fantastic.

PM Jeremy “Palestine’s a friend of mine” Corbyn

Soon come....


British spelling, but she's also dry like the Egyptian kind.

lifefuel for chaoscels

This is good for dramacoin, we'll likely either get Boris Johnson becoming PM, ascending to Trump levels of diplomatic incidents, or Jeremy Corbyn getting in and trying to drum up support for full-on communism

well communism has never reeeealllly been tried before so this would be a great chance for comrade corbyn to do it right.

I mean, palace economies were socialist before it was an ideology and worked pretty well.

The closest we ever were to communism was early feudalism imo.

Feudalism and monarchies were the best

Im not a racist, but I am a classist.

Ur III was basically proto-Soviet Russia

Catalonia tried, then the fash bashed them because the Nats could actually fight.

it’s going to be the Mogg

Mogg is just a skinny Ash

Wasn't he also a crypto altright antisemite?

To be honest, as malevolent as Boris may be with his buffoon act, at least he is quite articulate and isn't a complete fucking idiot like Trump so you've got at least some high ground there.

The cries of the UK/European far right would be glorious with PM Corbyn however.

Its over for may-cels

Were there actually any Maycels? I thought the pedo folder she stole was the only reason she held any power, people couldn't actually like her in any way could they?

Roughly around 3 of them. 4 if you include May herself. However most Tories just don't want Corbyn and his cabinet in power who regularly polls at around the same level as, if not worse than Mummy Theresa herself.

Can't wait for Corbyn to desolve Parliament

absolute state of Britb@ngs

It's over for brit-bong-cels

Corbyn can't become the pm without calling an election and he needs a 2/3 suprermajority in the HoC to do that.


So...May-ocide now?


May will win the Tory party no confidence vote. Her supporters probably submitted the last of the 48 letters so that she can't be kicked out for another year.

No. A Tory-majority parliament isn't going to suddenly vote in a labor PM.

you guys know know very little about how British government works.

Hey no politics shaming

It's not a majority government. The tories are propped up by the DUP, all that's required for a vote of no confidence to go through the house is for the DUP to side against the tories. I'm not sure what the comment talking about a 2/3 supermajority is talking about - but as far as I know it's jsut a straight majority that's required to topple the government. It's happened before, to a Labour minority government in 1979.

The greatest impediment to Corbyn’s deification as the next communist god is his vehemence regarding dissolution of the monarchy. One of the most prestigious, opulent families in the world will not tolerate any subverting of their position even if it’s nominal, decorative, and obsolete.

What I wouldn’t give to see Her Majesty condemning Corbyn for treason whilst duplicitous Boris and his machinations manifest and the dignified, decorous Moggs pimp slaps Sturgeon. Or conversely, Corbyn prevails and the impencious Royals abjure their rights as they’re coerced into fleeing the country, the emancipation of the working class! Two weeeks later, Royalists assassinate all the prominent politicians who orchestrated the demise of the royal family.

A tumultuous period begins while Prince Charles retaliates because he’s waiting an interminable amount of time, he won’t be deprived of his birth right by fooking commies. France contemplates resurrecting old aspirations of invasion. Germany completes its consolidation of European powers. And Ireland’s desire of reunification is appeased by perfidious North Ireland politicians surrendering.

Corbyn getting executed by either the Queen or King Charles would push communists from cope to rope. Are you against democracy?