/r/MDEmemes has been banned.

1  2018-12-12 by RememberTheAyLmao


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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The soy was coming from within MDE the whole time!

Damnit, i was about to post this


MDE didn't do nothing. MDE is a good boy, spreading the word of Jesus.

what were you doing trying to get on r/mdememes, fren?

I was going to post this picture of Pibble Rick that I did.

lmao that's pretty good.. one of samuel hyde's best bits, too

MDE always dies

You can ban the user base. Itโ€™ll be back to endless subreddits and endless accounts.

Reddit admins are kikes


we ar lejion... we never 4giv... amd we nvr 4get...


Ooh! My man got slapped with the 4chan meme from 2008! Who says the left can't meme? Say it to this guys face and get smacked by other 10 year old memes stolen from white nationalists!

Yes, MDEtards are definitely on top here with their unironic yOU caNt bAn aN IdEa sperging in response to a ban on a forum for a defunct comedy sketch troupe on reddit dot com.

You seem a bit angry


Nigga said 'u mad!'

You keep getting cucked by the same admins. So much for the masterrace.

Yeah but when we go super saiyan and our hair turns yellow, we become immune to the moral obligations and trickery foisted on us by the Tay-Sachs tribe.


Beware that, when fighting bugmen, you yourself do not become a bugman

quoting anime

Claims to be masterrace

Okay, sweatie.

Super Saiyans are representative of the Scandinavian master race.

Prove me wrong, fag.

>when MDEtards think having alts is impressive

Verily the vacillations of the vindictive virtual vJew have victimized the vassals of the vivacious video vagabond.

* draws daggers *

But you cannot ban an idea!


Is Jewdank the Vag-Jew?

The VD-Jew

VD? She should spray some windex on it.

Every time a variation of it has gotten banned it's replacement had less users tho

That's what the USSR elites thought, right until a week before the wall came down.

Your username is seriously dated.


So delete your account and make a new one.


That's cool, you don't want to lose your karma.

Seriously Chipchipperson is your username. You might as well call your self Dwight the office. Ooooaaannnddddaaaaaaa.

I just don't see the point in creating a new one lol

Because it's embarrassing?

more embarrassing than multi-posting about how unacceptable someoneโ€™s username is?

Yes. Jim norton is a disloyal pedo supporting phoney.

Caring about reddit user names is infinitely more pathetic.

I'm going to make sure everyone knows what you are.

Delete your account.


Some of us manage to get by for more than a year without getting banned.

That's no fun

wheres the fun in that


We all in here doe!

/r/drama has 85k subs

This is what they took from you. And they'll keep taking it away lmao.

Tfw America is a brown nation and you just can't handle it


Thank you FashyGoyy

Lol dis bitch mad

yOu CaN'T bAn iDeAs!

Thanks for the message

"Shut the fuck up nigger

Thanks "

When will you accept that America is getting BLACKED.com, and that it's a good thing?

I see the light. I love action movies and honestly, it got a little boring living in white areas. Can you imagine going a day without watching some moron niggers shoot each other over $5?? I can't. Thanks Jews.






user reports:
1: It's rude, vulgar or offensive
1: white people nonsense
1: Pls ban his ideas. It will



They donโ€™t need to ban the idea, itโ€™s dead in the water

Itโ€™s just fun to ban things

here already?

get out Fugee

Any sub will die if doxx is posted

It's spelled "doxxxxxx", you plebeian illiterate!



Nah /r/drama dies, MDE already won, that ban did more to spread their ideas than anything else they have done.

Good! The MDEgenerates had been getting real uppity again - not sure why the admins let that one go so long. Maybe just to tease them with the possibility of finally finding refuge, only to tear it away again.

Day. Of. The. Cancellation.

First they came for the fat people haters, and I did not speak outโ€”
     Because I was fat.

Then they came for the uncensored news, and I did not speak outโ€”
     Because I was NPC.

Then they came for the memes, and I did not speak outโ€”
     Because I was offended by everything.

Then they came for the fat NPC who are offended by everything  โ€”and there was no one left to speak for me.

no water mark


You even wrote it in autisticpost

Lmao. Didn't even last 2 months.

Rest in piss.

Close. The. Gates.

This. Too many other subs got killed on 9/11 this year because of the MDErefugees

They say the /r/drama cows do not reproduce! Their women wait for you, o' MDE holy warriors! Go forth and bring them fertility in the name of Sam Hyde.

  1. I am forgotten.

- Sam Hyde

Nelson Mandela was imprisoned 1964-1988, his party and fan clubs banned and punished all over SA.

We're gonna need 10ft more on that wall to keep the MDE caravan out.



ุงู„ู’ุญูŽู…ู’ุฏู ู„ูู„ู‘ูฐู‡ู


>implying mdetards aren't crypto-muslims.


Keep going. Iโ€™m almost there brother.

Imagine if a leftist sub was banned for once on this site. All you faggots would cry so hard. It'd be peak drama, but you pussies would be too invested in it to post it.

You mean like r/shoplifting?

Is left wing politics justs stealing?

Ehm, now that you mention it...

You sound sad. I hear fentanyl tends to cheer your kind up, maybe you should go do some.

You mean like how this sub enjoyed when leftwithsharpedge got banned? Also imagine the amazing drama if Chapo got banned

Best xmas gift ever if true

Daddy Donald says fentanyl will make you feel better. Have a bunch to own the libs.

Would you like some cheese with your whine?


  • SPS poster


Is it time to deport some more fugees?


Spez what's going on big guy

Build the wall and make MDEtards pay for it.

It only got banned because some tard posted a twitter screenshot that contained doxx and srd caught on

I still don't know if Sam Hyde attached on to the hyper alt-right and his fans morphed with him or they were all alt-right in the first place.

And that's where the alt-right fails in their "message": they go from 1 to 1000 in an instant.

"Why does Israel always claim oppreesion but yet have their nose in everyone's biz?" - Fair foreign policy question.

Two seconds later...


Any they wonder why people think they are tards?

So the question is fair but the answer is not?

Yes, unless you believe Jews are changelings and benefit from some obession with race-mixin, which I would assume would guarentee only the Jewiest of Jews have morphing-based powers.

well why are you asking the question if you don't even wanna hear the answer?

a real answer not make believe bullshit

ok, serious now: of course that "answer" is bullshit. but you know that even asking the question is antisemitism right?

yeah, that question that he posed is anti-semitic in and of itself. i think the real "fair foreign policy question" would be why does israel, despite its people having faced oppression in the past, continue to oppress the people of Palestine? it would prob get the same answer from those people tho lol

The question I stated is in no fucking way anti-semitic. Israel always has a finger in a lot of countries' pies, just like a lot of other countries do. This may be a suprise to you if you haven't heard about the history of humankind.

Israel had fingers in a lot of pies before it even became israel.

How do you think the nation was founded?

Pre-1948 because they conqured a lot of tribes.

Post-1948 because the Allies and the UN helped estabish it.

Why did they help establish it?

What did they get out of it?

Did the Allies really help with the establishment of Israel? Or did they just look the other way when Jews committed abuses because of the Holocaust which had happened right before?

It's okay to point out foreign influence when it's Russia doing it.

why does israel, despite its people having faced oppression in the past, continue to oppress the people of Palestine

Answer: Because the whole oppression framing is bullshit. We're only taught that narrative because it benefits some powerful western groups.

In comparison, the interests of Israel's elites are closer aligned with the interests of the general population.

They understand demographics is destiny. It's why employers of foreign workers have to transfer a significant fraction of the wages to an account, which the worker can only access after she has left Israel, they at one point administered birth control to black jews without their knowledge, they have proper border walls (and they work very well), and so on...

That's an easy one. It doesn't

Moron has shitty opinion. Your point?

btw that's a joke page

I didnt notice until now. Man.... kicks rocks

Are you really quoting a satirical /pol/tard twitter memepage?

Yes, I'm retarded. Happy?

u/AnnoysTheGoys can you confirm?

If we transfuse their blood do we get limited powers?

If we transfuse their blood sperm do we get limited powers

Wanna be a superhero?

I would assume would guarentee only the Jewiest of Jews have morphing-based powers.


In other news, it's a travesty that /r/millionshekelsupreme is still benned.

I still never got a word back from the admins about that one :-(

Did you know that the modmail for banned subs still works?

I still never got a word back from the admins about that one :-(

I actually brought it up in one of the chats between the /r/drama mods and the admins, but I guess they never really brought themselves to care.

Did you know that the modmail for banned subs still works?

No fucking way...

i was a fan of his back in like 2013 or 14, ppl didnt really know he was a white nationalist back then, he just seemed edgy. he was popular on 4chan tho so he had lots of nazis in his comment section and reddit, i always got the sense that they influenced him to go far right instead of the other way around but idk

I don't think he was a WN back then, though he did shill himself very heavily on 4chan. It seems like he became more extreme over time because that's what gave him the most attention. This happens pretty often when attention whores are getting their source by being provocative or edgy.

I remember a video of him interviewing and mocking hipsters in NY which was pretty funny and yeah he didnโ€™t seem as white nationalist then.

[apologies for pretentiousposting] Hyde/MDE's humor actually follows in a long line of radio shock-jock style humor that began amid the grunge movement of the early 1990s. Jim Goad's 'Answer Me!' is the precursor to post-ironic, 'alt-right'/pol/frogtwitter humor, and that kind of movement was always right wing, fond of conspiracy theories, 'ironic' fash aesthetics and that kind of stuff. To some extent since the early 2010s it's become more overtly political, but it goes in waves since it arguably was in the early-mid 1990s as well.


There's a name for that brand of retardation? Huh

That shit is so hit or miss. MDE: World Peace when it sucked was terrible, but when it hit, it was pretty good. I love the Trex skit.

Sam Hyde personally benned me from the MDE sub when I said that the show wasn't ground-breaking. It honestly isn't much different from the other late-nite absurdist shit that Adult Swim's been churning out for the past decade or so aside from the right-wing leanings.

Yep. Squidbillies and ATHF were doing some funny, edgy shit a decade+ prior.

boring stoner cartoons

World peace is just a more nihilistic version of Tim and Eric Awesome show

imo MDE was great when it was doing guerrilla comedy before Hyde went full /pol/lutant; he was like a less annoying version of Tom Green, he was actually doing effective social critique, and it seemed to be his element. He really ruined his potential by becoming a caricature for his fanboys and trying to copy his idols; it's like he sacrificed his own talents in exchange for more attention. And he's not even unique in that; he should have taken a lesson from what happened to his buddy Andrew "HIV-positive ubermensch" Auernheimer when he made the same decision, but I guess that common sense was never one of Hyde's talents.

Foids can't into humor. Don't even try. ๐Ÿ˜‚

I still show his TED talk to people in academia and they get a kick out of it if they aren't aware of "who he is"

That one thing with the designer baby clinic was very much a miss. Sam just wanted very badly to make a Jamal joke.

That answer is pretty funny though, and that's the appeal.

Yet people make the journey.. I have seen a lot of "I used to be a liberal, then a libertarian, and now I'm a white nationalist" posts. As it turns out, Jews make up 2% of the US population, and yet are overrepresented in banking, media, academia, and government. Then people see banks, media, academia and government pushing a bunch of HIV positive, 3rd World retard-centric garbage, and realize that the same Jews who shout about whites preserving their genes and culture are also shouting in support of Israel enacting the same policies for itself that white nationalists want for themselves.

All societal outcasts have no self control when it comes to this because they're too far gone to realize that regular people don't find it okay. We saw the same thing when Steam first allowed porn games; the weebs could've slowly put more and more degenerate shit on there and then they probably would've gotten away with it. But instead they immediately started selling kiddie porn, because they are incapable of recognizing how abnormal it is.

Next r/Clownworldwar please. There's a guy on there who has been posting pictures of some tranny little boy non stop for days absolutely Seething. Everyone should go laugh at him.


Ahem. Trannies prefer to be called it.

Trannies should be rounded up and flayed in minecraft

Everyone should go laugh at him

yikes, you dont know what that human is, do you?

Who uPraisethesun?


Sorry MDE, this site doesn't tolerate yucky gross mean jokes. This site is for wholesome stuff only, like sharing tips on how to defraud online stores, shoplifting and buying drugs.



Cope harder.



those things are all good

You bring up a good point, but everyone has to learn someday.

Jews Are Off Limitd

This but unironically

Haven't seen coping this hard since this one youtube video on whether white girls like black guys.

We are reaching levels of COPE previously thought impossible

All this copeposting but you make a strong point.

The Mongolian Department of Education weeps for great tragedy. Will immediately seek reparations.



It's over for MDEcels.

Man i just found out about it 3 days ago, so sad

it wasn't as good as the original tho

Close the borders

Praise Allah.

May Allah break the backs of those who support these disease-ridden rodents.

Shit, are we getting another migrant wave?

MDEgenerates OUT OUT OUT!

RIP nibnobs. Surprised it was up as long as it was, after 9/12, Iโ€™m surprised they even tried. Liked r/MDE but in the last year of its existence it turned into such a shithole.

MDE has left the building.

now /r/mdememes2 can reign as the real mde sub which isnt related to some shitty comedy show and is totally not ban evasion at all

This subreddit was banned due to a violation of our content policy (https://www.reddit.com/help/contentpolicy/), specifically, ban evasion

Banned 4 hours ago.


They're all on /r/frenworld now, pretending they're not a bunch of 16 year old /pol/tards.

"hehe if we jus spek like dumdums and cal tem longnose tribe we can still b edgy on redit"

who gives a shit

stop caring about reddit

stop caring

the real lesson

Oh no theyโ€™re making edgy jokes on a different subreddit! ๐Ÿ˜ญ


As a user of reddit since before it had comments, I have to cope with the increasingly stupid admins somehow.

you literally lose sleep over a subreddit with cartoon frogs


Honestly fuck this, why can't MDEdegenerates can't have their own fucking homes? Ok yeah "it causes drama" and "mde-tears lol" but these faggots keep invading other shitholes. mde was a fucking containment sub and it actually worked unlike /pol/ and 4chan.

why am i actually mad right now

haha you know what would be really funny? If we all reported https://twitter.com/new_engine for being Sam Hyde ban evading... because he runs that twitter account...

It's the /pol/ crackdown of 2015 all over again.

Man the gates, 'fugees incoming.

Can we please have an MDE where they make fun of reddit dipshits but without the vicious race hatred?

One day my spirit will rise from the grave, and the world will know that I was right!

- Sam Hyde

Build. The. Wall. No more MDEfugees!
