Google CEO had to explain to Congress why Googling ‘idiot’ turns up pictures of Trump

1  2018-12-12 by Snowayne2


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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How could anyone keep a straight face through that?

The one repub Louie "Gomer" complained about Wikipedia being in the search results, then said Google should be liable for what turns up in search results. Then didn't even ask a question.

Literally just the ramblings of an idiot displaying an ignorance of the internet that left... nobody really that suprised.

I don't know what's going on, but boy am I pissed!

Is that the Bollywood version of Jeff Goldblum or am I just dreaming 😍😍😍

Half the charisma for a quarter of the price? Sounds about right.

1.3M total comp to be CEO of Google is definitely 1/4 price.

This one claims he gets $200m, so maybe that site is just crap.

1.3m is probably just direct cash comp.

Sounds more realistic. My companies HR head makes 1.5M total comp and we're sure as fuck no Google.

This is almost 1337 levels of money!

Isn't that because people keep searching for idiot and find Trump in the results? It's like searching historical figures and finding Crusader Kings 2 portraits.

Good for Congress to waste Pichai's time, though.

I'd love for Crusader Kings to get brought up by congress, tbh

"Let's start with the simple concept of eigenvalues and eigenvectors..."

Whytf is congress wasting their time grilling the CEO of google over how google search results work? "We really need to get to the bottom of this 'google'" said the oldest whitest human being on earth that somehow still holds a position of power.

Because a bunch of old, senile idiots genuinely believe the CEO of a tech company has a more in-depth knowledge of their algorithms compared to the actual software engineers.

Considering how much more money he gets than his software engineers, he better get up and take shit from Congress instead of them

He has an actual STEM degree so I think he will understand the PageRank algorithm and the linear algebra behind it better than many software """engineers""".

i feel personally attacked by this comment

Delete this.

Most of google's search result ordering isn't based on pagerank anymore.

This is terrible news for math professors everywhere who need example applications of eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

The fact we still let rural America vote is disgraceful.

Brave New World with savage reservations when?

I could use some soma rn

Right? If it wasn't for them offensive speech, Christianity, marriage, testosterone, mass shootings, pregnancy, gluten, and neuro-typical privilege would all be in the trashbin of history where they belong.

I'm just tired of Christcucked hillbillies driving climate policy because they're retarded 🤷‍♂️

That's literally the dumbest reason, though I guess I didn't actually leave you much.

According to the available science none of the policies that have been seriously proposed including full implementation of the Paris Accord will make any meaningful difference at all at this point. Climate change is going to happen, anybody who tells you different is either stupid or trying to sell you a Prius.

You actually don't understand anything about the Paris agreement. It's kind of amazing all the different criticisms of it that exist and you chose the one that really proves you haven't read anything substantial about climate policy.

You might be right though. Hicks like you are so fucking brain dead you might kill all of us. GG I guess.

First, I'm not a hick I was raised in a city and I don't like the woods because I heard that the reason one of the Olsen twins looks like a 90 year old Italian lady is because of Lyme disease which you get from ticks. Do your research.

Second, I'm serious. You should look into the actual climate projections. Not an article about how X scientist supports Y policy, they do that out of a mistaken belief that doing something is better than doing nothing and out if a naive hope in incremental change until we actually have people ready to make the insane cuts and lifestyle changes that would be required. Look at the science itself.

Seriously, it's not up for debate. It's also not going to be that big a deal as long as you live in the first world and you don't own property on the coast.

Bro why do you act all high and mighty and leave out the tiny tidbit that an increase of 2 degrees Celsius in one scenario is much better that +6 in 2B. Fuck basic crop science that you learn at the farmer’s school tells you that +6 degrees in mean temperatures can fuck you up in states like Arizona or the Dustbowl.

No proposed legislation with any serious political will behind it in America would have that level of impact. That's the whole point. Not one of the things we would be doing even if we went well beyond the Paris Agreement would amount to even a 1 degree difference in temperature let alone 4. That's literally what the science says. the impact would be negligible.

I'm starting to understand how you guys got tricked in the first place.

Retard this is why the whole world makes an agreement to do it all at once 🤔

Dude, I know, it's factoring that in. God you climate cucks are dumb, how have you not just gone and looked it up at this point?

it's gonna trigger a refugee crisis of apocalyptic proportions so first worlders are going to be fucked regardless of where you live.

Agreed. Only climate change deniers should be against Building the Wall.

watermark, is that you?

Id love form him to pull up a circlejerk post on Reddit titled "idiot. If this picture gets enough upvotes it will be the first result when someone googles idiot"

And then the reddit CEO should get summoned to explain that shit

better yet to find prequel memes posting pictures of "jesus" and its obi-wan

the senate

Weeb? Skyrim and elder scrolls are American made video games based on European lore and history. I had too google the weeb word. I actually don’t like anime I just happened to like medieval fantasy genres which is pretty different than what you are suggesting and it was developed in the USA by a USA based studio. Learn what words mean and what about the subjects before you start talking shit you look like a 12 year old little boy btw get the fuck out of here you little cunt


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Google has grown leaps and bounds and all but dominates the internet ad market, they are cooperating with the Chinese government to censor their search results.

Representative Cletus: "Why'd your search results say orang man bad >:("

Radical centrism. Googling "idiot" and "genius" show pictures of Trump

"cuck" fits better

The thing pissing me off about this is less the retarded congress, and more how this entire thing will then make the actual issues about algorithms being retarded ignored.

For example, youtube algorithms, and the demonitization thing.

This is stupid, but I'm glad someone is at least fucking with Google a little bit. Does no one else find this insanely rich corporation with a near monopoly on such a fundamental (modern) service creepy? Not even when you factor in the fact that said monopoly presumably gives them enough information on 95% if the population to blackmail them? What about the fact they track our phones when they're off? What about...

Ah, fuck it, I already know it's still just me.

I feel you