Another Mumkey Jones update: The wifebeater aka Assburger is now saying he diddnu niffin and Mumkey was the bad guy all along! Trust me guys, says the alcoholic.

1  2018-12-12 by wazzupnerds


If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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suX too have BAD frens

how many threads about this faggot are you going to post?

this is boring even by r/drama's standards

As many as I can you MDEtard

are you actually him or something because you've been posting about this no-name youtube fag for weeks

had 300k subscribers Nobody

Look guys I found a tard!

lmao if you think 1) that those 300k subscribers were all real people or that b) 300k subscribers is a lot

fuck off youtube fag

Never said I was Mumkey

Preciate it as someone who likes mumkey but not enough to keep up will all this bullshit

Holy shit nobody cares.

How is it a dox when this is all public information after he got arrested?

(because he's fucking stupid)


As one of the four official fans of this ongoing ball of drama, thanks for keeping us all in the loop. I still wonder what Assburger's public defence is gonna be.

Honestly I don't know what this guy expected considering 50% of his vids are about Elliott Roger or school shootings. It's not really a good look for youtube to allow that kinda stuff to get so much attention

Two of his channels got terminated already.

It's easy to forget considering the current climate, but as recently as 2016 YT management seemed a bit less hands on and a lot less actively image concerned. When he started I think he thought it'd be fine, then he made it his career because he graduated with a degree in english lit so he didn't have other options, and now he's been deluding himself into thinking YouTube wont purge him while it makes the slow transition from social media platform to children's entertainment platform and tv clip aggregator.