Skeptoid Jeremy SarQuartering outValves gaymer wallets. Jizzelles are **not** amused!

1  2018-12-12 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


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Can I get that title in English?

Member of the <<<skeptic>>> community, Jeremy (idk his last name), but he goes by The Quartering (not a fan, tbh) has raised a fair chunk of change for a new [[[edgy]]] gayming forum/platform/thing. (((/r/Ghazi ))) of course, is not impressed.

His last name is Hambly, which is why everyone calls him TheQuarterPounder.

Hamplanetbly Bacon-Orbiter!

Better known as ✨👑Magic Daddy👑✨

Wizard of the sleeve

Defender against the THOT menace, Protector of Angry Incels

His name is Jeremy, the Chad Leprechaun.