/r/hapas is literally just upvoting a picture of a woman with giant tits. TranceFan95 will be not happy about this!

1  2018-12-12 by glorica


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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How does your Asian wife feel about this?

I'll bet $100 she doesn't date asian guys

Based on the thirst in that thread, I can see why.

That 100 dollars is mine yoink...

and now it's mine

Ok frick off dog fucker...

I ain't the one who fucks dogs

apparently shes dating a gook

I don’t believe it.

I don’t believe that person is really who they say they are

Keep coping you idiot

Simple google search of her username proves who she is

Prove it

Really, you care that much? Get a fucking life you loser

This sub might be the most pathetic incels I've ever seen


prove it fag

goddamn incels posting in DRAMA

What the fuck is wrong with you?

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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Good choice

Certainly better than some jap shit or cracker mayo

1/4 chinese and 3/4 black

Is whiter than the average chinese person


That is what centuries of Manchu, Mongol, and Jurchen occupation will do to you, unfortunately. Talk about some bad neighbors!

Do you acknowledge nanking?

Step 1: Create reddit account

Step 2: Type "blasian girl big tits" into Google

Step 3: Download the image

Step 4: Rub one out once it downloads

Step 5: Remember that you haven't created an account yet

Step 6: Actually create the reddit account this time

Step 7: Pretend to be the girl in the image and post on /r/hapas

Step 8: Sleep soundly knowing that you once again trolled EurasianTiger and his three hundred alt accounts

Step 9: Receive death threats from Persephone

Step 10: Get killed by angry Greek snake witch

The amount of effort you put in wasn’t worth it , take a pity upvote...


Wow you're really deep in this r/hapas narrative.

Since you are here, does /r/hapas do anything other than be neurotic and hyper-fixated on race all the time? It's so sad, and nobody really tells them to get help like when the topic is about other race-oriented subs.

The historical inequity of wmaf is not really the focus. Much more important is internalized racism, manifested through self hate, and white worship--- to put it more starkly, internalized white supremacy. This is not historical, this is current. Racism is still alive and well. We see that a lot in WMAF relationships. If love is colorblind (non-racist) WMAF would not outnumber AMWF. But WMAF outnumbers AMWF extremely significantly. Why? Racism is gendered. In this case, against Asian males and Asian looking males (including most hapa males), and in favor of white males. Who are the children of WMAF couples? Hapas. Around 50% of those are hapa males. Hapa males who are born to parents who are together due to internalized white supremacy which puts whiteness as the best, and asianness as beneath it, especially Asian-maleness, are in for a horrible, horrible shock, since they are essentially Asian males. And I'm not talking about not being able to get a date. I'm talking about deep issues of self-worth and identity-- fundamental insecurity. Speaking from experience. I’ve heard from HF who also had self hate and discrimination related to their ethnicity, this isn’t solely a hapa male issue.

This is not about controlling anyone’s dating choices. This is about protecting future children by raising awareness, as one voice among a plurality of hapa voices.

All those words won't bring daddy back.

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Hshahah are you serious, thats a nice narrative you’ve made up lmfao

Nice manifesto 👌

racism isnt real ever

Sit ob my face bb


No, your subreddit is actually just shitposting about expats, WMAF relationships being "scientifically bad" and women not dating you. Asian women who are otherwise woke still fucking hate you tards because of your harassment campaigns, so asian girls chasing white cock isn't going anywhere anytime soon

Get some counseling instead of shitposting about neckbeards.

I usually am not a fan of places like hapas, but they really do have a point with their sexpat hate. Every old balding mayo who goes to "teach english" in an asian country could be lined up and shot and absolutely nothing of value would be lost.

True dat

someone get that high yella gussy a sledgehammer. she has the genetics for railroad work.

Took me a second to get this

It's over for John-Henry-cels

It never even began for folklore-referencels

Whoa! Thanks for posting! va va va fucking voom.


If you date asian guys, which men are the most salty? I heard white dudes are triggered pretty hard at AMBF



“Black people say this to express support amongst their colleagues, right? She’ll love it.”

Yeah that's a stretch dude. You should just stop posting anywhere on the internet.

Holy shit. Those are very decent breasts.

/r/drama is filled with the saddest douchebags on all of reddit.

did niggas ancestors got raped a lot 😅