Chris Crocker's Very Bad Day.

1  2018-12-12 by snallygaster

Before the normalization of internet friends and the rise of livestreaming platforms like Twitch, livestreaming was associated with the very first youth subcultures to become comfortable with talking to strangers online. The largest of these subcultures was the scenesters, and the most popular of their livestreaming platforms was Stickam.

Full of teenagers, trainwrecks, and the glorification of bad behavior, the Scene scene was rife with drama. And Stickam, with its lax content policy, provided the perfect platform to foster that drama and broadcast it across the world. Sometimes the events were long and ongoing, such as one man's attempt to create a full-time reality show by cramming some of Scene's most infamous disasters into an LA apartment. Most of Stickam's spats were much more fleeting, but they were entertaining nonetheless.

If you were at all sentient during the mid-2000's, the words "Leave Brittney alone!" probably mean something to you. They launched Chris Crocker into internet stardom and, unbeknownst to most fans of the video, caused him to rise to prominence within the Scene community. Chris found himself at home on Stickam, where he became known for being a bit of a 'wild child' and frequent target of gossip regarding both his online and offline behavior.

Despite the negativity surrounding him, Chris was living the good life (as defined by a scenester in 2008)- the internet sensation had many adoring fans, a group of fellow e-famous people to pal around with, a neverending fountain of booze, and a place to share his booze-fueled antics. Although his streams sometimes flirted with Stickam's Terms and Conditions, the admins of the website were reportedly willing to stretch their rules for him. But the rules could only be stretched so far until they broke, allegedly, and Chris earned the distinction of being one of the few well-known cammers to receive a permaban from the website.

Drunk and donning nothing but pigtails and a well-placed sock, Chris performed a dance for his audience that has since been lost to time. Nudity was one of Stickam's hard lines, and Chris was forever banned from streaming on the platform. Well, that was allegedly the reason for the ban. Chris had other ideas, and his response to those ideas triggered an explosion of drama that tore the scenesters of Stickam into opposing factions.

Chris had once been friends with the late Scene Queen Stevie Ryan. At the time, Stevie was dating an employee of Stickam, and the word on the e-street was that Chris had colluded with Stevie and her boyfriend to get another popular scenester, Johnny Boy, banned. Between that and the sock incident (a span of four months), something had happened to make Stevie's opinion of Chris sour. In the meantime, Chris reconciled his differences with Johnny Boy.

When Chris awoke to his ban, his first action was to enter Stevie's livestream. There, he saw the unthinkable- Stevie's boyfriend was mocking his plight! Chris was allegedly taken aback by the man's mockery, as he was under the impression that he was on good terms with the couple. The betrayal caused Chris to fly into a fit of rage, and after filling Stevie's chat with angry lines of text, the scorned man retreated to Johnny Boy's livestream, where he and his previous enemy complained about Stevie, her boyfriend, and Stickam at large.

Stickam immediately split into two camps- Team Chris and Team Stevie. Both streaming personalities had already grown a regiment of haters, and the latest drama allowed them to express their deep contempt for each internet celebrity. Those who liked to compare Stevie to a horse continued to do so, while those who believed that Chris was a dramatic little bitch used this as evidence that they were right. Fans of both Chris and Stevie leaped to their defense in a heated battle. Even the 'neutral' parties in the matter wrote not-so-neutral summaries (though a truly neutral summary is a rare find in these sorts of things).

Although the happening was one of the most memorable in Stickam history, and one of the most heated in the Scene subculture when it was at its peak, the denizens of the website soon grew bored and moved on to a different drama-of-the-month. The death of Stickam soon left all but a hint that the moment in subculture history had ever happened- a far cry from the behemoth multi-platform, millions-onlooking feuds that we're familiar with today. Today, drama of this magnitude occurs on a daily basis. Although Chris Crocker's very bad day may seem unremarkable in this respect, it is interesting to look at it as spectators did nearly a decade ago, or as a taste of what was to come.


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


  1. frequent - Outline

  2. target - Outline

  3. of - Outline

  4. gossip - Outline

  5. performed a dance for his audience - Outline

  6. had once been friends - Outline

  7. Stevie Ryan - Outline

  8. reconciled - Outline

  9. his differences - Outline

  10. used this as evidence that they wer... - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. This Post -,,,

  2. one man's attempt to create a full-... -,,,

  3. Chris Crocker -,,

  4. frequent -,,

  5. target -,,

  6. of -,,

  7. gossip -,,

  8. performed a dance for his audience -,,

  9. had once been friends -,,

  10. Stevie Ryan -,,

  11. that Chris had colluded with Stevie... -,,

  12. Johnny Boy -,,

  13. reconciled -,,

  14. his differences -,,

  15. was mocking his plight -,,

  16. fly into a fit of rage -,,

  17. liked to compare Stevie to a horse -,,

  18. used this as evidence that they wer... -,,

  19. Chris -,,

  20. Stevie -,,

  21. not-so-neutral summaries -,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

At least he's clean i guess

shoutout to Azealia Banks go buy some Bussy Boy

not eating bussy in current year

Heh, if you say so champ. Now if you'll excuse, I'm going to eat out /u/MasterLawlz hairy asshole. See you later virgins 😎

Cool story bro

post from main fig

? U drunk

no u figott

Ixowkkco o psnwoz akwpak d wowosn




Thanks man


Where did you go tadder?

With the current state of YouTube and the internet in general, would it still be possible for some random person with a camera to reach a comparable level of internet fame?

Probably not. Back when Chris was famous the biggest video on yt had something like 30 million views after a few years, and it really meant something for someone to go viral and have as much exposure as Chris got. It's piss easy for somebody to get as many views as Chris got back then, which I guess dilutes the 'accomplishment'. In general, internet """"""celebrities""""""" had a much smaller audience, but there were many magnitudes fewer of them as well, which I guess makes them more significant. One day Chris Crocker may end up in some History of Internet textbook as an example of an early viral video/internet celebrity, but your average instaho or fortnite streamer will probably be forgotten in a few years, despite receiving much more net attention at their peak.

It's only a matter of time (if it hasn't happened already) until entertainment companies start manufacturing e-celebs similar to the music industry.

iirc Fullscreen and Soundcloud record companies serve that function, but I'm not too familiar with that part of the internet because it's mostly really boring

Impossible to manufacture that kind of mental illness when you're competing with millions that have the ah... natural aptitude.

Manufacture in this context is simply enablement of the naturally gifted.

Why should they?

It’s a self creating industry they just need to promote a new form of “entertainment” such as pranks or those lol so random XD shit like filthy frank and then they get 10 More people doing the same shit

The internet is true KKKaptalism

idk if you know, but FilthyFrank is an artist now sign to a label


lmao as always

The best part is that it's an specifically Asian label too. lol

Why should would they?

Uh, to make money?

smdh goyim got no profit sense

I’m saying it happens automatically

A true Jew would understand work to profit ratios

There are companies that do take up-and-coming "content-creators", help them develop their image/gimmick, and give them exposure in exchange for a big cut of the pay. It's the same thing that happens with irl celebrities, just on a less extreme degree.

There's only so many hours and eyeballs in a day.

A true Jew would understand work to profit ratios

Gentile pls. If you make more money while you're money is making money then you have more money to make money with.

Gentile pls.

That phrase really tickles me.

It's already the case.

The likes of Jake Paul etc are bank rolled by some rich entity. He and a bunch of other “““influences“““ live in a huge mansion.

That kind of thing has been happening for a decade. Australian YouTubers moved to NYC to live with Brooker a or some shit in 2008 or 2009.


Fame brings with it more downsides these days. Recently a young girl on a certain new video sharing platform got doxxed hard, thirsty Russians from sosach managed to get the exact layout of her home.

The doxxing and problematic era has been shit. It forces online posters to either be anonymous and obsessed with privacy or have a squeaky clean image

Here's hoping it ends sooner rather than later

Or just be rich and live in a compound before starting your youtube career tbh

Anti-gossip services to flood fake rumors plus deepfaked porn everywhere so when the real noods leak no one believes it's real

That used to happen in the mid-late 00's as well, but mostly only to people who were infamous or did terrible shit. Kimmo Alm is a good example. He deserves his own post, but it'd take a long time to do it right.

There's an article about him on the English Equivalent To Lurkmore That Shall Not Be Named, time to dig deep.

That article gives a nice overview, but there's a lot more to it. An entire community grew around fucking with the guy. Some tinychan clones are even still active today.

OMG you are such a tease. You drop these hints that there's a fascinating story here, but it's one that nobody but you could understand in the context of the time and boil down into an interesting narrative.

I'm almost positive that a few people on this sub were involved with it.

If there wasn't a good reason to nuke Russian before then this is certainly enough for me.


i can't believe i haven't seen this yet

Look at chocolate rain

As long as a community obsess over some small niche video it would happen

Another example are all those Twitter “memes” some cartoons and some just people being lol so random

Can you put this in audio form

Can’t read all this tbh use vocaroo or some shit


Is this a metaphor where Chris is the monkey, the whore internet fame, and we society are the protagonist?

Woah. Maybe.

Also, does this sound clip have any backstory whatsoever, like wtf? And who made it?

It's from trolldb.txt, a document compiled primarily by the teens4christ irc troll group, and it is my rendition.

I can't tell if that's the right one.

Aw emo and hardcore shows, druggies and the straight edgers. Where’d my youth go. :(

Those were the days!

DAE remember chatrooms?!

DAE a/s/l?!

DAE 13/f/call?

I really need to get back into posting there, and adding /u/pisserpatterwater's posts to the Table of Contents.

Please don't add my posts there, they're shit.

I found something for it that may wrote up if I can be bothered to. Crazy conspiracy site.

Yeah, it's bloody brilliant.

Wow this post takes me back. Brb while I listen to Minor Threat and learn HTML and flatter girls by putting them in my top 8

I'm going to see From First to Last this weekend. Wanna come!

They're still around and touring?

Crocker was an idiot and I almost feel pity for anyone who unironically liked him.

I matched with him on Tinder last year. No fuckin personality. Besides, after he did that bareback porn he got fat.

Did you go through with it??

Ew, no. He was in the area trying to start some gay porn website. I'm looking for love, not lust. I've also turned down Clay Aiken, and that gay black football player (Sam, something? Michael Samm?) who had to quit sports due to mental illness.

You probably made the right decision with all three of these.

Looking for love on tinder was your first mistake

It's Hinge or bust these days, bby.

looking for love on tinder

It was over before it started.

I remember when he started his porn career, he went from twink to full on hawt beard hipster. 👌👌👌

this is ancient

good effortpost though

That's like if someone dug up the One True Cross and you're like "well that's 2000 years old, but it took a lot of work to find it, so nice try".

I guess I apologize then?

This reminds me of lipstick party or makeout club. You had to submit an application to their teenage mods. You would submit a pic for them to judge and if they thought you were a cool, sexy scene kid you could join. I always wondered what they were getting up to.

What platform was that on? Back on Myspace there were a bunch of groups like that.

I know makeout club predated MySpace by a few years.. 1998 or 99ish? It was a bit of a barebones social media thing, like an expansion of those "friend circles" (I cant remember the correct term) you could add on the bottom of your angelfire or livejournal. The forums were the meat and potatoes, but they were for members only, so I never got to read them.

Damn, that's old school.

My claim to old school what the fuckery: because I spent too much time suffering in Silicon Valley on occasion, I had the fortunate? chance to get shit faced with someone claiming to have been involved in Operation Sun Devil. Just look at those fucking names, lol

Damn that's nuts. Do you remember what they said?

Good read. There's really nothing like that early social media drama.

didn’t crocker turn into a cute trap?


obs not as cute as you bb ;)

that's a little rde

that's a little rude

What? I was complimenting you if anything.

Sorry 😢

Snally you're a filthy whore.

is snally trans?

What a fag.

I mean I don't even care if dudes fuck your asshole, but crying over popstars? Massive faggot.

You always bring your A game.

Huh, I used to love "Stoners United" back in the day. Wonder whatever happened to those kids?

This post made me feel old

ok gramps

I was absolutely drunk all through that period. I did not even know there was a scene culture until it was dead.

Great read. Your dedication to retelling these obscure old drama events is honestly a bit inspiring.

hes showing off his (pretty nice) bussy on twitter now

so i guess be careful who u bully in middle school

He has done porn

Snally 😍

Mod him now.

Snally how the fuck do you find this shit.

I am so glad I never got into scene shit when it was a thing.

I am so glad I never got into scene shit when it was a thing.

sorry but this is the shit I like to see happen from a distance.

I am so glad I never got into scene shit when it was a thing.

Where does that Miss Moogoo chick fit into this?

gay effortpost.

kys op

Leave chris alone!!