My [28F] boyfriend [24M] of eight months is mad at me because I told my two female friends about his Mommy fetish

1  2018-12-13 by WatermelonMcNuggets


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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calling her mommy instead of daddy


Poor Mencels can't even have mommy fetishes. Shame.

They ALL have mommy fetishes.

Source: I'm a woman in my 40s and the number of young men who say they want to call me mommy and baby them and suck my titties is staggering.

I'm a used-up old crone, these young Mountain Daw & Dorito fed youngers are 73 shades of fucked.

post gussy or gtfo

I'm fat, ain't nobody wanna see that shit except dudes with weird mommy fetishes.

Eww so is it called MDLB?

MDlb but yes.

Not hilarious. You broke his trust and opened him up to being made fun of

I dunno man, sounds pretty fucking hilarious to me

It is indeed hilarious and from extensive internet research, unless he's shitting in a diaper this is a pretty tame fetish. He needs to show mommy he's a big boy who wears big boy pants and won't be embarrassed by other girls.

But what if mommy brought her hot friend over, to watch and tease him as she gently plays with her little boy? Maybe the friend can teach him the value of sharing, if he asks for it nicely 😁😁

Okay usually mommy stuff grosses me out but that was hot.

Yikes, they want to crucify that gussy.

Shouldn’t all gussy by crucified?

A guy being willing to date someone 4 years older is a big red flag to begin with

Somebody has been watching too much incest porn.

And a whole lot of somebodies are far to immature to be engaging in sex or advising others on the topic.

Can you blame him? Open pornhub and it's all step shit 😭

But why?

I'm sorry, mommy. Please don't spank me for not knowing!!!

Broken homes.

This but unironically.

How many days before the world finds out?

Everyone within his social cirxle already knows. That shit is way too juicy to keep a secret. That dude is fucked.

when going down on me he might say something like: Mommy tastes funny down there, but it's okay because I love my Mommy. Or after he came: Thank you, Mommy. Im so happy, I love you.


She gotta wash that gussy. A lil whiff of poo is hot but smelling like a warm turtle tank is not.


No, no, no. None of that "I'm so terrible, woe is me." stuff. You're not a terrible person. You're also not a good person. You're a flawed person. We're all flawed to different degrees.

You want to do the right thing? Stop feeling bad for yourself. Tell your boyfriend that you take full responsibility, that this was entirely your fault and that you feel horrible. Be explicit and specific in specifying what it is that you did wrong, not on the practical level but on the moral level. Tell him that while you know you can't undo this, you'll do anything you can do fix what you did. Furthermore, you want to promise to him that this won't happen again in the future, and outline in detail how you plan to make sure of this. This may include things like cutting out alcohol or cutting contact with your friends who don't seem like very nice people anyway(Don't isolate yourself though).

Don't start crying when you apologize. Be honest about your emotions and express your remorse, but do not start crying. That makes it about you and your emotions.

Nice, shut that foid down.

Nah, that fucker played right into her food lamentations.

She betrayed her BF's trust, and self-flagellates to get people to stop being so mean.

Bitch OP said:

You're right, I'm a terrible person and I don't even deserve him.


I guess when I read the whole "I am a terrible person" spiel, I immediately think the veiled message is "won't ANYONE feel sorry for MEEEEE?!"

Not hilarious

It's not the best thing to do, but it's actually pretty funny. Sui-fuel for MILF-lover-cels.

Everyone knows bitches need to spontaneously combust at 29 years old.

They say the "wall" hits women at 30.

Is that what they call me now? Fucking bitches

Life-fuel for domestic-abuse-cels

Good, now he'll call her daddy like a real man out of shame.

Thats what he gets for trusting a woman. All my embarrassing fetishes stay between me and the hookers.

It's over for Oedipus-cels

Let him go, develop yourself personally, alone, so you'll be better for the right guy next time.

There it is, the 'break up with him' comment all /r/relationships threads have.

If either person in a relationship does a bad thing, the only possible solution to the problem is to instantly end it.

CMV: people with degenerate fetishes deserve to have them paraded around for everyone's amusement

Pornhub has a lot to answer for

I'm a Dom and I've dated women who called me Daddy, those types of people can be exhausting if it doesn't stop at the bedroom door

That guy is a basket case of mental issues