Holding a woman responsible for her own actions, ugh, so GROSS

1  2018-12-13 by GoldenMonkeyPox


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


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It never began for non-female-cels


I was gonna take a wild guess that dumbasscowboy is either a projecting women or a pure white knight, but xir confuses me so maybe both?

I suspect female NEET as she complains about not having enough spoons to provide proof for her feelings.

not having enough spoons

The spoons buzzword legit triggers me shitless. I go apopleptic 100% of the times I see it.

I had an ex gf make me read some blogpost about it and then be like "See? You just don't have enough spoons!" like it was some brilliant insight to use a fucking childish-ass metaphor instead of "I'm too tired for this shit."


just say you're fucking tired like a functional adult

There anti-ad block thing is so obnoxious I couldn't read it. Probably for the best.

everyone who says that should get the helicopter

I don't really have the spoons to go through every comment right now tbh. I listed the one I could think of off the top of my head, but you could just.. I don't know, read them for yourself, dude.

You weren’t even kidding. I thought you were kidding.

Fuck people who fuck around in other people's relationships, and fuck who think it's okay to fuck around in other people's relationships.

Brave 👏

You sound like the kind of asshole who fucks with people in relationships.

Being a good family man whilst ploughing someone else’s trophy wife on the side is the epitome of radical centrism.

jesus approved if the trophy wifes hot

Brave and hot take: I don’t like [thing that 99% of people also disagree with]

You sound like the kind of asshole who seriousposts on /r/drama.

You sound like the kind of cuck whose relationship got fucked with.


Fuck cancer.

Anti vaxxers are retarded

black people ARE people.

Multi Layer Marketing is bad

Multi Layer tacos are great

Only the person in the relationship is doing something wrong unless you are friends with the other partner. You can't fuck your buddy's girl, but it's fine to fuck a stranger's girl.

In Brazil we solve this matters with bullets

Americans used to do that too, until the average male's testosterone dropped 50%.

Too fat and too cucked.

“Don’t feel bad, if I saw you on the street when I was in the military, I would have whistled at you.”

-President Bolsanaro to Ellen Page

is that an actual quote

Well, translated. Directly after she said she was a lesbian.

Is he talking about a litteral whistle or is he refering to something else?

Like a cat call

He's saying he would've catcalled her. This let's her know that he wants to stick his linguica into her moqueca.

That's why Brazil is, as Trump would say, a 3rd world shithole.

I hope several.

Fuck people who don’t post bussy

You ain't posting bussy

Fuck me in my bussy

Man gets married.

Man fucks other woman.

Redditors: "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! That woman is such a homewrecking slut!"

Holding the person who's single and fucking random people responsible instead of the person who's in the committed relationship is one of the stupidest commonly held believes about relationships. Extra points for ridiculousness when it's one of their strongest beliefs ("Fuck people who..."), even though random strangers have zero obligation to watch out for the integrity of someone else's relationship. It's as if it's super hard to just say no if you're being propositioned.

It's likely a bunch of male and female betas who have been cucked, and are demanding that anyone who cheats with their partner be gang bullied (because they're too pussy to do it 1 on 1). They won't hold the cheating partner responsible because they're still in love with them and will white knight for the cheater even as they're being cucked.

The only responsibility you have morally (not legally) is to tip your friend or relative off if you know their partner is cheating.

They won't hold the cheating partner responsible because they're still in love with them and will white knight for the cheater even as they're being cucked.

Yup. It's total projection when some people claim in this thread that this has anything to do with whiteknighting. I'd defend a random gigolo dudebro who fucks everything that moves just the same and instead I'd blame the cheating whore who can't help but spread her legs for any random cock that hops inside.

in actuality random strangers have zero obligation to watch out for the integrity of someone else's relationship. It's as if it's super hard to just say no if you're being propositioned.

People thinking you're a piece of shit and torpedoing your career advancement are pretty good reasons not to do it.

Unless, like, you thrive on drama

Holding the person who's single and fucking random people responsible instead of the person who's in the committed relationship is one of the stupidest commonly held believes in the west about relationships.

Almost everyone holds cheaters responsible and agrees they are scum.

it's holding the wrong person responsible

BOTH are responsible. I love how some people (retards) can't grasp the fact that more than one person can be held responsible.

And the reason they are focusing on her is because SHE'S the one posting about it. If her boyfriend was the one posting about this situation then he'd be the one getting shit for it. How are you this dense?

BOTH are responsible. I love how some people (retards) can't grasp the fact that more than one person can be held responsible.

Sure, the random thot is responsible in a "ackchually" autistic perspective: Like a shoe is responsible for kicking the ball.

because SHE'S the one posting about it.

So?! What's wrong with her posting about her amorous conquests? Gotta be real retard to date someone who does this while also being married to someone else.

Sure, the random thot is responsible for cheating in a technically ("ackchually") autistic perspective: Like a shoe is responsible for kicking the ball. Or hammer being made responsible for hammering a nail.

Translation: I'm correct. Thanks for admitting it.

But I love the implication that she has no agency in this situation like a hammer has no agency when being used. As if she's just a mindless thot with no control over herself and HAS to jump on the dick of first married man she sees. You obviously have so much respect for them wahmens.

So?! What's wrong with her posting about her amorous conquests? Gotta be real retard to date someone who does this while also being married to someone else.

WTF are you ranting about? You were wondering why she's the one getting all the shit and I explained.

But I love the implication that she has no agency in this situation like a hammer has no agency when being used

Right. She has no agency in regards to a relationship that she isn't involved in. That's correct.

You obviously have so much respect for them wahmens.

Is your mind so poisoned by all the SJW bullshit that you can only look at things through some kind of gendered lens? This has nothing to do with whether she's a woman or a man. A whore of a man who fucks married women who like to cheat on their husbands is similarly not to blame and not responsible for the cheating.

She has no agency in regards to a relationship that she isn't involved in.

You MAY have a point if the man didn't tell her he was married but that's not the case here. She knew god damn well he was married when she got involved with him and that makes her a ho. I agree that the man is worse but she still a ho. Not to mention she has a pattern of whoreness because she admitted her last boyfriend was also married.

If you make a promise to your best friend that you'll never eat meat, I know about this promise and cook you a beautiful prime cut of meat and put it in front of you, then I still have absolutely zero responsibility if you break your stupid promise. It's your promise to keep. Not mine. I don't give a fuck about your friendship or whether you're a liar who can't keep his promises.

Are you comparing a woman to meat? Not great optics. Also, the meat has no agency at all. This is a double yikes from me.



Boning two dudes in your workplace that are on their way out of marriage to whatever degree from “ya baby I am totally leaving” to “we don’t live to together” is just drama seeking behavior that will get you shunned.

That I can agree with. Behaving like this is just inviting drama into your life. Wouldn't recommend.

Sure, the random thot is responsible for cheating in a technically ("ackchually") autistic perspective: Like a shoe is responsible for kicking the ball. Or hammer being made responsible for hammering a nail.

You give her literally no agency?

Do I have any agency in how our conversation impacts your relationship to someone who is in a monogamous conversationalist relationship with you? Or is talking to me on you?

Marriage is a large social phenomenon that exists outside of a commitment between two people. Doing things to undermine marriages for selfish reasons is immoral. You can't reasonable be expected to know what directions this conversation could go in that would cause harm to me but you absolutely are expected to know that attempting to sleep with a married person undermines and important social institution and directly causes harm.

You'd be enabling destructive behavior. You'd be equivalent to the bar tender that overserves a patron and lets them drive or the drug dealer that tries to upsale their clients to opiates. Yes, we hold the self destructive party responsible but enabling this behavior for selfish purposes is also reprehensible.

Marriage is a large social phenomenon that exists outside of a commitment between two people.

Sure, but when it comes to cheating we absolutely can reduce it down to the commitment between to people, because that's the aspect that the discussion is about.

Doing things to undermine marriages for selfish reasons is immoral.

Sure. I would probably disagree with you that offering sex to a married person is undermining the marriage.

You'd be enabling destructive behavior.

Disagree. If you cheat the commitment part of the relationship was nonexistant in the first place. You can't destroy something that didn't exist. As I pointed out in another post: A commitment like this is only meaningful if you actually have to abstain from something. If any random thot that comes along makes you waver you're not having a commitment.

This. LAOP didn't do anything wrong. Blame the husband, not the woman he's cheating with.

The fact that you have to make up the part about not holding the cheaters responsible shows how bad your point is.

Punishing defectors is the way to keep them in check, if you're knowing and willing accessory to cheating, then it's good and proper to hold you in contempt.

How is this yaaaas kewwwwn bullshit getting upvoted?

Lol, people who think cheaters are immoral are normies now. Fantastic.

long history of misogynistic differential treatment of women in failed relationships

It’s a fact because I feel it guys! It’s totally okay for me to project shit onto the OP

That poster is extrapolating their personal opinions onto the situation and then pretending that was the real event that went down.

She’s fucked two dudes in the office. That’s just trashy.

I'm being a slag and people are noticing! Help me, HR, fire anyone who says things to me!

sir, i get that you're trying to be woke but you've managed to call this woman a slut 50 distinct times in this thread and no one else has

Yep, the second I saw "I feel" I started laughing. These people are fucking parodies of themselves

She knew he was married, thus she also holds guilt. Guess it's too hard for male feminists.

wtf married people need sex too.

Why are people creating hypotheticals then discussing them as real events there?

Personal responsibility is the real patriarchy

Women think responsibility is misogyny because they rarely have to deal with it, same reason fat redneck mayos from bum fuck egypt can't handle being around other races without dick sucking Trump and using 3 racial slurs per sentence.

yea if the entirety of fucking EVERYTHING is provided for u and u dont have to do anything u wonder why people even fucking walk around initially.

mayos from egypt?

What, copts?

Bum fuck egypt is slang for the middle of nowhere

I remember when it was okay to say, “Don’t have sex unless you’re capable of raising a child.” The fact that abortion is now considered a women’s rights issue instead of an issue about regulating self control and personal responsibility is very telling and not a good look for women in general.

Also, if you ever want to see an example of what you’re talking about, the next time a woman starts complaining about feeling unsafe walking on the street, recommend that they carry a gun. I’ve done this several times, and every time the immediate reaction is a complete rejection of the idea. I don’t press the idea, but I’ll add a simple, “Why not? Nobody is stronger than a gun,” and they never have a counter response. The mere idea that they are the sole person responsible for their personal safety makes them change the subject every time.

What's the sauce on this?

You're actually right. Even broads that aren't generally totally dependent on others mostly balk at the idea of just getting a gun for that shit, at least in my experience. I imagine they grow'm different in the sticks though based on all the pics I've seen of girls in confederate flag bikinis with AR-15s.

I imagine they grow'm different in the sticks though based on all the pics I've seen of girls in confederate flag bikinis with AR-15s

They are still THOTs in different face paint bro. There is no woman left who doesnt fully believe the 'Im KWEEN worship me' shit

ye but they got gats tho

it was okay to say "Don't have sex unless you're capable of raising a child"

Bud I don't think that's an argument you want to support bringing back unless you're already relegated to incel status (which you probably are)

Don't ruin it for the rest of us who do enjoy fucking on some Gussy (I know I know it's not as good as bussy but it is self lubricating and tits are great)

I'd personally scramble the brains of every fetus to maintain the current sex-is-good status quo. Besides the babies will just be born fucking retarded anyways

I’m not an incel. I’m just a piece of shit.

Besides it’s post 2018, the babies will just be born fucking retarded anyways

I saw a baby on an ipad at the mall the other day. The mom packed it away and he immediately started crying, so she unpacked it and gave it back and he immediately calmed down. The kid was probably a year old and already addicted to this shit.

So yeah, you’re probably right about that.

You don't get it. Incels are pathetic for the same reasons. They've given up their agency in an attempt to gain victim status. Instead of "maybe I should take a shower and hit the gym" it's "those stupid femoids only fuck Chad" because all they care about is shoving their greasy cock in a wet hole.

Incels quality as men in concept only.

So what you're saying is everyone in general is a retard? I agree completely, but that's not changing my stance on abortion. In fact, seems even more like we should be aborting everyone

Men have always been able to do that, it's what prostitutes and foreigners in whatever country you were invading were for. Letting women engage in casual sex is what causes social problems.

this dude wants to only bang disease ridden prostitutes and have to rape third world wartorn countrywomen instead of just having sex with people you date and like

Yes, please tell me more about your idea of a perfect society 😂

Your entire post reeks of seriousposting mixed with some memes, it's disgusting. Please commit not breathing.

Right, so the dude with the long ass rant about how women are too dumb to be allowed to have sex is fine but I'm the seriousposter?

Never change, r/drama ❤

Young women these days completely reject and refuse accept any agency. They won't (willfully) see that their actions have a direct result in the outcomes of situations.

The reason is if I have no agency, nothing is ever my fault, because everything happens TO me, but I didn't do anything to start / stop it.

The perpetual victim.

these days

Been that way basically forever. One of the primary origins of patriarchy (women being denied property rights, freedom of movement, etc) is the idea that women cannot manage their own affairs because they are like children. It's just the latest permutation of a very old idea.

Get Rid Of Slimy girlS

"Oh G.R.O.S.S.!
"Best club in the cos-MOS!"

My favorite variation of that plotline is when Calvin's mom yells at him because he wanted to throw crab apples as Suzie, then we see Suzie catch him trying to throw a tomato at his mom.

People like dumbasscowboy are why the left cant be put anywhere near any sort of political office outside of being a DMV clerk. The only thing worse than a cheater is someone who tries to rationalize it like dumbasscowboy. You should be harassed if you cheat, relentlessly so - better yet you are lucky we live in a more modern time or else you would be swinging from a tree right now instead of complaining about it on reddit.

How did you turn this political? This whole situation was about one slutty woman and one cheating douche. Somehow you still managed to tie 50% of the population to it.

That is kind of political, since we're talking about its legal implications. Also because one side of our political fence believes that being a baby-killing whore is the pinnacle of virtue while the other side believes that sex outside of marriage should be banned outside of men and prostitutes.

Cons love them some abortions too, they just pay for theirs quietly and without expecting a medal.

Bullshit with no basis in reality to make liberals feel better about being the party of baby murder.

Which is lame as fuck. If you're gonna kill babies you should be loud and proud about that shit. Republicans aren't doing anything to reduce the number of people with Down's syndrome.

Republicans aren't doing anything to reduce the number of people with Down's syndrome.


How can you unironically type IANAL?

Especially since it goes without saying in /r/legaladvice

T B H she's a stupid asshole for helping a married guy cheat and he's a stupid asshole for cheating. Buuuuuuuut as far as legality goes, if these coworkers are actually persistently calling her a slut, interfering with her work, and threatening to beat her up that does actually sound like sex-based harassment that creates a hostile work environment.

Like no sympathy for queen thot here, but I think these LA niggas is giving bad advice based on their feefees about the situation.

Sounds like the wife's sister threatened to throw hands at the OP. Which tells me the whole thing should be taken to Maury/Springer show where they can duke it out.

Oh man, someone should make it. I bet it'd be wildly popular. Redditor deathmatch or some shit.

This is what this place used to be before pinging.

That's what we used to do before the cuck-mods gave up our pings.

Mods cucked us. We're basically the loser with the camera recording others having fun with our lolcows.

It was not the mods you bastard.

I don't remember employment discrimination law very well, but I THINK you'd be missing key elements here. Specifically I think those insults and threats would have to be from at least her supervisor and there would have to be some employment action taken against her. Plus I'm pretty sure the fact that it's a common moral judgment based on her own behavior would be analyzed by the court when looking at the because of sex element.

The fact that your co-workers think you're a peice of shit doesn't mean you get to sue your employer.

Nah, hostile work environment doesn't have to be from a supervisor. Coworkers repeatedly harassing her in a gendered way is enough if the company doesn't do anything about it.

There's another type of harassment that's a supervisor fucking with you, but that's not required here.


Yeah, the key part for what you're saying is at the bottom there. But until she reports this to HR or the persistent conduct is happening open,y enough that the bosses should be aware, they aren't liable. Once one of those happens the bosses just gotta say "Hey everybody, don't corner Becky in the bathroom or yell slut across the room."

But, again, just because it's a gendered slur doesn't mean that it would meet the because of sex element because courts will look at conduct that created the situation. We'd have to read through some cases to find out how this situation (which I'm sure has been covered) is usually handled but I'm not 100% convinced it would qualify.

She said in the post she already has documented it and reported it to HR and they refused to do anything.

Yeah the sex-based thing is a bit of a gamble. I'd imagine it would depend on how her male counterpart was being treated, how much of the harassment was specifically gendered, details like that.

If the slut and the garbage she are sleeping with are not discreet, the other people in the office could have a claim about them creating a hostile atmosphere.

LA bitches giving bad legal advice? Wow, the sky must be fucking blue today.












ITT: white knights and cucks serious posting lmao

This idiot thinks HR will take her side for being an office tramp? Pretty sure my company would show her the door for her actions being disruptive to the work environment.

Every HR department should only function as a honeypot for people disfunctional enough to request the intervention of the HR department.

I countered your point. You accuse me of wanting to beat women. Do you ever wonder why the people around you don't bother challenging the things you say, and come to the conclusion that it must be because you're the smartest person in the room?

