Ed, momruepari and watermark03, the abos, educate us about where do petrol really belongs

1  2018-12-13 by iamusingplebbit


Sorry, I didn't hear because I was busy huffing a gasoline soaked rag as if there wasn't hella ganja available India. P

It's over for huffing-cels

What part of Leaf-land are you from?

gib hints.

Dox plz

It never began for atlantic-cels πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


It's okay. At least you guys have some beautiful places to live. I live in boring-ass Ontario

Ontario at least has some stuff to do in it. NBers just keeps busy trying to draw pogey all winter and fighting about bilingualism. A real garbage pail province.

This is incredibly depressing to watch.

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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i woudl rather sniff gas than integrate into disgusting australian society

rip Watermark

😑😑😑he isn’t dead in our hearts

Are you allowed to sniff braps?

not bikey boys
