It’s not over for dinocels.

1  2018-12-13 by Ghdust2


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. This Post -,,

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Wtf...Dinosaurs eat people, they don’t creat Dino-human abominations.

On average, humans eat a lot more dinosaurs than the inverse.

what the fuck

You can never truly escape anything on the internet can you?

I feel personally attacked

You will be when they 🦖 return


u/cdace’s entering the final stages of evolution from meat puppet into a superior creature: Dinos



Starting Strength T Rex Mode

I need them gains

Wut in tarnation

So, guys, we did it.. We've finally hit peak autism.

Oh my lord

Honestly, I don't expect anything else.

Most people on here have this "inferiority complex." They're insecure about themselves and need someone to look up to. This "someone" is the concept of a chad.

While in most incel communities, the chad is seen as a scapegoat for their personal problems, this sub has proceeded to fetishize him. He's the golden boy, the white knight, the idol some people need.

This goes well with nationalist philosophy, and all the "Trump-Praising". He's seen as the dominant alpha male all his supporters look up to; anti-establishment, anti-intellectual, and of course, saying whatever is on your mind. "God-emperor" is what you often hear (although many people on the right use this term ironically. But looking at Ben Garrison's Trump fetish comics, you know what I mean).

Furthermore, Trump self-identifies as a nationalist. He's the first US president to openly use that term to describe himself. Nationalism in itself is the "man looking for a purpose" ideology. Many people out there, lonely, or just mistreated by the current system, love nationalism, as it gives them an excuse to feel pride because of the country they were randomly born in. It is the last resort of people who have nothing else to be prideful about.

Still, in all honesty, I like Libertarianism. It is the most moral, and the most respectable ideology out there. No true Libertarian would fall for these concepts like "national pride", "loyalty", and the worship of political figures even. It just pains me to see it compared to nationalism, something entirely contradictory to it.

Hell, even communism has more in common with libertarianism than nationalism.

Sorry ma'am, looks like his delusions have gotten worse. We'll have to admit him,

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How’d you get my selfie?

Anybody have the full transformation album?