Vegan gets upset over a meme template.

1  2018-12-14 by TheColdTurtle


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Not when we have twelve fucking years left to get our shit together.

lmao veganism is turning into apocalyptic cult

I like the specificity. TWELVE years. Not eleven. Not thirteen. Twelve.

I wonder what ancient prophecy he's basing that shit on.

he was being literal, that's when he turns 21 and his parents are going to kick him out of the house

Well actually, I had quoted 12 years based on an article stating that our oceans would be completely depleted by 2030.

I’m not just pulling shit out of thin air, and no, I’m not part of a cult. I was just tired of seeing vegan memes everywhere and then told we’re the bitchy ones. That’s all m8

Vegans are renowned for their excellent sense of humour.

I always found it amusing how on average.... Vegans damage the environment more by letting captive animals loose into the wild with no regard for if they can survive or if the environment can survive their presence.

"Shut down zoos and release all the endangered animals into a wilderness that will kill them!"

Also their demand for hard to find plants as replacements for animal byproducts is actually destroying the lands they're harvested from...

Meanwhile... we continue to have an excess of cows who get treated humanely until the end of their lives, where they get to the Grocery Stores I buy their remains from to eat, thus disposing of them in a way that nourishes my body instead of... wasting their meat.

At least you got that sweet sweet (+25) karma 👌

Look at this dude. Ohnonono oooohhhhhhhh HAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I wasn’t hiding? I just got a little notification that you had re-posted a comment on a thread that was months old and came to see what it was all about.

I just looked up the meme template on google and saw that you were quite perturbed at a simple meme. However I am not one to comment in month old threads, much less week old threads.

You may not be one to comment, but you’ll certainly plaster it on another subreddit.

I don’t see how that’s different really

It is a drama subreddit. I saw drama. I do what a redditor does, and I repost it.