/r/ak47 produces some drama, and for once, it's not about dead kids. Strap yourselves in folks and get familiar with import laws!

1  2018-12-14 by waitthisisnttennis

Fair warning, image heavy thread because this particular shitstorm involves some potential doxx and legal shenanigans. I also know jack-shit about AKs/combloc guns and kinda understand gun import laws, so bear with me.

Quick primer for normies and Europeans. With AK-47 pattern rifles, you can buy an imported "parts kit" which includes basically all the parts to make an AK minus the bits the ATF considers to be the actual "gun" and have them assembled into a working firearm. The US also has arms embargoes against certain countries, namely China and Russia, which means that you can't buy "non-sporting arms" from those countries or guns made by specifically sanctioned companies. Ergo, a Russian or Chinese parts kit is basically unobtainium for the US civilian market.

Enter OP. Two years ago, OP commissioned a gunsmith ("Smith") to assembled 2 parts kits he acquired. You can read it here, but in a nutshell:

  • Smith does a shit job assembling one parts kit and returns it to OP. OP is not pleased with the result.
  • Smith then takes the second parts kit and builds it into a machine gun for his own personal use. TL;DR, machine guns are heavily regulated in the US, so OP is not going to get his shit back in its current form.
  • For 2 years, Smith proceeds to whore out his ill-gotten MG on his Instagram page. To rub salt in the wound, Smith also took this gun to this year's Red Oktober rifle competition and won something with it.

Naturally, since OP's shit was stolen, people tell him to contact local authorities and the ATF. However, a problem arises. Remember that shit I told you about import laws and sanctions? There's an extremely gray area as to how the fuck OP got his hands on both those kits.




Someone creates an alt to shit-talk OP lol



There a bunch of alphabet soup agencies that would love to know how these particular parts kits came into the US, especially since one of the guns hasn't even existed long enough to have somehow eked into the country legally.

TL;DR: Someone gets their hands on a gun parts kit through not-entirely-legal means and then has it stolen from the person he hired to assemble it. Said person can't go the authorities because it's akin to calling the cops about your stolen meth.


the racism is simply this – why do random people off the internet see fit to tell a fully trained meditation instructor of the highest calibre that he isn’t enlightened because he’s angry?

Answer: white privilege.


  1. hasn't even existed long enough - Outline

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Alright, fucktards, clearly some of you need to be cleansed

One of the better effortposts this month!

And couldn’t he just anonymously tip off the feds about the guy who stole his gun and deny any involvement if the gun smith rats on him?

The Smith probably had plenty of evidence that he gave it to him now, lol

Why don’t you ping topgunebay and find out?

I mean mods can still ping, right?

One of the better effortposts this month!

You're not wrong but that's kinda depressing compared to how amazing last month was.

So he paid thousands of dollars to smuggle in the parts for a Russian SMG, but then he wanted the gunsmith to make it semi-auto? Does it make me a weirdo if I can't understand the logic of this?

No, not at all. US gun law ranges from easy to understand to "what the fuck is your logic." Wikipedia has more details, but essentially, since 1986, the possession of newly manufactured fully automatics after a certain date is illegal, which means that to own a fully auto made after 86, you need to be military, law enforcement or a civilian with the proper qualifications (manufacturer, dealer, etc.). Since OP is none of these, he needs it to be made into semi-auto, regardless of the origin of the parts kit. The ATF isn't going to raise an eyebrow at the manufacture of a 9mm semi, they WILL be curious about a fully auto one.

Why don’t you just link the thread OP it doesn’t have any doxx and I am sure topgunebay would like to explain himself.

US gun laws require you to put red arrows all over your jpegs like some florida boomer retard?


Boom, headshot.

*boomer headshot

It's a constitutional requirment.

This looks like a Facebook meme my grandma would post

How is it retarded.

Most of the things on the left was made because the bans on the right.

I love it when you people claim gun laws are retarded when all of this shit is your dumbasses tryna work around the system.

Some of the laws were made cause retards couldn't stop asking questions. People kept asking if pistols with braces were illegal and the ATF said "naw, you're gucci" till everyone kept asking them and they basically said "ok fine it's illegal now, happy?"

So basically we banned tacticool shit?

That rocks.

Wait so why hasn’t the gunsmith been arrested?

He went to a gun match with it

civilian with the proper qualifications (manufacturer, dealer, etc.).


I can’t read

Wait, so illegally smuggling an automatic weapon is 100% gucci if you manage to convert it to semi before anyone catches wind of you?

It's not automatic until someone makes it that way.

The real fuck up here is buying weapon parts from countries you can't buy weapon parts from.

Burger gun laws are 2/10 didn't even try tier

It's not 100% gucci; it's just harder to get noticed by the authorities. By analogy, importing illegal parts is like smoking weed in your room, and owning an automatic weapon is like selling meth in front of a school.

Illegally importing a firearm from Russia will still get you 10+ years in federal prison if you get caught so it is definitely not gucci.

I guess the differences in the laws. Illegal machine guns are 10 years in federal pound you on the ass prison. And the ATF does aggressively pursue those violations, and will shoot your dog and toss a flashbang in your baby's crib when they come to arrest you. Breaking the 922r? laws aren't really looked into much unless you're being an absolute idiot about it. So this guy wanted a cool model of a gun that you can't get in the US, but didn't want it to be super duper illegal.

I just have trouble understanding what the point of having an SMG is if it's not full auto. If it can't do the one thing it's designed for, is it any better than a replica?

Looks, how it feels, collecting, favorite gun from vidya, among other reasons. I haven't been much into guns in the last couple years, but if I had a bunch of money burning a hole in my pocket, I'd totally get a semi auto only SMG just to have. I think they are wildly different though since most of the original patterns are open bolt, which I believe are illegal due to how easy they are to convert to full auto, so they make changes to the platform and make them closed bolt. Last I heard SMG's were considered a failed or obsolete type of weapon in the modern era, losing out to short barreled assault rifles (legit select fire SBR AR's for example) or to pistol caliber carbines. At the end of the day though, the thing's still a gun and will bring the hate to whatever you shoot it at.

You get it down on any papers as semi auto, then you illegally modify it to full auto. Thats what i hear anyway...

And hope that no one at the range rats you out

You can get it in a pistol configuration and conceal carry it/carry it loaded in your car.

Imagine following 922r lmao

I was, up until recently, an 02/07 NFA manufacturer. Ill try to clear some of this up. The original owner imported a PARTS KIT, which is a gun that has has all the parts un assembled and the receiver cut. They do this to get around importation laws not allowing full gun into the USA if it fits a certain designation (scary war weapon). Then when it gets over here, a gunsmith assembles it on an American made receiver (its not easy).

Now, to get a parts kit or firearm into the USA you need to be in the business of importation and IIRC you need an 08 or an 10 license, which is a Firearms Importer. These items need to meet a laundry list of regulations and they change depending on if its a firearm or a parts kit, i wont bore you with the details. The big issue though, is that this parts kit is specifically Russian. We have a had a staunch importation embargo on everything firearm related to Russia since about 2013-2014.

There is a chance this guy bought the kit before 2013, but i severely doubt it. The guy might have just brought it over on a plane ride, bought it from a russian satellite country or just straight up had it shipped over from the internet. Regardless, all of these are very illegal.

The original guy's plan is to just get it over here, have it assembled and no one would care. Mainly because the ATF and the state department (who handles importation stuff) are wholly, and completely inept. But, that shit went out the window when he started making reddit posts and wanted to get the ATF involved in getting his stuff back. Because they are going to ask questions and they are going to want to know how this very rare russian rifle wound up state side. They will no err on this side of caution and WILL require you to show your importation paperwork regarding it immediately.

I will answer any and all questions you might have to the best of my ability.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

I am a bot. Contact for questions

not even sure how to feel about this

truly keno drama

i aint readin those comments but that fucking mag with "won something with it" is like a 22cal or 223 at best lmfao

no where near 7.62

protip: shoot a mousin nagant with 7.62. that fucking rou


Vityaz is 9x19mm

"I've played call of duty one time"

No shit

hurr durrr its not a 50 cal it cant win any shooting competitions

Lmao I'm guessing he doesn't realize that 9mm is a larger caliber than 7.62 and .223.

Hopefully he declared himself a sovereign citizen and things take care of themselves.

His dog gets shot?

It's over for gunnitcels.



All the details and legal arguments are there. Nothing to stop a concerned third party alerting the authorities that this dude one a competition and is photographed with a gun that cannot have been imported legally.

won a competition

most illegal gun



Also, the ATF loves trolling social media looking for morons like this guy self-owning themselves by bragging about illegal shit.

There's a pretty serious likelihood they already know about this guy.

See you are giving govt. employees 100% credit for initiative, which is interesting.

If you love drama, you should be the change you want to see in the world. Do it. DO IT.

Alphabet ni🅱️🅱️as have nothing better to do than hunt for people to kick their doors in and open fire on all children and dogs. They've got nothing better to do

All gun laws are infringements, free my nigga OP and let him have his Vityaz

How do you know OP imported it from another country? Izhmash

lol damn gun nuts are dumb. This is like a high profile cocaine dealer rattling on about his 20 kilo drug deal gone bad with another redditor and people telling him to call the cops. lol Fucking retarded.

Hardcore 2A types are among the stupidest people on Earth.