University professor at a conference: “Sociology demands that you have a social justice lens. Any right wing sociologists should be booted out of the club” [much applause]

1  2018-12-14 by YHofSuburbia


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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Okay, this is epic. Snappy's getting new quotes!

Sociology is just economics for people who can't do basic calculus

economics is just sociology but with math, fancy models and assumptions which don't hold up irl.

fuck u retard say that irl and see what happens

last time I did that my adv. macroeconomics prof threatened to beat me up

I bet my professor could beat up your professor!

Undergraduate economics is mostly trash unless you mix it with finance, math or computer science.. Post graduate is pretty interesting because it’s all data analysis.



Wow data analysis can it get any more fascinating than that?

Makes me big money $$ so that's fascinating.

As long as you’re happy ❤️

at least economists are trying

Muh politically based assumptions didn't work this time damn you economics

You know it's a shit field of study when even Economics looks good in comparison.




100% agree

Economics may be "the dismal science", but at least it's a science.

Economics is hardly science. They are a humanities field that sometimes do calculus that turns out to be barely applicable for the real world.

barely applicable for the real world

Literally all science

Lol what? Physics honeybun.

Nobody does real physics though. Pretty sure in my whole degree I calculated air resistance like... Once.

Your idea of science that applies to the real world is physics? I would've personally went biology or something.

I think biology is a good answer too.

I say physics because every piece of engineering relies on rules from physics for example.

Literally all science

What the fuck are you on ?

He's active in r/neoliberal

Explains a lot.

Before we get into epistemology, how much science have you actually done?

I have about 50 citations.

So undergrad.

What leads you to believe that economics doesn't apply to the real world such that another discipline might not?

You are the one claiming all of science is barely applying IRL, not me buddy.

Parent comment says economics is barely a science.

And yet you are the one claiming :

barely applicable for the real world

Literally all science

I'm not the autist than cant parse hyperbole

Yes, we have already established you can't do science, but how is it relevant to this discussion ?

Considering we are both published, we are both on the same footing for authority on science.

Where and what have you been published tho ?


I'm guessing modern technology flies over your head.

Econ is fake math, it also isn’t a hard science

the only true way to live is as an anti-socialite stem major I guess

That’s sounds like Anthropology with extra steps.

It is literally the name of everything that falls outside of normal curriculum.

There are legitimate studies in that field, but they share nothing in common beyond basic level studies of philosophy, which is more or less just learning to think logically and verify your sources.

That settles it: sociology is not a science!

Who thought it was?



Most soft sciences are not really science but more like a philosophical area you can study. They do know that themselves. I studied psychology and 70% of it is not science or close to being scientific. You would have to be an idiot to think that 100 year old philosophy based on personal views is science.

They are basically just assigning conclusions to events through their own retarded narratives. Hopefully (probably not lol), a few hundred years from now on, people will look back at this age and see the retardations for what it is and laugh at it as we do at the medicine of the dark ages.

They are basically just assigning conclusions to events through their own retarded narratives.

i mean to be fair though even biologists do that shit


Doesn't biology have a lot more to work with like actual materials that produce results? Idk, psychology and such always just seemed like some bullshit a conman came up with back in the day to make cash

but also Psychology you can't replicate the results

it's not hard for them to get their patients to think what they want.

the psych's coached those kids and did a number of techniques to create false memorys?

Hmm 🤔

I mean if you're believing in the Freudian bullshit you're right. Most higher level psychology is more complicated than that. If you get psych degree by studying gender psych, personality psych or a bunch of soft sciences you're shit out of luck. But neuropsychology, psychobiology, psychopathology, statistics, research are available for people who actually care about hard science. That's the issue with psych as a degree. You can graduate taking complicated hard sciences or useless pseudoscience. That's why graduate programs are so important. Much of it is legitimate science and separates the hacks from people with actual interest in the human mind.Considering how many people are offing themselves nowadays it's not right to write it all off.

Oh yeah. You're 100% correct. Behavior psychology is a newer field that's being overrun by people who adhere to Freudian/Jeung psychobabble. Not gonna grow with that bullshit in the field. But most of the ones listed in the NY times article are memory, leaning and personality studies. I just believe with issues like depression, anxiety, drug addiction psychological intervention is crucial. And the stigma again the idea of psych is detrimental to people who are afraid or ashamed to speak up. Having friends and family who have been afraid to go and have found assistance is something I'd like to see more.

They do know that themselves.

Maybe they know it, but they never admit it.

It's all about the skills you get. I have a meme degree but I got a job because of networking and being able to write clearly. It's over for non-transferable-skills-cels

Psychology is observed human behaviour written down. After decades of observation we've made some progress and identified several traits which coincide with how a normal human should be. Though, I myself am a bit queasy about the fact that we have something called 'a normal human' when we're so diverse. I say that if it doesn't cause problems, you don't need to 'fix' it. As fixing it is the same as changing your actual personality.

in a sense, aren’t all scientific theories philosophical?

it’s just in most natural sciences, they’re a lot more immediately verifiable/falsifiable

One of my Political Science professor's was adamant about the fact that Political Science isn't really a science, much to the annoyance of the rest of the faculty. Doesn't mean studying it has no value, just means you shouldn't rely on the data it produces to make decisions in a vacuum.

I would say 70% is a bit high. Consider neurology is under the psychology umbrella.

Radical constructivism (dogwhistled by "sociology with social justice lens” combined with her twitter bio (“Queering Femininity”)) is not science. Some sociology isn't retarded.

Im pretty sure memetics is gonna take off eventually (not the funny online pictures) and it might dwarf sociology. Memetics is much colder in its study and it can possibly be incorporated into computer models easier. I heard some government agencies in the US already have memetics departments.

Isn't memetics the study of being a functioning autist?

I don't think so, no.

Check your privilege STEMLORD!

It's almost as if it's a social science🤔

Forgive them, Christopher Lasch.

American does a retard

The reason trump won

What does he mean by this

Pretty simple - Trump won because American people are retarded.

Retarded people on the left made people vote for Trump

Retarded people on the right voted for Trump

It really is simple

This is why retardation is more centrist than cucked intelligence

i mean electing trump was literally going full retard

seems pretty fitting

sometimes you just gotta go full retard to own the libs [sunglass emoji]

The only thing allowed to beat up a retard is another retard.

rest of the world better watch out then, america has the biggest retard in the schoolyard

Yes exactly, the reason trump won.

Yeah. I mean if I have to choose between two irredeemably corrupt people who are intent on selling out the country to pad their own wallet, then I'm obviously going to choose the more entertaining one.

This is in Australia though.

Does that matter though? That embarrassment to science who wanted scrap literally everything in science because "muh decolonisation" that came from UCT helped Trump win too.

Does that matter though?

Yeah dude. Trump isn't president of Australia.

The rightoid news networks will still report on it though is what I'm really saying I guess, helping El Drumpf. It reinforces conservautists beliefs that they are targeted and oppressed.

Aussies do all kinds of dumb shit though. Very little of it gets into the US news because they're so far away and we only really care about Steve Irwin's kids and weird Aussie animals.

Hmm fair point, it probably won't really do much on it's own.

Never doubt the ability of conservautists to find outrage bait. Oceans are nothing to them.

Yeah pretty much this. Cuz I'm a conservautist and I feel p targetted


Nein nein nein nein nein

Technically true, but only because his proper title is god-emperor of earth.

Is this tour roundabout way of asking for freedom? State of Australia has a nice ring tto it.

Not yet

UCT University of California, Torrance?

University of Cape Town.

Here is the unedited footage, no commentary:

And here is the best commentary ("The New Lysenkoists") if you have the autism:

It's /u/The_Reason_Trump_Won material for sure IMHO.

He won over our hearts

Nah who am I kidding, we got enough of our own retards

The migrant crisis in Europe affected the American election.

In a global society, everything affects everything else.

Yes all those internationalist nationalist movements

It sounds like you’re being sarcastic, but basically yes.

Like the Trump subreddit is currently supporting the Yellow Vests in France. A lot of nationalists want every country to have pride in their own country and to preserve their own culture.

Yellow Vest stuff has nothing to do with preserving French culture. They’re just too ducking retarded to understand what’s happening.

Implying the whole anglosphere is not the same clusterfuck

The reason trump won is international

You know what really helped out Trump? All the terror attacks in Europe.

the reason the Australian union movement won and will always win





Did sociology get anything right, ever?

does explaining why people step around and ignore dead bodies count

Because they're icky? I mean, totally gross my dude yikes

Anyone can explain something, but can they form a falsifiable hypothesis and then test it with enough controls that it can be replicated by other researchers?

This is the two main problems with "sociology as a science". If you can't falsify a theory, then it's non-scientific and if you can't reproduce an experiment, then your process is non-scientific.

If you could somehow crack down on the sociological journals so that they stopped accepting and publishing complete garbage papers with obviously flawed methods and data, then you'd probably collapse the entire field of Sociology over night since no one would be able to get published and hence would lose their fucking jobs.

Sociology was literally invented by Marx. How retarded do you have to be as a daddycel to enter it without realizing that? It'd be like a chapotard trying to be a useful member of society, some things are just impossible for you.

Because tards attract other tards like magnetism.

You bring shame on Max Weber. Also Marx only regarded socialism as a science because it dealt with material class analysis and did away with moralization and utopianism. These people are a regression to pre-Marxist socialism.

If you can't see the difference between the word socialism and sociology you are truly lost.

The point is that Marx saw his work as a science. He's often credited for kickstarting sociology through his work, which he regarded as a science.

That's why I said he invented it

Virgin Marx vs the Chad Weber. My boy Max was a beast.

East Coast ain't got no love for Emile Durky Durkheim?

Max Weber


This is the only Sociology book that matters

Sociology for the South

Sociology for the South, or, the Failure of Free Society (1854) was George Fitzhugh's most powerful attack on the philosophical foundations of free society. What society needed, he wrote, was slavery, not just for blacks, but for whites as well. "Slavery," he wrote, "is a form, and the very best form, of socialism."[17] "Socialism," he continued:

Proposes to do away with free competition; to afford protection and support at all times to the laboring class; to bring about, at least, a qualified community of property, and to associate labor. All these purposes, slavery fully and perfectly attains. ... Socialism is already slavery in all save the master ... Our only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.[18]

We need to pull a Hungary and stop the public funding of (((social))) sciences in public university

Gender studies is basically the eugenics of the 21st century cmv

Gender studies is a philosophical discipline, not a scientific one. What you said literally makes zero sense.

Gender studies is literally cultural Bolshevism designed to weaken Western civilization. It's not a coincidence that Western powers began declining in the 20th century, first the Europeans lost their empires and now America is in decline too because it's being subverted from the (((inside))) and European nations are being dismantled and flooded with subhumans. Hitler predicted all of this, which is why he was villified from the moment he seized power. All the degeneracy that's going on right now, like the destruction of the traditional family, rampant alcohol and drug abuse, racemixing, the normalization of mental ilnesses and asocial elements, all of it was discussed in Mein Kampf. We could've had a 1000 years of peace and prosperity but instead we are crumbling while (((they))) are laughing all the way to the bank. And it's all bevause of people like you. You want to destroy the beautiful godess that is the West, and you are succeeding for now but mark my words, there is a hell and you will burn in hell for it.

Are you being sarcastic?

We need to totally ban the teaching of social sciences like Austrian economics, pseudoscience.

Literally admitting sociology is a pseudoscience

This is not new.

Already in the 70s Niklas Luhmann was hated by the German Chapotards of his time, Habermas at the helm. Because his systems theory approach was non-normative, free of moral judgment, just trying to understand social phenomena rather than trying to change society towards whatever the clique of woque brainlets think is best. That was a great affront.

Linking article in Hitlerspeak

No thank you

But Marx spoke and wrote in Hitlerspeak. 🤔

Commies = Hitler confirmed

Like the shoe of a horse.


It fits?

Nazbol Gang cumming buckets

In his 1936 Hitler: A Biography, German historian Konrad Heiden remarked that within the SA ranks, there were "large numbers of Communists and Social Democrats" and that "many of the storm troops were called 'beefsteaks' – brown outside and red within."[41] The influx of non-Nazis into the Sturmabteilung membership was so prevalent that SA men would joke that "In our storm troop there are three Nazis, but we shall soon have spewed them out."[41]

The number of 'beefsteaks' was estimated to be large in some cities, especially in northern Germany, where the influence of Gregor Strasser and Strasserism was significant.[42] The head of the Gestapo from 1933 to 1934, Rudolf Diels, reported that "70 percent" of the new SA recruits in the city of Berlin had been communists.[43] Other historians contend that the SA and SS were awash with Marxists and socialist revolutionaries, where "The utopians and those who speak of a Marxist republic have the highest membership in the SA and SS (77.6 and 63 percent respectively)."[44]

Luhmann is my favorite social theorist.

Funny seeing him pop up in Drama.

Sociologists rise up

bottom text

Obligatory "The name of the professor? Albert Einstein"

go back to reddit faggot

It’s sad the state of our society where a homeless person could be a perfectly capable Pitt fighter but is jobless whereas this whale has a job.

She only says what most in that field think

I had some dipshit on here try to tell me

'Ahem, social science is science. It's peer reviewed.'

like a bunch of leftist dipshits confirming their own narratives is physics

i mean, it is a science, it applies the method

it’s just a social science, which makes interpretation a clusterfuck

but fucking comic books are “peer reviewed” too, doesn’t make them scientific

i mean, it is a science, it applies the method

I think that's even too charitable. Firstly, a lot of sociology work isn't based on hypothesis testing - it's just narrative. Furthermore, it isn't subjected to impartial scrutiny via the peer review process. Like you could have an /r/politics offshoot where people submit journal articles and the most-upvoted ones get published and you can call that "peer review", but to imagine that this is a "scientific process" as well would obviously be a joke.

The problem right now is that the left has gotten so complacent in certain parts of academia that they're content to trade off their actual expert authority to achieve some short-term policy objectives.



Holy shit the darkness behind those eyes...

Lecturer in Gender Studies UoM. Research on femininity, postfeminism, fangirls, aesthetic labour, queer theory.

Worst advert for tuition-free public unis I’ve seen in a while.



What the absolute fuck is "aesthetic labour"?

Would take too much emotional labor for me to even attempt to describe.

The art of looking busy doing nothing, in degree form?

Reading this list of 'qualifications' makes me upset. I legitimately hate that person.

This is unironically what happens when you give women rights

Research on femininity, postfeminism, fangirls, aesthetic labour, queer theory.

Lol, research? You mean inventing non-falsifiable oppression narratives and asserting insane hypotheses you wouldn't dare test (but get absolutely buttblasted when anyone tries)?

Why do they always look like this?

Urg. That’s fucking cringe worthy.

Well no shit, socially right wing beliefs are largely unscientific

Do conservatives go into sociology?

I thought they self-selected out of academia because of love of money.

Conservatives, statistically, don't even go to college.

Conservatives: Women aren't disadvantaged in any way. The only reason as to why there aren't many women in STEM is that they simply choose other majors and have no interest in STEM.

Also conservatives: Conservatives are oppressed. The reason as to why there aren't many conservative sociology majors is that the liberal SJW cucks hate us.

That little boy has hate issues.

She's a lecturer in gender studies. All she does is in fact teach her ideal view of life, which holds no reality

If I try to study society and different peoples and such, what am I?

Probably a lefty

Oh shit oh fuck

From that person's twitter bio:

Lecturer in Gender Studies

So you couldn't even get a PhD in that subject? lol.

Johnathan Haidt's work covers this extensively, its really quite shocking to read through.

This Hannah (strange name for a boy) McCann looks like a nice young man, and I think we should give him a chance. His faint moustache denotes trustworthiness.

lol. Imagine that echo chamber









I must have missed that "Epistemology of Sociology" class then.

screams in positivism

I mean tbf, being a right-wing sociologist is like being a socialist or fashy economist. it ain’t tenable

Lecturer in Gender Studies UoM. Research on femininity, postfeminism, fangirls, aesthetic labour, queer theory.


Only crazy right wingers would think this is a dumb opinion. 9 out of 10 Rad centrists agree sociology has no room for nazi ideology!

But who will stand up for gamers tho?

she looks like the female version of pee wee herman

Head of Department of Indigenous Studies.

Arent the indigenous people of Australia black?

Yes and she studies them

doesn't make sense anyway, from her twitter:

Passionate about supporting future Indigenous scholars.

She is getting torn apart hahaha

"lecturer in gender studies"

wow I totally never would have guessed that in a million million years.

I actually know a pretty conservative guy from HS that's apparently getting a Sociology degree and I honestly don't know how he hasn't committed suicide yet lmao.

that womyn looks exactly how I would picture a Sociology professor

Stereotypes ARE true!

The most progressive thing we can do is let this morons start burning people at the stake.

I had a black, Christian sociology professor who use to work as a bank manager. He somewhat leans right. He would trigger this gussy degenerate and Chapo. It's like he browses this subreddit, he would end his classes with "Inshallah".

Just finished a sociology class. Numerous bullshit papers including some on white privilege. Dont take sociology, kids.

outright admitting sociology is bullshit

Lecturer at UoM - what? University of Malta? She is lecturing at my uni???

And do any of these cunts ever propose that they’ll be the ones doing the “booting”? Or will the dirty work be some ones else’s job?

The state of Australian higher education and tertiary education is literally deplorable.

I thought this was /r/awfuleyebrows at first.

her book sounds like she wrote it as a joke

(After reading her research page) This """DR""" undertakes research on such CRITICAL ISSUES as Spongebob Squarepants and literally watching Lena Dunham get naked on TV. All of this, of course, not diminishing her SUPER IMPORTANT research on things like "queer femme identity," whatever that might be defined as this week.

My head is spinning thinking about how an ostensibly rational society pays mentally ill people money to teach young adults this nonsense.

Later: Sociology is definitely a real science, very empirical.