SRD keep a trollx drama post made by a professional bait troll instead of removing it. Shitstorm is inevitable as threads by that particular user always get removed or locked.

1  2018-12-14 by Throwaway4meerals


Providing a Safe Space™ from SRD since 2009!


  1. This Post -,,,

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God damn I love you.

God bless this quirky little sentient bot.

Marry me pls.


First fruits of drama. Besides the OP of the thread itself.

Poll: which of these hot takes is the most retarded out of the thread?

a) Statistics are irrelevant if anecdotes showing the contrary can be provided

b) If you don't want to kill black criminals you aren't a feminist

c) Prostitutes should be allowed to kill their clients

d) the man who hired her is a pedophile because she was 16

Interestingly the only thing that retarded ass potato94 was correct about was that statutory rape laws dont give a flying fuck if the girl lied to you, had a fake id or fake birth certificate, if she is in fact underage you will be charged.

She claims that she hates the justice system in one comment and how immoral it is and how she doesnt give a fuck about morality he was legally a rapist in other

What a mess

kinda wish we still had pinging rn.


I cri everyday thinking about it 😭


Leave the retarded SRD children alone. They're the ones most likely to cry and run to the admins.

We already get retarded reports on most SRD-related things ("waa, not an np link!". Go fuck yourself, SRD).

SRDines screeching about r/Drama being a bunch of radical centrist meanies

Day of the Can when? Seriously, SRD was always bitchy but it's gotten way worse since the day I jumped ship to this sub. I've gotten more unironic death threats from those fucktards than anywhere else on the internet just because they see r/Drama in my post history

c) Prostitutes should be allowed to kill their clients

Hot take: I honestly don't care that much about guys who fuck trafficked 16 year old prostitutes getting murdered.

Like I'm not saying the guy deserved it, I'm just saying I don't give that much of a shit.

Maybe instead of 50 years of her life, the girl coulda got like, 5 years, that woulda been more fair.

Like grandpappy used to say at sunday brunch

She lied to him though, he didnt know

I'm too lazy to check if this is true so I'm going to ignore it.

The wages of Gussy are death

Hotter take: don’t be a prostitute

Hottest take: don’t kill people

I'm not saying she doesn't deserve to go to jail, but does she really deserve 50 years? The guy she killed was almost assuredly a bottom-feeding scumbag. Maybe like... 5 years would be appropriate, you know? Plus probation or whatever.

A. Because I hear it on a day-to-day basis at work and now I have to hear it in the comfort of my own damn home

The femcel civil war has begun.

Yeah hi TrollX mod alt. We saw all fifty reports of you guys of the OP.


Are you calling me a troll or the /r/TrollXChromosomes OP?

You are indeed a troll. Clearly seen by your inflammatory baiting write-ups, posts and strawman type comments.

and that's a good thing.

Oh I thought you were talking about FckDnldTrmp who posted this in TrollX originally. This is certainly the reincarnation of the “get owned by gamergate, bitch!” person. Their post history is a troll riot. 10/10 should read

In your defense, running afoul the SRDine moderation crew (aside of course /u/snallygaster 😍 and maybe Kevbo) is a positive.

Put some respect on that Hammer name.

mucho gracio and bless up fampai

Not gunna touch this one with a 40 ft pole

This person has the right idea.

>not touching drama

I like to observe the drama in it's natural state. Assuming I didn't start it, of course.

Touching Drama is the best way to make it burn brighter and longer

Maybe, but there's no way I'm touching that drama.

Touched 40m pole.

Feminists on Reddit: America's prison and judicial system are terrible, we only care about punishment and not recovery!

Also Feminists on Reddit: Brock Turner should have been given life in prison and been castrated with a rusty spork.

Meanwhile in actual feminist countries like Sweden, the average prison sentence for rape is 26-27 months, with 16 month releases common. In the United states the average sentence is 9.8 years, with 5 year releases common.

Ah but you are forgetting turner's added sentence for not being a woman or minority

Well if someone has to get locked up it might as well be a problematic male mayo.

Based America

TrollX is like if someone made an anti-feminist strawman, and then popped Frosty's hat on it.

Wow an srdine said something not retarded for once.

If only anti feminist strawmen weren't actually completely correct and not strawmen at all.

real life low security womens prisons are far worse than what was depicted
Women are victims of sexual assault in prison at a much higher rate than men actually.

Going by the most upvoted comments, it looks like bitching about trollx, white women and feminism may be the thing that finally brings SRD and drama together. Just in time for the holidays. Unless the vote patterns are because drama users couldn't keep their sticky fingers off the thread.

What a travesty SRD is right now.