Something about a youtube feminist being a nazi. I'm just linking to /r/internetdrama because it has the rundown, plus some drama in that thread too

1  2018-12-14 by rhyme-ocerus



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Is anyone doubting Chris Ray Gun is racist?

I mean the guy ostensibly owns a house slave and uses him shamelessly in his videos, calling him derogatory names like "Sweeney."

If that's not a dog whistle, I don't know what is.

Not to mention Tom Sweeney, and I quote, "hates the gays".

Lmao people actually think Fatits Green is a nazi

Is that sub for communists?

Much, much worse. SRDines.

lmao I literally got banned for pointing out that "women have vaginas and men have penises" isn't 'hate speech' just because the mods disagree. How in the world are these people so detached from reality?

Lol a sub modded by TITC. Don’t even bother with that trash man.

lmao idk why you're acting as if your ban was extraordinary, you were clearly baiting to get banned

Victim blaming smghdfrgh

Well, it's kinda retarded to get banned for hate speech for pointing out reality lol

Pewdiepie is a secret Nazi in love with zionist Ben Shapiro

There was a really interesting piece on her and this whole thing on This American Life. Was after she met the dude but presumably before she went this deep.

They should do a follow up piece.

Imagine being banned by r drama hahahahahahahahahahah