r/MensLib BTFO by science

1  2018-12-14 by Anarcho_Autism


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


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No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Semi-Sentient Snappy

facts and logic

se tonight

It's over for soy-cels

You mean soy beans?

TL;DR: Paternalistic providers are more attractive than woke sycophants. This places nu-males lower in the male-attraction hierarchy than BetaBux. Article tries to skirt around the obvious reality that Dark-Triad Chad still reigns supreme, but at least we now know for certain male feminists have the worst reproductive strategy on Earth.

“Dating male feminists turned out to be one of the least empowering decisions I’ve ever made.”


Maybe im just not drama enough, or maybe you're just too autistic, but this comment is just a fucking word salad of nonsense buzzwords. Show this to anyone outside this sub and you'd probably be recommended institution time.

Imagine being ignorant of autistic redpill terminology 😂😂😂😂😂☺☺😑😑😑😐😐😣😣😣😣


Im jelly tbh

lurk more

Honestly it makes complete sense and is quite informative

The article suggests that the people who you think are the least attractive to women, white knights who engage in 'benevolent sexism', are the most attractive to women. Cope harder buddy

snally, any word on why women are so dumb?

Assortative mating- people usually marry according to their SES and education level. If you're dating dumb women then it's probably a problem with you. Or you just got out of a bad relationship and are upset.

I don't count my girlfriend. She's smart because she's dating me.

What kind of liberal arts degree? As long as it's not '___ studies' and she can have an open discussion with you without getting upset then there's no reason to be wary of her degree.

Asian studies

Oof that's a pretty meme degree

Yeah cause her PhD in Gender Studies is worth a dude's whose PhD is in comp sci


A PhD in gender studies puts you in the barista class.

Coincidentally a PhD in comp sci is probably worth less than a PhD in Gender Studies. At least very least the Gender Studies degree doesn't make you LESS employable.

The article implicitly suggests dark triad Chads are the most sought after.

Then betabucks.

Then male feminists.

All I needed to know was who is #2 and #3 so I can laugh at the menslib posters.

Thanks, redditwhore

Damn, you can't even read a simple blog article? That's just sad.

They suggest that female interest in sexist men, specifically men who display “benevolent sexism” may be seen by women as being more interested in investing resources in a woman.

Benevolent sexism is a concept describing a form of sexism which is overtly less hostile and misogynistic, and are beliefs that I was taught, as a man from the US South. Benevolent sexism includes beliefs that:

Women should be “put on a pedestal”

Women should be cherished and protected by men

Men should be willing to sacrifice to provide for women

Women are more virtuous than men

Women are more refined and pure, compared to men.

They found that women who saw these types of men as more attractive also saw the men as being more willing to protect and care for them, and to commit to a relationship. Interestingly though, these women weren’t love-struck fools, but had their eyes open about these men. Despite being attracted to them, and seeing them as good mates and partners, the women saw these males as being undermining and patronizing men who were more likely to place restrictions on the women.

Did you even read the article? I'm skeptical of the findings until I read the methods, but the article itself directly contradicts what you're implying in like the first paragraph. Does focusing all of your attention on gender issues deteriorate your brain or something?

Yeah so it's implying betabucks is still worthwhile and to come back to the plantation

What they're not gonna document is what you see after 5 minutes of going out and seeing nightlife

So nightlife Chad > betabucks > male feminists which are neither providers or a dominant influence

Like can YOU even read?

Are you drunk? This is incoherent.

The women couldn't see the men who put them on pedestals and saw them as refined and pure as being prospective partners. They could only see them as patronizing

Wow, male ally is a disingenuous snake. Who coulda thought

Congrats, you quoted a full article in your response so I guess you win this round?

The women couldn't see the men who put them on pedestals

They couldn't see them?

and saw them as refined and pure as being prospective partners. They could only see them as patronizing

This is contradictory

Wow, male ally is a disingenuous snake. Who coulda thought

How does the above two sentences lead to this?

Congrats, you quoted a full article in your response so I guess you win this round?

I don't think I quoted a full article. Did I?

Oh yeah, my only goal Friday's night is to respond accurately to leftist articles


Tbh I'm not even sure what the article's trying to say. The study says women find woke men more attractive, but the article seems to think it says the opposite and that woke men want women to be more independent or something and don't put women in a pedestal

i think they're misusing the word "attractive" there

And of course, you're here.

Maybe im just not drama enough, or maybe you're just too autistic, but this comment is just a fucking word salad of nonsense buzzwords.


The article says women find men who are benevolently sexist (e.g. white knights) are more attractive. Not your typical redpill / Incel type.

You mean biological preferences developed over millions of years still outweigh three years of fat chicks yelling on the internet?!

r/menslib was always about castrating other men so they wouldn't have as much competition.

One dickless guy convincing another guy to cut off his dick doesn't really reduce competition.

My 30s are going to be easier than I thought they would be if that movement takes off and more "male feminists" arise.

Why do these science articles always have the weirdest writer portraits? It looks like a computer-generated avatar from some indie business game.

journalists use the same portrait compression tool as NBA Jam TE

This hits right in the feels and lols. Lol

Remember first gen NBA Jam Half Time reports that featured a 64x64 pixel Shawn Kemp dunking over some unknown defender at 8 frames per second?

Do they actually use the same tools? Because if so that's really funny.


tfw you flip your views on morality and acceptable social conduct based on what articles tell you will get your dick the most wet

This, but unironically.

Seems legit to me.

I'm a complete meathead chauvinist and I fucked my way through a string of liberal arts feminists in college. Granted, this was over 20 years ago so maybe the brand of feminist crazy on college wasn't as out there as it is today, but the marxist-socialist feminist art major ditching her boyfriend to get tumbled by a frat bro was such a common thing that it was practically a stereotype.

The ironic thing is that I knew of several instances where the above happened and the jilted "feminist" boyfriend decided that meant he could beat his girlfriend silly, something that the frat bro in question just simply wouldn't do because he was brought up not to.

Anyway, point being - male feminists are basically scum and even the women know it instinctively.

I'm a male feminist because I sternly believe that women should hold a job to have something to talk about that isn't inane bullshit. Do I count?

you sound more like an egalitarian than a male feminist

No joke... The women I my family are tough as shit. Scary even. One grandma beat the corporate game to get favour when it "wasn't done" the other was attempted hustled by a protection racket and in the end they asked her for protection.

Sorry society I want a tough smart woman by my side.

it’s the same fucking thing, christ

it's the opposite

Bitch you think me bitching about Deborah in my office isn't inane bullshit?

Well debs is the office slut and I post on /r/drama so I'm game

Hi, I'm debs

You sound like someone who doesn't want to spend the rest of your life supporting a directionless parasite, as """"traditionalists"""""""" and menslib-types seem to be excited about

Basically. I want kids... I don't need to be married to one. In fact if a girl I'm on a date with hasn't made and used an irish knife that a big red flag to me tbqh.

The reality of things is that in pre-war times men and women used to have heavy division of labor (and have since agricultural times), but women were still putting in a full day of work with tasks like harvesting, fixing things around the house, sewing clothes, storing and cooking food (which, if you look at a pre-war cookbook, took a ridiculous amount of effort even for simple recipes), etc. On top of that many women had over two kids to look after, in some cases over eight. Shortly after WWII, technology advanced, and lifestyles changed (i.e. shifted from rural to suburban) to the point where the homemaker role didn't require nearly enough work to be meaningful or time-consuming. Women were having less children, housework required less effort, it was in-vogue to create meals by mixing shit from cans and packets because it was a technological novelty, and men were returning home to jobs that women had occupied during the war.

Division of labor was extremely intense in that men were working while women were spending their time doing a "job" that isn't meaningful, doesn't require all that much effort, and put them under the direct control of someone who had all of the freedom and autonomy that they had experienced during the war, who in many to most cases didn't consider them as equals.

During the "traditional" 50's and later many women got hooked on psychiatric drugs like barbiturates to deal with this reality. It's hellish for anybody who wants to live a meaningful life to idle in a house all day with only a few hours of work to do a week. That is the reality of the majority of housewives from post-war onwards. Especially now- a spouse who lives at home doesn't have nearly enough to occupy themselves and live a meaningful life. Anybody who has kids who don't have some sort of cognitive impairment, doesn't live some weird alternative lifestyle, and isn't a parasite should find the life of the modern housewife intolerable.

I could go on and on and on about this, but I won't because that's not a great idea. All I can say is that, as somebody from an anabaptist family, I got to see what a true "traditional" pre-industrial Yuro family looks like, and in that kind of structure, the husband and wife are a team accomplishing the same goals together. The man will clear the fields, the woman will plant the seeds, and everyone + the kids will harvest. Sometimes those roles will change depending on the situation, but it doesn't really matter so long as things are getting done, so long as you're not talking in terms of tasks with an extremely large division of labor.

Sorry for this screed but this has been bothering me for a while. The contemporary idea of a "traditional" relationship is only like 60 years old and unappealing to anybody who doesn't want or want to be a parasite.

Your pulitzer is in the mail. (Longpostbot seems to be dropping the ball).

I really hope you have something occupying you because I worry your brain is wasted on this place /seriouspost

That's a really nice thing to say, thanks. I hope my brain isn't being wasted here.

You're in /r/drama. You may be the queen, but that doesn't mean your brain isn't wasted here.

You ain't wrong... The cul de sac dream of American nuclear family is just painfully toxic yet exhaulted for some bizzarre giving reason. I'm from an old Yankee family so everyone pulls their weight, even kids once they are cognizant (even if it's dumb stuff like helping the cleaning). To me that's tradition and it cuts down a little on animosity.

Woke as always Snally. But

a spouse who lives at home doesn't have nearly enough to occupy themselves and live a meaningful life.

How do you think so much boomer bullshit on the internet gets started?

God damnit snally this is quality post that we don't deserve.

I drank a lot last night

So what you're saying here, basically is that the Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, right?

There were choices that governments made that made it worse... Like separation of uses needlessly and the drive to build housing but not to build civic life with the housing.

Thank you snally, very cool!

I'm not psychic, but I predict that everyone you know wants you to stop talking inane bullshit about your job.

I'm not psychic but you probably aren't an adult... That's just what we do sweaty...

Yeah, people who drone on repetitvely about their boring arse job are so fucking interesting. Nobody wants to hear your stupid work stories. Get a fucking life outside of work you loser.

... Do you not have friends that are concerned and intersected in a huge portion of your life?

Jesus that's sad.

This has always been the case

Chad is actually the ideal person friendly honest and intelligent

While beta virgins are violent vindictive angry feminists freaks that you see in chapo

The chad chad

Granted, this was over 20 years ago

Go to bed grandpa

The ironic thing is that I knew of several instances where the above happened and the jilted "feminist" boyfriend decided that meant he could beat his girlfriend silly.


But in all seriousness, most frat-bros tend to be generally nice people, even to spergs like me. Some can be douchey, but most are generally nice and inclusive people. Male feminists are snobby as fuck. Everything is a fucking woke contest with these freaks that just tires you out.

WHY would you fuck feminists???? I hate men like you. They get the weak beta who provide for them AND then hot guy who fucks them. they get the best of both worlds so why should they ever change???????

Weren't there any women at college who weren't feminists???Couldnt you have fucked them?

They prefer benevolent sexist men. I.e. white knights. Not hostile sexist men, i.e. misogynists.

People who simply are sexist are ranked in between.

White knights are /r/MensLib users. Knighting of any kind is affected, and affected behavior is unattractive.

I cant believe anyone actually thought a study on this would be necessary

This is actually a pretty interesting blogpost. It would be nice to see which samples they replicated the findings in.

I wonder if men find feminine women more attractive too in the same way all women including feminists finds bad boys more attractive.

My experience has been that A LOT of men say they want strong independent women and they look down on traditional women like me.


Well yes.

traditional women

Traditional woman is a codeword for self-hating tranny.

No, it's not.

no u


Is that your dick? I can see now why you preferred becoming a tranny.

No. Just a really large clit.

suck on my 6 inches uncut clit, you transphobe

Too small to suck. Maybe lick

Aren't you supposed to be married. Is this what being a traditional woman means, to accost virginal /r/drama users and harass them into licking your roast flaps? Does your husband that this is how you spend your time online?

You accosted me. I was talking about your clit. And since you have a clit you can't be a virgin since you think women can't be incel.

Feminine yes

Trad no

Woke no

The article is about women being attracted to benevolent sexists (i.e. believing women are all pure and beautiful and need to be protected), which male feminists and menslibbers are. Idiot.