/r/gamingcirclejerk is totally satire guys trust me they are not commies

1  2018-12-14 by TheColdTurtle


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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One day, we'll resurrect cummunism.

Cummies from those that are able, to those that need.

This exploitation of the daddilariat will not stand!

Don’t you know that if you support capitalism, you can never EVER criticize the actions of a private company?

Yawn Try harder, cummie.

It’s sarcasm, tard. Often when complaints about video game companies come up on leftist subreddits, they say things like, “Hah, can’t these alt-right neckbeards see that this exploitation by video game companies is a direct effect of their precious capitalism?” Of course, the ironic thing is that no one would have time to complain about such petty crap if it weren’t for the prosperity created by capitalism.

So you were just so good at acting like a brainlet I fell for it. IDK if that makes me look bad or you look bad.



Anybody who disagrees with me is a group I dislike.


Post hog chud xddddd


It's a damn shame how many people seem to think this is true... Too often I hear "REEE YOU MUST WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING!" as a response anytime anyone has the slightest negative reaction to anything.

Just because the company is acting like a tard doesn't mean I don't want to give them my money

Another circlejerk sub turning into boring commie trash? Gee I'm so fucking surprised.

It started off good but then it turned into tankie fucks jerking each other off in the commie section. Damn shame

lol it started off as a bigger fart-huffing circlejerk than any other place on reddit, are you kidding me

It started out pointing out how obnoxious gaming subs are. Two seconds later it turned into an obnoxious fart huffing circlejerk. Now it's political, the only way it could be worse

Hooray for communism! Only in socialist countries like Venezuela can you make money playing runescape hopefully enough to eat for the day after hours of grinding!

You wouldn’t have games if it weren’t for capitalism, games are expensive. Art is expensive. Communists are stupid.



What did he mean by this

I remember you in r/starwarsbattlefront! You were always downvoted and literally called a paid marketer more times than I can count.

holy fuck if you start recognizing people's usernames on reddit because of the stupid slapfights they have on the internet, you need to just fucking kill yourself because you are worthless to modern society

> gaming circlejerk

> 140k subs

mfw i was there like 3-4 years ago in the hype of GERALDO DE WITCHER hype and it was legit circlejerk with like idk, 20k? 30k? subs?

now its some /r/games lefty politics shit hole

hmm that's interesting, i wonder at one point (and how many subscribers) does it take a sub to become extreme leftist lol

Pro tip for the thinking capitalist: look for however willing buys these shit games, they are idiots soon to be parted with their money.

Get them first, or someone else will.

Remember, talking about how a company used to be good and ended up bad is supporting communism.

Yeah obviously we should nationalize video game production. I mean, the Soviets gave us Tetris so I'm sure it'll work out.

Other socialist theories haven't produced any luxuries because there haven't been any notable nation's that have implemented any other economic theory other than Soviet style extremely centralized economics.

Lmao, their argument is literally "not true socialism"