In defense of Marxism-Leninism. (Agenda Post)

1  2018-12-15 by TheHeroReditDeserves

Look I know that a lot of you have encountered Marxist-Leninist before and have described them with words like "useless NEET " "worthless mayo degenerate" and "faggot". Some of these observations may be valid however I believe some of you are missing the bigger picture. Look around you and what do you see ? GamerGaters, Red pillers, MDEfugees, Youtube skeptics, Manlets and other pussing sores of humanity. These people are not going away and if left unchecked will continue to grow and consume everything in the world. Only through Marxist-Leninist revolution can these groups be eliminated in work-camps. Although the society may end up a totalitarian nightmare is a world without GamerGate and MDEfugees not a world worth fighting for ? I think it is.


Russia plays dota all the time tho ni🅱️🅱️a

No, individualism is responsible for all these problems. Getting Americans to pull their heads out of the sand and embrace traditional family values is the key to getting the youth to behave properly. We didn't always have these drug crimes, school shootings, and income inequality, and it's time we instill some morals in our culture or we're headed for societal collapse. Marxism has done nothing more than to dismantle and disrupt everything European culture has going for it.