“It’s not as if I came home and said I’d got someone pregnant.” It seems to me, unhinged by shock, that this might have been the better option. His father asks, “Does the tattoo hurt?” “Yes,” I say, cutting across this male bonding. “It does. Very much.”

1  2018-12-15 by BlacJeesus


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism's public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


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New quotes! I live it.

Well that was indeed dramatic

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; pack up the moon and dismantle the sun.

JFC you are going to quote poetry over your kid's retarded tattoo and we don't even get to find out what retarded tattoo he actually got? I'm just going to have to assume it was Rainbow Dash dressed as Hitler and raping Winston Churchill. MayoMoms BTFO.

This is the most pathetic thing I've read in the last week aside from browsing furry and diaper images on cringe subs. She doesn't even have the excuse of coming from a culture where tattoos are some crazy bullshit for the dregs of society like Japan. There is no greater pleasure in life for a white female than taking offense or being upset at something inconsequential. They get to revel in the victimhood without actually having to suffer from a real problem.

Sorry, this was my article that I wrote.

Editors (unbeknownst to me) took out my three-page description of my son's tattoo. In short:

It's a photorealistic depiction of my gangrape and dismemberment by the characters from the McDonaldsverse. Ronald McDonald's skullfucking my shriveled decapitated face while Grimace sticks his arms inside it rectum.

The Hamburgler's pulling off my arm while he uses it to pull himself off.

Birdie the Early Bird is flying above and shitting on what I hope is my corpse, but there is still light in my eyes and I know that my simulacrum is conscious of it all, despite my brain's being several feet from my neck.

The tattoo occupies my son's entire face.

I honestly can't stand to read Guardian writing, so could somebody summarise for me what the drama is? Thank you.

Tl;Dr Jocasta mommy freaks out over her precious son getting a bicep tattoo. Spergs it all over in The Guardian.

cancer from mobile phones

The Guardian

its a microwave that cooks your brain!!

Omg he is 21? And she is sperging out?

With 21 my parents wanted md to make a tattoo and stop being a pussy, and they are pretry conservative in many issues and anti-wokeness

The mind of a helicopter parent.

I like that she wrote under a pen name. So full of herself she’s practically choking but too scared of backlash/being called a lunatic to unveil herself.

I like that this is something that the editorial staff ofThe Guardian thought was worth publishing.

“My niece had doves tattooed on her breasts,” says a friend, “And her father said, you wait, in a few years’ time they’ll be vultures.”

only worthwhile part of that diatribe. Thot got patrolled.

That is the gayest thing I ever read. What a psycho bitch. She should honestly just shut the fuck up and everyone should not care what retarded emotions she wants to cry about today. I bet the kid wants nothing more to not have to live with the cunt and the father just wants to do as much overtime as possible to stay away from whatever histrionics are going to come out next.