GC poster is not happy about her post being featured here

1  2018-12-15 by Nadare3

They have called me a femcel. They called me a "heffer" (I had to google it: A heifer is a young female cow that has not produced offspring). How do they know? They don't.

They do. Funny that the fact she supposedly isn't all that is the smallest part of her rebutal, with a weak "I don't have issues having relationships with other people.", but doesn't she ? especially since, you know, she can't even share an elevator with a man ?

Well anyways this ties into another thing I find pretty annoying in the Internet, is that you post your opinion and if someone perceives it may negatively affects them, they will start insulting you.

Imagine my shock. Isn't it also funny this is said in a sub' where disrespecting trans' people by calling them TIMs and TIFs against their wishes (While complaining that TERF is a slur) is universally praised ? And from the person who spends her time calling other basement dwellers and people who have done nothing in their lives ? She also knows the meaning of projection, so feel free to make of that what you will.

As soon as those guys see that their precious porn could be taken away from them they start raging. Like, it could be healthier. Like if they said: "Ok I enjoy porn, but if it went away, I'll find something else to do". Or the healtiest: "I never watch porn".

I think that's pretty moderate for average people who are not deep down in the hole yet. I don't like the first one, but it's healthier than what we have. I'd settle for this, for now. Baby steps.

​>But no! We have to have the extreme overreactions!

Oh you mean like that comment ? Yeah but it got downvoted and deleted without a single answer, unlike most other deleted comments.

I don't really understand what drives people to try and protect "pornography" as a concept. It's alien to me.

"What I don't understand cannot possibly be healthy !"

The problem is when your enjoyment of something comes directly from abusing women, or viewing the abuse of. That's sick.

Still hasn't explained why a woman posting a picture of her own volition is abuse.

You can see it in the "NPC meme." The things I write here... none of it can be called rehashed content or arguments.

GC literally has guides to help people argue against porn. Notice the poster is in fact OP.

Who do they think they are fooling? Let me tell you, in a few years, there'll be a big crash. Those internet addicts are gonna be publicly exposed as the useless basement dwellers they are.

You heard Nostradamus here first, folks. You better save all the porn to your hard drives because GC is taking it all down in the near future.

The simple reflex of starting to type a message defending pornography, shows you have a problem.

"If you try to argue against me, you have a problem.". Instawin argument.

One's worth as an individual should not depend on the validation from other people, but on one's own accomplishments and growth into a better person every day. Who judges attractiveness? Other people, systematically. Once it is gone, what do you have left?

Spoken like a true...Looks back up...heifer.

It is another to derive a good chunk if not all your self worth from the comments of porn-addicted men on the Internet jacking off to you. Men they wouldn't touch with a rusty stick should they meet in real life.

B-but, "How do they know?".

Children coming to try teaching 30 years old adults lessons. Of course. Of course. You've got it all figured out kiddo.

Also, don't say you're jerking off. That's for your private time. ;)

Can the 30 years old femcel not put the one and only winking emoji in her long rant specifically in the part where she talks about a 16 years old masturbating, please ? Some of us aren't pedophiles, sweatie.

Also, careful, we judge on merit and accomplishment here, and those do not wait for age, just like they don't require good looks.

And some extra related drama:

GC poster links an entire 200 pages book as part of her literal pasta.

OP implies men are now powerless, all the while being in a sub' dedicated to blaming all women's problems on men's power

And last, perhaps most disgusting of all, GC actually has the right to ping others. I cry at night thinking of such a power being wasted in the hands of GC, of all subs.


Because the community got taken over by them.

The gaming community is as close you get to a white supremacists eithout going to a white supremacist rally And kids play games. The future is fucked in ways I don't think people realize, if you think these days are bad, oh boy wait untill the 12 year olds who have grown up around people saying the N word constantly become adults. Yeah...

Basically gaming has legitamatley been a fucking horrible plauge on the world and has been a massive cause of the recent rise of racism.


  1. that comment - Outline

  2. GC poster links an entire 200 pages... - Outline

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You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. doesn't she ? - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  3. she can't even share an elevator wi... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  4. that comment - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  5. guides - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  6. GC poster links an entire 200 pages... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, archive.is

  7. OP implies men are now powerless, a... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

  8. And last, perhaps most disgusting o... - archive.org, megalodon.jp, removeddit.com, archive.is

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I have a feeling if Mike Pence was in an elevator and told her to wait so he could go down without the possibility of being harassed by a thot she would feel offended.

It is a despairing thought that outside this sub, our thoughts are ridiculed and rejected at best and bombarded with the most heinous insults most likely, it's worse knowing that to make real change in the world, we have to put our thoughts out there, and endure the toxic abuse, or else we're essentially allowing the injustice to continue by default.

Time to play, Is it GC or a literal cult. Trick question its both

There are so many groups that could have plausibly said that.

  • 9/11 truthers
  • anti vaxxers
  • climate change deniers
  • pizzagators
  • redpillers


I now want to see a crocodile snatch some dude's pizza from him and eat it right there

what are you going to do, fight a damn croc for it?

If you told me Pizzagators was the most popular food franchise in Florida I'd be forced to believe it because that state is peak burger.

They do love naming things after gators there.

Q predicted this!

9/11 truthers


anti vaxxers


climate change deniers

Nah, wrong type of language.




No, they don't want to change the world, they think they got if figured out.

How could anyone object to a bunch of sneering dickheads hatefully shitting on everything they have to say about anything? They must be literally a cult.

How could anyone object to a bunch of sneering dickheads hatefully shitting on everything they have to say about anything?

Wait, are you talking about r/drama or about GC right now?

GC aren't sneering dickheads hatefully shitting on everything, they're shrieking harpies hatefully shitting on men and trannies.

Sometimes you say things that amaze even me

It's a cult. These people are conditioned to fear and hate men using a psuedoscience approach to understanding complex facets of society. Like all cults, it attracts weak people who need direction in their lives. It's not a coincidence there's a ton of people with mental illness there who freak out over minor shit.

It is a despairing thought that outside this sub, our thoughts are ridiculed and rejected at best and bombarded with the most heinous insults most likely

Oh look. All the hallmarks of a bad idea.

I give it 6 months till they shoot up some kind of trans convention like AGDQ

GC and similar subs giving the manosphere a run for their money in nonsensical paranoia and bad arguments.

Is the manosphere even a thing nowadays? I haven't heard about them in ages.

They live on through redpill and incels.

Not really. The manosphere was more a reaction to the anti- men rhetoric of subs like SRS but since they lost steam and dissolved into other subs that opposition did as well.

incels are a whole new breed of autism

It's no coincidence they share terminology and concepts though.

With subs like TRP? Sure, but that sub is only part of it if you apply the term very loosely. Men's Rights is in the manosphere, TRP hates them and always has.

I thought it was a weird conspiracy theory that femcels subscribed to.

malecels are gone

I find it very progressive that women have found a way to be as shitty as incels

What’s with the ops obsession about them?

I think it is projecting. I'm not at the computer jacking it 24/7. I rarely post on reddit. I didn't even get to post in my thread because it was so busy at work. I don't have issues having relationships with other people.

​I think this is projecting.

But no! We have to have the extreme overreactions!

Types 1,008 words because people disagreed with her. I think this is projecting.

Who judges attractiveness? Other people, systematically. Once it is gone, what do you have left?

I don't know--you tell me. 😉

Projection, your honor! 👩🏼‍🔬

tldr Im guessing slut, someone respond if im right

It's more like the opposite really

her mind is willing but the flesh is too much

Its feels like you are passive aggressively writhing an ex girlfriend. Maybe you should consider hooking up with this girl

Don't...Dating life...Shame me ?

Kink shame, the term is kink shame and we don't stand for that here

I mean dating people ain't exactly a kink, hence why I had to customize the wording.

B-baka its n- not like I like f-femcels or anything!

Get the noose

Bwahaha OP does all this effort and you have to go and call him a dramacel.

Damn dude you really like porn

Only people with issues don't like porn

lmao the absolute state of Reddit porn addicts

Sounds like you have some issues

Porn is pretty great.

Men they wouldn't touch with a rusty stick should they meet in real life.

Wtf is a rusty stick?

Hot. Looks like porn.

Wtf is a rusty stick?

Tranny penis

Women are garbage, sweetie.

Not if you're a man.

I have sex with garbage, so yes.

Lol TIM and TIF are medically accurate terms. Better that AFAB and AMAB which are about feels.

Both are medically accurate, if we want to get there. More importantly, they call a trans' woman "he" and a trans' man "she". On top of some stuff about autogynephilia, being rapists in disguise and stuff.

🤷🏽‍♀️ Nobody is “assigned male”. Your sex is determined at conception then observed and recorded at birth. To say “assigned” ignores scientific facts.

For 99.9% of people, that is true, but not for everybody. It's more about intersex people though.

Yeah but trans people aren’t intersex. If there is an exception only for intersex then it proves that trans is about feels.

Yeah but trans people aren’t intersex.

Trans' people can be argued to be intersex now that evidence has arisen that their brain leans more towards the other sex (i.e their "desired" one) than the one of the rest of their body.

If there is an exception only for intersex then it proves that trans is about feels.

That is a pretty big oversimplification. If there were a handful of trans' people worldwide, that would be arguable (Not necessarily true). The problem is that trans' people are much more numerous than they would realistically have any possibility to be if they were some subset of a mental illness (Notably Schizophrenia). Even if it were a legitimate mental illness (And it is, according to the common definition, but not the medical one; it would be more of a malformation), mental illnesses aren't feels, they have often deep-rooted biological causes. That their brain can be observed to be different from those of normal people (Of their "bodily" sex) also suggests there's a lot more to it than feels.

Omg what bullshit. The brain is not a sexed organ. It’s not like ovaries or balls. No such thing as a lady brain.

Gender dysphoria is by definition a mental illness. It’s anxiety a person experiences. It’s’ basically an anxiety disorder.

How do you observe the brain of a trans person? By autopsy? MRI? These show a difference?

The whole trans mentality is such bullshit that future generations will shake their heads. The fact that some people have bought in (especially allies/handmaidens) is a social contagion.

Omg what bullshit. The brain is not a sexed organ. It’s not like ovaries or balls. No such thing as a lady brain.

It's not a sexual organ, it is an organ that is different based on whether or not it's in a male or female (Usually).

Gender dysphoria is by definition a mental illness. It’s anxiety a person experiences. It’s’ basically an anxiety disorder.

This lacks a part of the definition of mental illness, that is, that it is change in a person's thought patterns. And if a trans' woman's brain is indeed female (Or closer to it than male, rather), there is a case to argue that there is no change in the thought pattern, merely a mismatch between the body and the brain.

Put more simply, the idea is that if a regular female brain was somehow transplanted in a regular male body, it might experience gender dysphoria, not because of different thought patterns, but simply because of the mismatch.

How do you observe the brain of a trans person? By autopsy? MRI? These show a difference?

Pretty sure it was MRI. And yes, as I just said, they showed patterns more in line with the opposite sex than their own (But not 100% in line either, which might be because of hormonal influence). Do note this is still about trends and patterns, because the human brain is a very fickle (And ill-understood) organ.

The whole trans mentality is such bullshit that future generations will shake their heads.

You're acting like transgender people haven't existed for generations already.

The fact that some people have bought in (especially allies/handmaidens) is a social contagion.

Opinions contrary to yours, even when held by experts of their field, are social contagion ?

Good job bobby, here's a star

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So your entire ideology depends on lady brains. Got it.

your entire ideology

Just an opinion, really.

depends on lady brains

Yes, it does depend on research. Your depends on..?

How do you test if somebody has a lady brain, and what is the correlation of lady brains and trans?

Here’s the deal. Gender dysphoria is an anxiety disorder. But instead of treating it like any anxiety disorder, with anxiety medication and therapy to determine the cause, we castrate them and mutilate their bodies. Even children.

Some people think this is best since “doctors and researchers” think so. Here are some other things that doctors and researchers thought:

  • if women are too emotional, they should be labotomized.

  • women should wash out their vaginas with Lysol

  • women should take thalidomide to prevent morning sickness.

  • smoking is harmless

  • carbs are the centerpiece of a healthy diet (food pyramid)

So use common sense.

How do you test if somebody has a lady brain, and what is the correlation of lady brains and trans?

It is, currently, hard to tell what sex a brain is. However, there are trends, and the trends of trans' women's are more in line with those of natural women's, those of trans' men's with those of natural men's.

See it like height; You can't tell someone's sex just by their height - not with 100% accuracy except for, of course, the literal world record holders. However, males are, on average, taller than females. Consequently, if I divide a big-enough population by sex, it is essentially guaranteed the tallest of the two is made of males.

Same for brains; You can't tell someone's sex 100% from their brain, but you can identify trends in populations. And it turns out that trans' women's trends are more in line with those of natural women's than men's, same for trans' men's.

But instead of treating it like any anxiety disorder, with anxiety medication and therapy to determine the cause

And what if, like it seems it is, the cause is the brain being "wired" like the opposite sex ? With our current technology, we won't fix that. With our current technology, we don't have any other fix for this, except mutilating their body.

I won't say it's not mutilating, because it is, though that's not butchering either. But the point is that it's the best there is for them right now. "It's bad" is a good point, but it doesn't suddenly give another, better option.

So use common sense.

Again, tell me of a better way to treat it, one that is doable right now, or doable in a foreseeable enough future that it can be worth waiting for, and I will agree with you the current way it is treated shouldn't be done. Right now, medical transition - when carefully handled, but obviously, if we're talking about the US, healthcare ain't gonna work very well - is the best treatment there is, no matter how good or bad it is.

still unemployed then?

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It is, currently, hard to tell what sex a brain is.

If you cant measure whether a brain is a lady brain, how can you say there’s any correlation between lady brains and trans people?

trans’ women’s trends

I dont know what this means. Are you saying that trans women align wth 1950’s stereotypes on gender? Are they bad at math?

If you cant measure whether a brain is a lady brain, how can you say there’s any correlation between lady brains and trans people?

I included the comparison with height exactly to make you understand this.

If you can't tell someone's sex just by their height, how can you say there is any correlation between height and sex ?

I dont know what this means. Are you saying that trans women align wth 1950’s stereotypes on gender? Are they bad at math?

No, I am talking about the brain's morphology.

Right but somebody’s height you can measure with a ruler. Then you can make a graph that compares people’s height to their gender. And you get the bimodal distribution.

If you can’t measure the ladybrain, then you can’t make the graph. Do i have a lady brain? Do you? There’s no way to measure it.

If you can’t measure the ladybrain

But you can, that's what I've been telling you. You go through an MRI scan, and patterns in your brain emerge.

Same way as height, it's hard to be sure of someone's sex just from their brain, but you can still identify trends in each sex. And it turns out that the trends in trans' women are more in line with those of natural women than natural men, and vice-versa for trans' men.

then you can’t make the graph.

If this is about not understanding how brain patterns can show trends despite not really being able to fit on a graph, I will give you a perhaps even more fitting example: Faces (As in, shape of the face, we're gonna discount pilosity as there isn't an equivalent clear marker in brains, though again, intersex people would throw a wrench in that).

You can't plot faces on a graph either, or it'd be so complex that it'd essentially be encoding a photo of it - same way as an MRI scan of the brain. Yet I am sure you can see how it is possible to see trends in faces of each sex. So much so, in fact, that we associate the hundreds of faces we see each day with a sex - maybe not entirely accurately, but very much so still.

And while trends in an MRI scan of the brain as less conclusive (It's less reliable to associate a sex with them), you can recognize patterns in them, and associate some more with a sex than the other, without actually saying it is entirely associated with that sex. Just like, for example, a defined jaw is more associated with males, or high cheekbones are associated with females. You can't really plot all of those on a graph, yet you can clearly identify patterns by seeing many faces, or in that case, lots of MRI scans.

Good job bobby, here's a star

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I think u have autism dude

No such thing as a lady brain.

If TERFs don't believe there's any difference between men's and women's thoughts, why do they constantly rant about how men's thoughts are icky and gross while women's thoughts are pure and angelic?

Difference between somebody’s thoughts and somebody’s brain.

So if TERFs agree that men and women as groups have different ways of thinking, why shouldn't someone self identify their gender based on their thoughts?

Actually radfems say that gender doesn’t exist in any meaningful way, except as a fiction perpetuated by the patriarchy. There are differences between two individuals, but not between men and women as a class.

To tear down the patriarchy we need to tear down antiquated notions of gender.

r/gendercritical: trans can't exist because men and women are the same!

also r/gendercritical: men are demons in human form, put on earth to oppress women!

I'm sure if we had the technology to accurately determine which "sex" a person's brain is, transes would be all for 100% abiding by that.

Life is some non-binary person has decided they feel like a boy that week, and the science says "no, you've had a female brain your entire life," they would say "oops, guess I was wrong." They wouldn't cry that they're special and science is for bigots.

I think you're confusing non-binary and trans' people.

I'm sure the scientific research matches up with all these terms. There's male brains, female brains, non-binary brains, thai lady-boy brains, Native American two-spirit brains.

The science just happened to perfectly line up with everything some anime-watching weirdo has ever thought up!

I'm sure the scientific research matches up with all these terms.

I never argued for non-binary people.

There's male brains, female brains, non-binary brains, thai lady-boy brains, Native American two-spirit brains.

As far as we understand it now, there aren't "trans' brains" as much as female brains in male bodies and male brains in female bodies, which obviously doesn't sit well with people born that way.

That is why I said non-binary and trans' people were different, because the existence of trans' people does not require non-binary brains or whatever.

Do you think that every single trans woman has a female brain, and vise versa, or just most of them? And do you think those ones that really don't have the brain they think do would be fine with being told they're not really trans?

Do you think that every single trans woman has a female brain, and vise versa, or just most of them?

I would say most, though probably nearly all. Surely there could be, and probably are because of the sheer population of the world, people who legitimately experience gender dysphoria without actually it originating from that condition, for some other reason. However when I say this I am speaking of people who would truly end up happier living as the other gender, not simply people who claim to be trans'.

And do you think those ones that really don't have the brain they think do would be fine with being told they're not really trans?

Your earlier question in mind, I think that's framing it the wrong way. Some people are trans', some people aren't, some people think they are but aren't (And vice-versa). beyond that all there is are reasons why that state is.

Someone not being trans' because of the most common reason doesn't make them not trans'. However I can see how that would make them fundamentally different from people who are trans' because of their brain, especially regarding treatment; Being trans' (As in, living as the other gender) ain't exactly easy, and if that would open another solution for treatment, it'd probably be preferable.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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Okay so you're in favor of subjecting trans people to scientific analysis to determine if they're really the gender they think they are and, if they aren't, treating them by convincing them they're wrong instead of hormones or surgery.

That sounds fine. Your first comment came off as really sympathetic and it was pissing me off but I can be onboard with this.

Okay so you're in favor of subjecting trans people to scientific analysis to determine if they're really the gender they think they are and, if they aren't, treating them by convincing them they're wrong instead of hormones or surgery.

I think my stance is more nuanced than that. Yes, I am in favour of using scientific (Or rather, biologic, as opposed to psychiatric) analysis on trans' people. However, scientific reasoning goes both ways, and right now, it isn't reasonable to try to use that to tell "true" trans' people from the "fake" ones, the error margin would be way too big. In the future, when we get to understand the human brain better, and we can find a more reliable biological marker for "transness", I'm on board for using that.

Try editing your writing more for succinctness. For instance in this comment, you could have conveyed the same information by deleting everything you wrote.

I'll be taking notes.

Source on your claim that male brains and female brains exist? Because they don’t and that’s bullshit.

Have a field day, loads of sources on there.

What does a male brain look like? What does a female brain looks like?

Do men and women also have different hearts, livers, kidneys, eyes, and stomachs? Does this mean a man can't get an organ transplant from a woman and vice versa?

What does a male brain look like? What does a female brain looks like?

Gonna have to ask the people who did the study because I'm not a neurologist.

Do men and women also have different hearts, livers, kidneys, eyes, and stomachs?

Not from a structural standpoint AFAIK, though they vary in size and activity on average.

Does this mean a man can't get an organ transplant from a woman and vice versa?

They can, but there are additional risks.

Link to the study?

I don't have the exact link so just gonna drop the first 3 links I found using Google: 1, 2, 3.

You surely love that sub sweaty. As for your links, nah


Hahahahaha, oh god.

It’s right up your alley

Quote a stupid website to support your own point of view

When called out on it being stupid, accuse it of being right up your opponent's alley

Galactic brain.

OK. It says they have similarities to brains of the opposite gender, but are also similar to their birth gender in other ways. Which means they're not the same as a natural born person of the opposite gender either. It'd be interesting to see if a tranny's brain is similar to a gay person's brain, and if there's basically a spectrum. More estrogen in men means they like cock, even more means wish they had a cunt. Vice versa for women.

Which means they're not the same as a natural born person of the opposite gender either.

A caveat to this is that they obviously had the opposite hormonal influence to someone of the other sex for most of their life, so there is an expected difference that has nothing to do with how the brain developed initially.

It'd be interesting to see if a tranny's brain is similar to a gay person's brain, and if there's basically a spectrum.

This actually rings a bell but I'm not even sure. I do know there are differences between homosexual and heterosexual brains though.

More estrogen in men means they like cock, even more means wish they had a cunt. Vice versa for women.

I don't think it could be that simple since trans' people can also be heterosexual or homosexual - though with skewed proportions - so the mechanisms that create both have to be at least slightly independent.

In fact I'd be tempted to interpret the fact that, IIRC, the sexual orientation of trans' people, from the point of view of their birth sex, isn't that far off the sexual orientation stats of cis people (80% VS 90%, roughly, from what I recall) as their sexual orientation not being very affected by what makes them trans'.


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The findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people.

Would you support MRI scans being used as a diagnostic test before adolescents begin transitioning?

AFAIK, that would be a bad idea because we can't even truly reliably tell a natural woman from a natural man just from MRI scans, we don't understand the brain enough for that, we can only see trends in large groups.

If it was reliable enough (AFAIK it is not right now), yes.

Trans' people can be argued to be intersex now that evidence has arisen that their brain leans more towards the other sex (i.e their "desired" one) than the one of the rest of their body.

This argument is extra retarded because literally no doctor in the world would ever use an MRI as a qualification for becoming the other gender. Even you would most likely agree that a person with a male-looking brain on an MRI who outwardly acts and identifies as female is female, and vice versa. The idea that gender is determined by poorly-understood brain geometry is even dumber than the one about chromosomes.

Also this nonsense deserves extra scrutiny because of how often it gets posted and how infrequently it is cited.

There are good arguments for trans rights but you’re not helping. The way leftists get hung up on ridiculous ideas that they can’t admit are wrong — because they need to save the world — that shit is a big reason why trannywars are prime drama.

This argument is extra retarded because literally no doctor in the world would ever use an MRI as a qualification for becoming the other gender. Even you would most likely agree that a person with a male-looking brain on an MRI who outwardly acts and identifies as female is female, and vice versa. The idea that gender is determined by poorly-understood brain geometry is even dumber than the one about chromosomes.

As I explained already, this is about trends, and yes, we cannot right now determine someone's sex from MRI scans. Those are 2 entirely different arguments, that MRI scans can be used to prove someone's transness, and that MRI scans have shown trans' people have differently "sexed" brain.

More importantly, they call a trans' woman "he" and a trans' man "she".

What's wrong with that?

It's disrespect, regardless of what you think of their condition. As to the point in the post, can't claim outrage at disrespect when you dish it out yourself.

This is why I refer to them as "it".

A true radical centrist.

Well, they're right. There is no such thing as a "transwoman": you're either born a woman, or your not a woman. Apart from the vanishingly small percentage of them that legitimately have a brain malfunction which causes them to misperceive themselves as women, 'rapist autogynephile' is likely accurate. See: Jonathan "Jessica" Yaniv, "Karen" White, etc.

Medically accurate, but not socioculturally; outside of the context of medical/biological science, there is no objective answer to whether transgender people are their preferred gender.

a useful answer depends on cultural concepts of what qualifies as a man or a woman.

Lol women are bad at math and i am bad at math therefore i must be a woman. Regressive gender stereotypes.

That is literally not what I said, it's just a retarded strawman you leaped to.

What I meant was cultural concepts of whether trans people are their preferred gender, not cultural concepts of what is male or female behaviour.

cultural concepts of whether trans people are their preferred gender,

What does this even mean? Somebody’s determination of if their individual characteristics align with typical male characteristics or typical female characteristics? How do you define what is “typical male characteristics” without falling back on stereotypes?

Nah, just whether the people involved think trans people are there chosen gender. That's literally all I'm saying.

How do you know whether trans people are their chosen gender?

There's no objective way to say so; it depends on whether the people involved beleive trans people are their chosen gender.

You talk about transgenders in general when you hang out at the pub?

We don't have pubs in Pakistan.

Then what are you talking about having conversations at a bar? In your head, at home?

I am a bar theorist.

Sounds like you need a place that is less of a theocratic totalitarian state.

Something I agree with you about.

TERF is an accurate descriptor for the political ideology. Better that than GC which is about feels.

I hate porn. The only reason I watch it is because it allegedly victimizes women.

you're a hero... i think

Could always switch to gay porn

Takes money out of women's pockets.

I feel like GC could be coaxed into screeching about this and I want to see it happen

lmao guarantee this woman is going to be a cat lady arguing with herself in 10 years and will blame men for it

Narcissists will always find a reason to blame anything other than themselves.

It makes my skin crawl that for our agenda to move forward, we have to convert these degenerate addicts to our cause. Any industry is only as successful as it's consumers, so for an industry to collapse, it's consumers must abstain. But they won't, because they're addicts. A frustrating loop if I've ever seen.

just say manocide when and get it off your chest

didn't read lol

It is well-paragraphed, each one made me want to read the next.

Porn is degenerate and I won't mourn its loss.

I tried quickly searching for an anti-porn subreddit to give you but all I found was r/pornfree, which doesn't seem to be about fighting porn in others.

I guess you're gonna have to go to r/gendercritical.

I'm not going to be an activist against it on reddit. I just think it is degenerate and the entire industry is run by kikes and everyone involved needs to be shot to death.



Yeah I remember the International Jewish Conspiracy Conference in 2006 where we discussed how to corrupt the mayos in the internet age and the rabbi of New York proposed the whole internet porn thing. Fun times

You joke. But Jews literally meet and conspire about various things. The most obvious is AIPAC.

Bwhaha this is what MDEtards actually believe.

> bwahaha

Lol fag

What is an MDE?

Posts in /r/DebateFascism and /r/DebateAltRight

Hey, just because your white boy sub got quarantined doesn't mean you get to shit this sub up.

Shoo, shoo.

Bitch I post where I want, you ain't gon stop me faeeeeygoot im drunk posting rn but we both still know yusa bitch!SHCHHH!

R. I. P.


(Beginning of Time — 2018)

I'm not saying it can be removed alktogether but I do think banning it legally would keep the exposure rate down and do us some good.

I'm sure the final solution for porn actresses will make for scintillating conversation for you and your trad wife at your weekly ethnostate potlucks


I thought you were being ironic but your follow up comments and week old account make me believe you really are a Nofaptard.

I mean I jerkyl and hyde off when I want, or I'll fuck my current gf but like, hat doesn't mean I like what porn does to society (we live in) dude,

Grown women willingly post naked pictures of themselves on the internet.

Feminists REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE and demand these women be treated like children who don't have the mental capacity to make their own decisions and the pictures be removed.

Men are somehow to blame.

I think it's pretty autistic that you feel you need to break down her comments point by point instead of just linking to the drama you fucking sped

Now there, aren't you overestimating the capacity of r/drama users to think for themselves ?

The fact that we can't ping anymore is the real persecution

We need a bot to say this on every thread.

Not experienced with r/GW, but while on the front of it it’s women taking and distributing pornographic photos for fun and reddit karma, I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that there are lots of PMs and PayPals flying round behind the scenes and probs RL meetups for paid rape sessions, probs some pimps involved, maybe a little (or a lot) of revenge porn plastered round by bitter ex-bfs...

paid rape sessions

When your feminism is so galaxy brained that you deny women have agency

Feminism has done a little damage to men, but its mostly put women back into the fucking womb. Even the most staunch woman hater wouldn't dehumanise women to the point that the typical reddit feminist does.

you deny women have agency

One weird trick that lets you blame men for EVERYTHING!

Lol actually putting effort in drama posts

Why do u put a spave at the end of a question ya fkn boomer ?

What a tragic, ideologically-addled moron. At 30 she should really be less insane than this.

Do they not realise that woman enjoy pornography as well?

My initial comment got me banned from their subreddit! LOLOLOLOL

I really need my fellow radfems to calm the fuck down about shitposting holy shit.

Children coming to try teaching 30 years old adults lessons. Of course. Of course. You've got it all figured out kiddo.

Also, don't say you're jerking off. That's for your private time. ;)

After reading this I expected an unironic “sweaty” somewhere in there

Go play with your cumbox loser.

What a mean thing to call my wife.

I posted semi-frequently on GC at one point. I got banned for joking about it on another sub.

Got accused of being a man who wants special treatment for asking why. Whatever I guess

Femcels in 2k18? That is hilarious... she might be the most mentally unstable person on earth. Let's just hope she commits Sudoku soon

I legit wonder how they feel about gay porn 🤔

After all, they're not fans of men or standing up for the rights of men. They think men are toxic and should be left to themselves, which would make you think they'd support gays and gay porn, as it's men literally fucking off with each other and ignoring women.

On the other hand, they hate porn in general.

1 sec, I don't think I'm banned from there yet. Let me pop on over and ask them.

But honestly I don't really care if men hurt each other.

Spicy answer you got there.

Who knew you could be menopausal at 30?