r/UnpopularOpinion post featuring Fat-Shaming womenversus Small penis-shaming

1  2018-12-15 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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Wow, it's already time for another smolpenis post. I'm excited to read more comments saying "no really, it's not that bad", and replies saying "yes it's that bad".

Everyone seems pretty free to dish out body standards, but has trouble accepting them.

Body acceptance is a meme. You'll never be good enough anyway.

Both are worthless and both need to be shamed

Years ago fat acceptance would have been laughed out of any room. Now men are bargaining penis acceptance in return for fat acceptance. The slippery slope has begun.

I love the edit pasta though, and the "smaller brothers" expression.

It's over for hamplanetcels and dickletcels.

Hamplanets have chubby chasers and desperate men. Dicklets have nothing


I'm pretty sure that dudes that actually have 5-1/2 inchers don't make rage posts about their horrible small dick problems. Even on a throwaway account posting about how society shouldn't shame small dicks this guy is still lying about his lil buddy.

The average penis is about 5 inches actually in most good studies. Guys almost always seem to add an inch or more when self-reporting though.

this reminds me of a month ago when i stated an objective fact that big dicks were objectively better than small dicks and that it was so controversial that it got posted on both subredditdrama and drama and i had tons of angry people [see: dickcels / dicklets] messaging and replying to me angrily

men are very sensitive about their dick size and that unpopularopinion thread with all the upvotes it has proves it

From what I've read very large sizes can be painful. Women are often still aroused by them though just due to the allure of a giant dick, even if they can't fit the whole thing in there actually.

Big tits serve zero sexual function if you're not titty-fucking, yet guys still like to look at big tits. Same for girls with big asses.

And yet guys are surprised women like big dicks even if it doesn't serve a purpose, or even hurts?

They're less surprised and more don't wanna be made fun of, any thot with money can get big boob and butt unless you want a cock sadder than a neocock you can't make the peepee bigger

Natural giant breasts definitely look different than artificial ones. Like most natural breasts have a jiggle to them that artificial breasts don't have. And most fake boobs are like hack jobs where the implant is clearly visible and obviously pushes way out of the surrounding tissue, bolt ons, it just looks stupid. The best fake boobs look *sort* of like extremely firm natural boobs, like Anri Okita. Still they have less jiggle, and I prefer more jiggle than that anyway.

Big dicks are only good for large women coping womenlet try too hard to take something they can't even manage

tfw your dick is so small you can't bang fat chicks.

Any dick is small to a fatty tbf

I’m very partial to my hitachi magic wand

I'm a male feminist so I use that on my dick, really we need to get over the shaming of using a vibrator to get off with your dick treating it like a clitoris, it's a perfectly acceptable sexual behavior IMO.

gussy? ewwww

Thinking you're fucking special or you did something to earn your sexual prowess, fuck off. It was luck of the God damn draw you should be getting on your knees and thanking whatever cosmic force responsible for bestowing your prowess unto you.

This tiny little baby dick loser has no idea what sexual prowess is.

I will always side with the smol peepee group over fattty love any day of the week at least people with small dicks don't take up two seats on the bus

Lol dicklets

Dicklets have two options in life, accept the fact that your dick isn't good enough and learn to with what you got or take the trans pill and become cute bussy bois

isn't being a cute bussy boi learning to do with what they got?

Not really since they have to take the pills to look more feminine

If you only consider what the person looks like when considering them fuckable then the problem is with you, not them.

Peak internet