Nazicels bussyblasted about vidya's politics

1  2018-12-15 by A663954512658449695


You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


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Who do rightcels and leftcels overanalyze everything to the point of being retarded?

Intellectualizing situations is a well know method of C O P E.

No cope. Only rope

In the absence of pragmatism outrage bait is all that's left.

The gang constantly bitches about how much they hate the Southerners in Lemoyne (Louisiana) and the game constantly makes references to the plantation families being inbred and stupid. As for Appalachian people, Roanoke Ridge (Appalachia) is crawling with Deliverance-style incest-murder hillbillies, except they also eat people

So they're saying the game is historically accurate?

Actually, Californians are known for eating people

The gang constantly bitches about how much they hate the Southerners in Lemoyne

I never really see this tbh, the gang just seems to hate the families who’ve run the town amok.

Plus the grays and braithwaites were slave owners so people in the gang like Lenny, Charles, and Tilly would be in chains if it were up to them