"If a man hits a woman when he's drunk, everyone says 'oh he was just drunk, that doesn't count." "This literally never happens, he'd be called a violent alcoholic." -99 points

1  2018-12-16 by CoolBeansBussyBoi


Jews did this


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As we all know, society encourages men beating women. Walk down the street, what do you see? Men beating women. Go to work? Women being beat by men. That's why there are no laws against it. Hey hey! Ho ho! This beating culture has got to go!

Society is truly the plight of women everywhere, especially the white ones.

This really says something about our society

Yes, it says 3rd and 4th wave feminism is a cancer to society.

You sound like a chud, and possibly an incel

Now don't be rude to this poor gamer

Tell me why, Mr. Peepee, even after MULTIPLE room cleanings, do the girls run away screaming as I run after them with my dick out? Is it feminism?

Did you read my book on washing your penis?

You have to clean the room in your soul.

Let's not call people pedophiles for no reason. It makes my boobs jiggle with anger.

oh I dont know I kinda like them all

Sorry, I was cleaning my room. Here's my favorite Sir Jordan Peterson of the House of Lobsters video.



Somehow, I just heard James Brown sing those two lines.

they feel guilty for not having to contribute anything other than their pussy to survive in this world

TrollX actually believes this.

Depends on the society, you know they not static or homogeneous, right?

Just like my gender

You're right. Should have the word indigenous in there somewhere.

People really need a new slogan

I always think of a conga line when I hear the Hey Hey Ho Ho chant 😹😹😹

This is why I can’t get on board with feminism. I hate that so many women suffer from male violence, but it’s bullshit and demeaning to suggest that (western) men are encouraged to hit/rape women

It's over for drinking-cels

As it should be. Drinking is about the most degenerate thing a man can do (barely a step above smoking) and anyone who partakes deserves nothing but the worst in life.



It’s over for your liver-cels

Joke's on you, I fuck my liver all the time


Will Smith: “Da’ss hot!”

Ironically, enough I know so many Muslims that drink and smoke a lot (a few family members), but draw the line at pork. Absolute riots.

So there's a joke I heard recently and for some reason remember often.

A priest and a rabbi were sitting next to each other on an airplane. After a while, the priest turned to the rabbi and asked,

"Is it still a requirement of your faith that you not eat pork?"

The rabbi responded, "Yes, that is still one of our beliefs."

The priest then asked, "Have you ever eaten pork?"

To which the rabbi replied, "Yes, on one occasion I did succumb to temptation and tasted a ham sandwich."

The priest nodded in understanding and went on with his reading.

A while later, the rabbi spoke up and asked the priest, "Is it still a requirement of your church that you remain celibate?

The priest replied, "Yes, that is still very much a part of our faith."

The rabbi then asked him, "Have you ever fallen to the temptations of the flesh?"

The priest replied, "Yes, rabbi, on one occasion I was weak and broke my faith and made love to a woman."

The rabbi nodded understandingly and remained silent, thinking about five minutes.

Finally, the rabbi said, "Beats a fucking ham sandwich, doesn't it?"

Life-fuel for kid diddlers

The other way around I guess.

Explain the joke pls i dont think i get it

The sex the priest had is more enjoyable than the pork. They both committed sins but one had a better time

Oh that was it? I thought there was something I was missing like a brainlet.

That, and the Jews got a much better deal on sins as usual, with that pork stuff.

No, they didn't get the joke either.

No, the joke is that it's better to be forbidden from pork than sex.

but one had a better time

What do u think this means

The joke isn't that the priest had a better time sinning, the joke is that the priest is a dumbass for following a religion banning sex.

Go fuck yourself

There there, princess. Jokes can be tough to figure out.

I fucking hate you. You'll regret this one day

Soon, brother

not destroying your lungs and liver to kill yourself

Absolutely cucked.

(barely a step above smoking)

not smoking cigarettes

Were you bullied in school, mentally retarded, or perhaps, both?

b-but it will kill you

So? Is life a competition of who lives the longest?

you get addicted!!!

No you won't if you are not underage and you know how to smoke in moderation.


Who's telling you should smoke a pack a day you fucking moron?

I remember the first beer I had after I turned 21. It was disgusting and I don't understand where all of the hype is. I might start to like it if I get a park ranger job in the middle of the Alaskan tundra.

We should lower the drinking age to get rid of the stigma so we don't get kids drinking tons of gross bread water and passing out. All of the stigma around drinking gives drugs an edge they certainly don't deserve.

Whats the point of drinking if you can't hit women?! These people are getting too PeeCee!

I only drink to numb the pain of my knuckles rattling off my father bitches jaw

GOOD point.

It's over for domestic-abuse-cels

The es Jay duba yous strike again.

I'll pee on you, you CEE YOO EN TEE!

Good bot.

Thanks for being nice!


It's over for plinkett-cels

Wait there are other plinkett?


Virgin drinking-cel vs Chad high-functioning-alcoholic.

look he posted it

It's over for gimmick-cels


not smoking cigarettes

Were you bullied in school, mentally retarded or both?

b-but it will kill you

So? Is life a competition of who lives the longest?

you get addicted!!!

No you won't if you are not an underage b& and smoke in moderation.


Who's telling you should smoke a pack a day you fucking moron?

The only thing society encourages more than being women is raping them.

yo dawg I heard you like women so I made you a woman and put you in the woman's bathroom so you can oppress while you be oppressed

That's ulsom fucked up poetry level stuff my guy

not this one bro

Just check the rest of the comments

I really hope the women on those board are just the worst of the bunch. Because if your average women is really like your average twox poster i might as well just accept it would be better to never get married.

Come be gay with me, it's amazing

No thanks. Ill keep hoping for AI gfs and watching solo milfs videos instead.

Also a valid life choice

He is lying, he just thinks he is too good for you.

It's over Blade-Runner-2049-cels


I sometimes wish I was looking at the current state of western w*men. Alas, I was born this way.

You aren't the only one thinking that.

Then again I would argue it's men's fault we let women abuse us like this. Men won't stand together and that's the real tragedy. That's why women have been able to walk all over us

Im not starting up with other men, all this retarded movements is what made shit retarded in the first place.

Men rise up.

Then again I would argue it's men's fault we let women abuse us like this.

Femcels being dumb on a subreddit is not abuse.


Words are violence, sweaty

. Men won't stand together and that's the real tragedy.

Bruh I'm never getting married unless that bitch has way more money than me and I can Tony Braxton her.

You need to leave your mom's basement to get married bro

I don't have a basement bro.


But my mom doesng have a basement either.

you sure do know a lot about ur moms downstairs 🤔🤔

We all do.

Of course i do. Why wouldn't i know about where my mom lives.


Well why wouldn’t he, he lived in it for 9 months.

Ewww gussy.

They're not. Your average woman is annoying in other ways.

There are as many average women on twox than there are average men on mens right.

It takes a special kind of person to be invested into these kind of subs

Mensrights=TwoX=opposite gender is misguided and selfish.

MGTOW=GC=opposite gender is evil, and marriage/troons is a trojan horse! pretty much.

I think that is bullshit. Anti-feminism isn't misogyny

All I got from your comment and exit is something I already knew: people fucking suck.


If shitty people on the internet were representing the majority of people like them it would seem that most folks are shitty. Also, r/drama posters and members are definitely rude, vulgar, and offensive. I think a lot of the fucked up things people say on this sub are ironic. Not all of it, maybe not even half of it, but a lot of it regardless

Don't worry, the chances of that happening for you are next to zero.

S.....s.s.s.shut up!

This is trollx too. Trollx started out as a joke mocking twox and it invariably just turned into a twox clone. Further proving that women take shit too seriously. Women can't meme. I imagine if I posted this over there I'd even get a "Maybe the reason we take things so seriously is because at any moment a man could rape us and take away our dignity".

it invariably just turned into a twox clone

that happened shortly after twox was defaulted.

The only reason I can think they want twox as a default is because it improves the sites image as being a safe place for women, because otherwise it makes no sense. r/funny is a default because everyone likes jokes (even if most of them aren't funny), politics was a default because everyone participates in politics and elections (even if r/politics is nowhere nearly represents even a large minority of regular voters), but twox is a sub-reddit for women. More than half the people that join this site are dudes, why sign them up for a sub designed for women?

Wow, some people need go get over themselves. Beating a woman is, hands down, the ultimate pinaccle of life.

Hell, it is life for some

>implying the average trollx poster doesn't deserve some smacks

I'm sure their gutflaps do that for them

It's always the ugly trogdolytes that make these tweets

It's funny how Pysch 101 they are too. It's like hmm, you hate men, huh? What's your relationship with your dad like? Oh, not good? SHOCKER. How about you save your twitter rants for you therapist, sweaty.

recently a man in Texas was found guilty of drugging and raping a woman at a party and will face no prison time, will not have to register as a sex offender

Why do I feel like there is more to the case. Nah I am sure these woman are great legal experts

yeah the "more to" the case is that "it never happened"

I saw that case. The evidence was weak and defendant got a good plea bargain.

Was that the one where both the prosecutor and the judge both came out and said that the media didn't know all the facts and that if they did that they would have understood the decision?

Yeah. It was all over my other social media. Apparently the guy had some sort of alibi and I think there was conflicting eyewitness accounts

said that the media didn't know all the facts and that if they did that they would have understood the decision?

Doesn't this describe literally everything?

It's actually real and the nuance is that they never brought the case to trial and he pleaded no contest because they expected to probably not get a conviction and the judge in question had a history of being light on the sort of crime anyways. He's going to graduate from my alum soon and there was minor drama around it.

Why do men on Reddit desperately want an excuse to hit a women?

Cause men and women aren't people

it's OVER for binary-gender-cells

Have you ever met a woman?


Because, apparently it's not okay to do it for the fun of it.

Why does anyone want to do anything fun?

Wtf man you can't say that! Man you really just don't give a fuck.

Why are you gay

Hugh Jackman mostly

why do retards not know how to spell "woman"? I see this shit fucking constantly and nobody ever acknowledges it for some reason.

I'm uneducated, your being very hurtful right now.

I'm uneducated

You must have strong opinions on Battlefield V then

Only if they're a woman

because it is the plural form? Am I retarded? Am I missing the joke?

They use the plural form instead of the singular form. They'll say something like "a man and a women". I see this at least 3 times day, and often there will be entire conversations where nobody corrects their annoying fucking repeated misspelling.

Maybe because folks knew what the person meant and were focused on being asshole in a more productive manners.

Redditors create and upvote bots that point out spelling errors, who the fuck are you kidding. I just happen to be the only person on this website who notices this shit, somehow.

DAE GRAMMAR. Oh my God, people are unironically like this lmfao. r/iamverysmart

I'm willing to bet that you're being unironic right now

No, I'm full of iron get it fucking right or don't even @ me, cuh.

Spelling isn't the same thing as grammar you fucking imbecile.

“A women”? Does that sound right to you?

I didn't notice the a in the original comment. On the reread I get what he is referring to.

because we cant do it because theyre annoying cunts

Taboo makes peepee hard

What do you say to a woman with a black eye?

Nothing, she had already been told twice.

I despise modern women. I am thankful to Allah the only people Id have sex with are cute twinks.

500 year-old goat loli

Sometimes I worry about this sub getting shut down and allowing it's users to migrate to subs full of functioning human beings.

Oh. Oh no.

I want us contained for the safety of other people's sanity and well-adjusted sense of morality.

Imagine being so sheltered you think society covers for alcoholic wife beaters. They're literally the lowest of low in the eyes of society.

Idk man they have they're shirt named after them.

Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner Brock Turner

Every time, they bring up one aberrant case among millions of convictions. Some people legitimately want to be oppressed.

Brock Turner's sentence is literally what women receive when they rape someone, if Brock was a Brockolina her sentence would be the norm.

The fact a male got female time is what was so shocking.

Wait, are you telling me that a member of the ultra wealthy elite got a lighter sentence? In America?!?! Well I never.

No, when women do what Brock Turner did, they give funny speeches about it at a feminist award show, and get applauded.

Kill yourself before you go fuck yourself

Correct me if Im wrong but wasnt he mid-fingerbang with a willing girl who passed out and he caught wearing her as a glove?

I actually do believe she left with him willingly. There's no other explanation for her hysterical overreaction to being fingered while blacked out. She acted like her world was over over a drunken fingerbang. Even if it was a "rape", I don't think it's something one should be able to claim trauma on. I was actually molested as a child and conscious when it happened. I didn't like it, but jeezus fucking christ, it wasn't even on the the top 10 worst experiences in my life.

Yup. People always bring this up, but if you read the case files, its definitely a very gray case. Also often not mentioned, the "victim" said she didnt want him punished harshly at sentencing.

I was at a wedding recently and the bride was tipsy. This girl kept making judge mental comments and I was like what? A girl can’t get drunk at her own wedding now? Get outta here. If the groom woulda been that drunk it probably woulda been looked at as comical. It’s time we start treating all drunks equally.

Dude anyone who gets drunk at their own wedding is trashy as fuck.

A good Best Man will keep the groom half drunk - enough that he can't focus and put together a good escape plan, but not so much he shits himself at the altar or something.

Half drunk is not shitting your pants for you?

Good to know.

Just not in front at the altar in front of everyone. You should still have the wherewithal to excuse yourself - if you can manage that, then a good Best Man or even Groomsman should be prepared for minor mishaps with a spare tux and some baby wipes.

If you can't get a best man who's this good as well as the usual requirements, do not skimp on the "swordsman" part.

Lol that's why my mom never got married, so she could always be drunk. Classy as fuck

If you can stand paying $20k for an event that only lasts for one day that cocaine isn't provided at without being drunk then you're subhuman trash descended from a fucking raccoon.

If men are really so idiotic and bereft of morality, they should never be allowed to vote.

If testosterone really does turn all men into assaulters and rapists, then they should all be on testosterone blockers.

If men really don’t know how to talk to women without degrading, insulting, and harassing them, they should be kept out of society at large until they learn.

Somehow they never reach the logical conclusions to the redicilous postulates they keep touting as catch-all excuses. :/

The only solace in the world I have is knowing women like this don’t have the discipline to lose weight so will never hold power


Inb4 "Why are all these men on testosterone blockers not attractive to me anymore."

These women take themselves so seriously they probably think someone not fawning over them is the same as being beat about the pussy with a dead squirrel carcass

Nah, he would be called a violent alcoholic by many people but I'm certain there are those who would say "Oh, he's not normally like that. It's only when he drinks. He's a great guy!"

Friends, family, people who like that man (or woman) and didn't see the violent side of him.

And he may actually be what they say at times AND a violent alcoholic too.



Unpopular opinion: there should be no difference in hitting a man and hitting a woman. If it's justified, it's justified. What you have between your legs makes no difference.

What if I have a Slap-O-Matic between my legs?

You might be exempt

This is one of those 'unpopular' opinions posted in r/unpopularopinions

Hitting someone is an acknowledgement that you have completely failed as a human being. Humans have spent 2 millions years evolving from cavemen and you've literally resorted to their problem solving solutions.

It's just as I thought, trollx.


Let's all take life advice from people who only interact with people just like them on the internet and their 14 cats

Some British idiot just wrote an article says the gays have to stand by the Muslims too

Literally everyone in that topic has ptsd from getting raped.

I mean.

It must be true.

Mayo Gussy doesn't know protocol for being hit, chocolate Gussy will fuck you up right back. Facts.

this is one of those things that actually happens more in real life than on the internet

TrollX is just r/femcels at this point.