Peak Reddit guy takes advice from r/relationship_advice about what to do when he over hears his fiance mention an ex was better in bed. Proceeds to dump his fiance, refuse therapy, and ends relationship.

1  2018-12-16 by virohm


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Based and redpilled

He did the right thing. As Pizzashill once said, "Never forgive foids". Bismillah.

One hundred percent. If she ever loved him she wouldn't have talked shit about him behind his back to anyone, let alone people they are mutually friends with. These hoes don't know anything about love and loyalty.

These hoes don't know anything about love and loyalty.

They have never truly researched the great words of the prophet, DMX.

Holy hell that's amazing

Mayo detected

But I get tnrt'd a lot

He used a 2016 colloquialism, story checks out.

These hoes ain’t loyal 🎤

Never getting involved with them in the first place is a good option

Nuclear blackpill

OP needs a bullet too.

Yeah. Death to all dicklets. Put me out of my misery 🤣😂🤣😂

Not that OP. The drama thread OP.

What ever happened to that guy?

They killed him because he told the truth.

I can't believe he went through with it. Straight up dumping a fiance because she had the audacity to say other guy was bigger. Holy insecurity.

What guy hasn't been talking with friends about how an ex or ons had bigger/better tits than a current gf?

What guy hasn't been talking with friends about how an ex or ons had bigger/better tits than a current gf?

People do that? Also isnt thatsm pretty obvious

People do that?

..Yes...are there people who don't discuss that sort of thing amount friends?

Also isnt thatsm pretty obvious

Not all my of my friends have seen every chick I've been with.

None of my friends or acquaintances have ever gone “Man Jenny is great but fucking Tarah had the tightest pussy, how can Jenny-lets even compete?”

It never even began for Jennylets

Made me lol

People do that?

..Yes...are there people who don't discuss that sort of thing amount friends?

Absolutely , the only person I know who does similar is in an open relationship (well bescides his husband is well equipped). Still never make negative comparisons

I have never had a friend insult an GF in that way. Not even the bitter "please break up already" ones


Imagine staying with someone that only wants you as their wagecuck men are pathetic

I can't believe he went through with it. Straight up dumping a fiance because she had the audacity to say other guy was bigger. Holy insecurity.

She came as close to saying "I'm settling... for now" as she could to her friend.

What guy hasn't been talking with friends about how an ex or ons had bigger/better tits than a current gf?

Someone over 25

When your gf says that you'll never live up to another guy sexually and that your best trait is that you're a good provider, then i'd rethink an engagement as well.

Or learn to enjoy cuckhold

I can't believe he went through with that


He made the right decision though. Pizzashill would be proud.

I will never stop laughing at moids and their uncontrolled obsession with their dick size.

Our man ain't even talking about the hog size apparently though.

Found the lady getting big toed every night.

big toad

What did he mean by this? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

you know...

I literally, unironically have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Something sexual I presume.

Oh. I was implying your dick provider has a 2" penis.

ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh that makes sense! I was thinking it was like a foot fetish thing or something. I was like "ain't nobody getting they nasty ass toes near my hoo hah"

:) :(

You're a pussy whipped cuck if you would stay with her after she said that shit to her friends

The guy describes the original quote like this:

I heard her clearly say "Jason is great but he will never be the lover that Bill was" she then followed it up with "Its not really fair to Jason though, Bill was just really gifted down there".

You describe it as this:

she had the audacity to say other guy was bigger

It'd be one thing if she just matter-of-fact said "Oh yeah I guess Bill's dick was bigger" but to say that you're engaged to someone who "will never be the lover that Bill was" is pretty disrespectful and suggests that you're settling for him. That sounds unhealthy to me.

I would never do that, I would never be with anyone that would even think of doing that either

What guy hasn't been talking with friends about how an ex or ons had bigger/better tits than a current gf?

Every guy without criminal record and drug addiction. You should try dating one.

Simpering faggot who's never been loved detected

OP is now milking the story for more karma on r/AskReddit

Descent into Inceldom


  • Regular Sex
  • Companionship
  • Tiny weeny


  • Single
  • Tiny weeny

Don't forgot about the "massive penis insecurity complex" in the after section.

regular sex and companionship

You're talking about marriage right

Well, more regular than what he's gonna get now.

Until she decides him making good money isn't enough and she takes half of everything

The dude was a rebound with a small weenie and was bad in bed. All this did was prevent him from losing half his stuff in the divorce.

Drama nerds acting like he didn't just save himself for being homeless when she cheats and leave him for the ex smh

He said his was 7 inches is the thing, his girl was just a skank that got blown out too much and too early in life, then couldn't appreciate a decent dude.

He's also an engineer, he says.

Total cunt. Bullet dodged is not enough to describe what he has dodged. This is the type that is always trying to get something a little bit better, unable to realize when she's got it made.

But you don't understand. She loves him because he is a good provider? Surely that is enough to keep the beat up pussy from drying up the moment they take those vows? Surely the comfort of his salary will keep the alpha widow warm at night?

He said his was 7 inches is the thing

Why on earth would you believe this

That's not particularly big dude, it's not some wild claim. If he was like 4 inches I think he would have admitted it in the post as a "Yea I know I'm not big, and that makes it worse"

But here he says "I'm 7 inches (maybe I gave myself an extra half inch there)"

That's a normal size.

No, I mean why on earth would you believe a guy talking about dick size for any reason whatsoever

Because if the guy isn't making a crazy claim, it's pretty believable, not everyone cares that much about their dick lol

Somehow this is even less believable than the guy talking about his dick size lol

"My dick is 9 inches long"

"My dick is like 6.5 to 7 inches"

Which is more believable? Admit it you pheasant.

Its over for fiancel

Eh, she will get back to the big dick and he will still end up homeless, living under the bridge, because he spent $100k on a botched penis enlargement surgery.

GC fanfic right there

Might as well go trans at that point

And hook up with the big dick guy for the sweet revenge.

projecting a bit

Fisting is the solution

Imagine wifeing a non-virgin femoid

imagine staying with a woman who openly talks about your small dick (im not small tho) in public gatherings. thot patrolled.

he should buy a penis extender and look into /r/ajelqforyou. im not subbed there tho because i dont have a small dick.

cucked himself

This Subthread is gold or what ever weird thing reddit uses now

Am I the only person that thinks this is a little over the top? I’ve been married for 5 years and still sometimes talk about exes- one night stands, casual relationships, and one that I almost ended up married too. And yes the sex was better at times with lots of other people than it is with my husband. And sometimes I say that stuff out loud to my girlfriends! Does that make me a terrible wife? No...

If you’re willing to throw an otherwise happy and healthy relationship out over this, then I think you need to do some growing up.

Then after some post digging by other users things started to fall in place

I’m married to someone else and have two kids. . Without my kids I’d be a mess and depressed....because truth be told, I think about my ex almost daily.My husband has a whole host of issues that we are trying to work through for the sake of our children. I like him well enough and I think he likes me, too. But the answer is yes, some people don’t fully get over break ups. I am one of them and my ex will always be the one who got away.

The woman defending the gf still pines after her ex (the love of her life) every day for 11 years . She settled and is "happy-ish", while considering divorce mutiple times with a lawyer on stand by




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You dont know true delicacy bot

I saw this and it was hilarious she might as well be ops wife from a different timeline

Nice sleuthing. Goes to show that you should never trust femoids.

Can you imagine being married to somebody who hates you this much

How does anyone think shit like that is okay? It would wreck my self esteem to find out I was settled for. Do they even think about how the other person would feel if they found out? If it’s that hard to be with someone spare both of your dignities and end it early ugh

Is it rape if you fuck your wife under the conditions of love and she doesnt love you?




I think about my ex almost daily

Of course these are kinds of people giving "advice."

What are the chances that she said it out loud while he was in the apartment, because on some level she wanted to get caught, as a way out of the engagement?

Giving how she wants to fix shit she want to keep her paypig at least until the ex calls her back

That's... not quite what I meant. Yikes.

Not sure if she intended for Dicklet to hear her or not, but it's a power move for sure.

She's definitely expressing that she can do better than him, probably as a self defense mechanism since her old boyfriend dumped her and she felt like she had no control over that situation. What better way to inflate your damaged ego than pretending that you're the one who can be in the position of being indifferent with a "take it or leave it" attitude about your fiance.

I didn't mean that she literally wanted him to hear it that time.

It's more like, if you hate your job but don't have the balls to quit, you may start slacking off and doing shit tier work, secretly hoping that you will be fired, and the difficult decision will be, in a sense, made for you. You're not ready to admit it openly, you're only about halfway there.

But like I said, I'm hardly an expert on human behavior.

Well, like I said, I'm pretty sure that the reason why she verbalized it was as an affirmation that she was the one in the superior position in the relationship. Clearly she didn't do it because she wanted to quit, otherwise she wouldn't have wasted so much effort trying to dissuade Dicklet from breaking up with her, right? More like - she needed to trash talk him so that she could deal with the anxiety that she has over being dumped. Obviously it's a trauma that she still hasn't gotten over.

Sounds plausible.

The best comments are always in r/drama.

Based and thotpilled

If she really had any deep feelings for you, she wouldn’t even think about that stuff from her ex as there is nothing more pure and beautiful than making love to the person you love, you CAN’T compare that to ANYTHING

this is someone bound for brainceldom

Alpha fucks. Alpha Widow. Beta bucks.
