TrollX gets trolled by a man.

1  2018-12-16 by MonotonyOfLife


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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It's over for prostitute-cels

She defended herself from a rapist

I thought that according to the femcels at TrollX, GC and TwoX all men are rapists by definition.

The prostitute admited that there was no sexual activity between her and the victim and she just killed him, robbed him and returned to her actual abuser - her pimp.

So r/trollxchromosomes are eating up lies.

I actually have a huge problem with them saying there are no under aged prostitutes. I get what they are trying to do, but simply saying “they are victims of trafficking” kinda ignores the systemic issues behind a decision like that.

Take Cuba or Venezuela; child prostitution is caused by the result of a highly oppressive system and a failed economic and political government, not just because someone is “trafficking” them.

Honestly a lot of times mayo arguments are more harmful than they realize.

Feminists are bad at choosing heroes.

When all you have is garbage its hard to choose something not garbage

So this got reposted in r/trollxchromosomes again and with more lies? Last time such post created much drama as r/trollxchromosomes mods tried to delete all comments explaining the situation. It even got featured in r/Subredditdrama.

By the way, by court documents, the pair have not initiated any sexual activity, so she not only lied about her age and killed a sleeping man, but it wasn't self defense in any shape or form, because rape did not happen.

raped 40 underaged girls

1 year in jail

I am going to go ahead and not believe the ludicrous claims made by this jpeg.

Yeah I'm starting to think that these cases weren't completely accurately represented in the meme 🤔🤔🤔