Witcel gets roasted /r/tinder for his shit pickup lines. "Whatever I didn't like her anyway"

1  2018-12-16 by BIknkbtKitNwniS


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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It's tinder. Just ask if they wanna smash on the first message. 🤷‍♂️

wanting to fuck white adult women


You didn't need to put adult bro,

no one here wants that brown kiddy bussy, I hope

I mean I could understand if we were talking about a young Chloe Moretz or something

I remember that picture, weird kid.

I think she was kinda cute back in Kick Ass or whatever. Haven't really seen too many of her films.

Kick Ass

Dude, she was 13. Is this Yamate?

mayo women peak around 14, it is known.

why do diddlers think they belong here?

Fukken knew it was Yamate.

Sincerely keep yourself safe.


The guy didn’t actually want to smash tho

Yeh, and the fox didn't want them sour grapes either.

I have a gf but sometimes i use tinder in different countries just to see how attractive I am in that country

But then again, i am a bit of a psycho

My metric is matches per first day

Your level of loser is record breaking.

This should be reddit's tagline

It's over for one-liner-cels

the convo was boring but not as boring as that generic white Tinder chick

Are people really still trying to get gussy in 2018? I thought we were past that

"Lol jokes on her, I wasn't even trying to get laid

using humour on tinder

smh he only has himself to blame

Redditcels get upvotes while Chad gets deepthroats

the absolute state of /r/tinder striking out on what appears to be a 15 year old

you could have said nothing at all and got your felony on

i love r/tinder threads. neckbeards whiteknighting for tinder thots they never met, losers freaking out that someone screwed around and made jokes instead of desperately trying to get laid, and of course , incels everywhere with how evil thots are and how much online dating sucks.

it's just a cluster fuck of retarded personalities all round.

cmv there is no sub that upvotes worse humor than r/tinder

SRS, SRD, GCJ, TrollX, literally anything related to Star Wars or anime (yikes), Chapo, and you could also add just about anything related to vidjas in there too.

don't forget political"humor"

but pretty much every political sub has the worst fucking humor

maybe idk. tinder makes me cringe more because it's shit tier reddit meme humor used as flirting instead of shit tier reddit meme humor kept within shitty memes where it belongs