Chapotard tries to get gamers to rise up against capitalism, gamers do rise up but only to tell the commie to fuck off.

1  2018-12-16 by Power_Incarnate


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


  1. This Post -,,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

imagine downvoting a robot in your autistic fit of rage

They targeted Snappy. Snappy.

Jesus Christ. That guy is a grade A Loser.

Post H O G

Dude hog lmao

Oh ffs, friendly fire, FRIENDLY FIRE


I'm not a chapo and I suffered a hit to my self-esteem. It's over for 2inchcells

Does listening to CTH atrophy one's creativity? I am inclined to believe yes. Case in point - the ever ubiquitous "post hog" comment seen from virtually every /r/chapotraphouse user. Have an attenuated ability to form original thoughts, the chapstick reverts to the most basal comment they can think of. One that, if I may be frank, isn't even insulting or witty.

Its essentially post tits or gtfo

They didnt even make it original

bussy lmao

they didnt have any in the first place, having one insult is a step up for these tards

Being anti microtransactions= communist

Post that hog

Post hog is just budget post bussy chapotard.

Has anyone ever posted bussy cause we got hog.

Has anyone ever posted bussy

Yeah, check the top posts you newfag.

cause we got hog.

No you don't lol, you remove it every time.

Yes many people have

cause we got hog

i posted my hog and it got removed

i posted my hog and it got removed.

What a bunch of little bitches.

Imagine thinking the hog meme is funny

Impossible, really.

i didnt but i thought they would at least go with it

Exactly, but you knew that already beforehand anyway.

Haha yeah. I just think it bears repeating.

I love that flair btw, gives it that extra panache when the insult comes from you.

yes, join the discord.

Also, just check the top posts, lmao, the top one ever is one of our mods showing off his cute little behind.

Plus you guys aren't even committed to the hog thing, one of you reported me to the admins for sending you hog that you requested as unsolicited spam. Rude! 😤😤😤


The Discord still exists? I thought it was wiped after Mircy and her overweight onahole were banned

Yeah it still exists, but it's split into two warring servers (Jerrycord and Smazcord) and you now have to ask for a direct invite from one of the mods to get in. And the mods are also split into two warring factions, so it's a self-perpetuating drama machine.

I don't even know who Smaz is but sounds autistic so maybe it's better to be in neither

Imagine bragging about taking advantage of the mentally ill.


Retarded jokes for a retarded ideology.

leftism officially ended

Marx is irrelevant in modern economics and every attempt at implementing a political system based on his theories has ended in a murderous totalitarian disaster.

It never even started for commiecels.

imagine subscribing to an ideology that gets cucked by populists every time, and still claiming superiority on the subject of how politics works.

it never even started for centristcels

imagine thinking we subscribe to an ideology

imagine thinking. centrists btfo

Ableist. I've never thought of anything my whole life. This offends me deeply.

How much people has capitalism killee

Capitalism has done more to lift people out of poverty and prevent early deaths than any other any other single factor in the 20th century. It’s the greatest force for good, when well implemented.

You're like a century too late

post your hog

No, post bussy.

Adopt our culture, or GTFO and go back to your shithole sub. We don’t need you rapefugees coming here, bringing crime and moral decay.


You’re a faget.

All I hear is “I’m too scared to post my slimy hog.”

What, are you worried that it’s so big we won’t be able to keep our hands off you?

Hot out or log out, coward.

Pretty cool that you read Dostoevsky and identify with Ivan. What a very unique young man you are.

What the hell is a dostoevsky?

A Russian bot.

Dude dostoevsky lmao. Stop larping as intelligent russians, you're appropriating both my culture and IQ

I have legitimately no idea what you’re talking about. You’re just babbling incoherently.

Post ming and bibi larper cunt

Hey, can you send me a pic of your dad’s dick?

Post ming, trash, then we talk

At least tell me what he tastes like

Bibi is my daddy and his dicc tastes of sugary cummies, now post ming and bibi, commie trash

I don’t have a ming but OP plz stop edging me I can’t take it anymore

Then post bibi at least. Actually no, post ming too I need ming

Бра́тья Карама́зовы, you ignorant fuck.

What’s E-butter Kambucha?

Ты хоть что-нибудь из русской литературы читал, чапотард? Пости минг и биби или съебывайся нахуй, педрилло ебучее, чтоб тебя кони ебали без смазки ууууххх! Прям кончаю от мыслей о том как гигантский двухметровый чщщщщлен входит в твой жёпный шоколат мммммммммммаги, итадакимас блеать


The joke is that we on the chapo sub negged a Nazi into posting hog?

And then every attempt to get hogs in the future has been met with removal. You start off with some ideals and it's beautiful on paper but then once you start implementing it everything goes to shit.

Sounds really familiar, where have I heard about that happening?

Third Reich 😂😂😂

It's more than this. It's cathartic to literally everyone who isn't a straight dude because they get, for a second, to borrow that privilege - in a community of mostly straight men who back them up in a literal display of solidarity. It's praxis in that it literally drives the fash away by poking their fragile masculinity juuuuuust right. And it's tactically effective because it completely denies said fash any displays of strength: rhetorical, structural, or otherwise.

Everyone who reads that litterally gets dumber

Holy....fash btfo

You are a moron

It's pasta buddy, calm down.

What if they (the hog poster) have a bigger dick than you (the hog requester) though

You just dunked on yourself

I always figured the "post hog" schtick was a thinly veiled ploy just to get lots of BBC sent directly to one's inbox.


Post that hog

Stop appropriating /r/Drama culture. I guess tankies can't even come up with their own jokes.

stop appropriating cultural appropriation that’s leftist culture.

This comment right here is peak leftist humor folks

Ha ha! Cold pockets! It's like Hot Pockets but they're cold! Ha!

Holy shit, you literally post to all commie subs at the same time. Do you have uhhhh life?

Dont let the downvotes disencourage you from saying retarded shit chapofriend

I'm constantly surprised by how bereft of originality and humor CTH redditors are. It's like they're tryna emulate 4chan/edgelord/drama culture, but that stick in their collective ass is just wedged too far up there for them to really let go.

4chan humour but you're afraid of saying fag

CTH today are to what hip skateboarding pastors were in the 2000s.

They just never get it

where the fuck did you get that?


I remember that. Apparently in India they just throw away stillborns. Not like the hog stole it.

Aboartion lmao

Surgical masks for wild hogs when?

Hey dude I liked your comment good job!

thanks fam, you want to suck my dick while you're at it?

Eh, not really.

Your loss!

I mean there's a billion people, it's not like they'll be missed

Fuck you, they don't "just throw away stillborns" in India. This is in a village where people poor as fuck and cannot afford to go to hospitals because its either too far or they don't have money. This was probably a delivery done at home and some sick fuck didn't have the dignity to bury the child. That's all

Fuck you asshole.

Dude streetshitters lmao

They chuck bodies in the sacred river that they also bathe in as a ritual?

This is what Chapo really wants

Not until you post your raw asshole after getting fisted by capitalists

You have to go back

What's hog?

Pimpled hairy asshole with stretch marks, AKA your average Chapo buss.

Well I mean you're a drug addict, depressed, unemployed loser who sits around and plays video games and serious posts on reddit all day so it's only natural that your ingrained sense of deflecting responsibility would blame capitalism instead of your own myriad of self-caused problems.

It's funny to me that chapo is populated by drop outs, crust punks, and homeless people yet they love to shit on "fail sons"

Half those morons post on the vandwelling subs and the now defunct shoplifting sub.


"were the working class!" ~never works~

Retard A: "Capitalism is evil REEEEE"

Normal people: "Fuck off commie scum"

Retard B: "Just like (((True Communism))) has never been implemented, this guy REEEing about capitalism is not a (((True Communist)))

Post that twig you intellectually disabled waste of breath.

Youre using the triple parens meme wrong dude

No one asked you, you literal subhuman. Maybe learn to read between the lines before you blurt out your worthless opinions.

Lol u mad bro? Its used to notice cohencidences you mong

The fact that you think you need to correct someone's usage of memes created by brainlets showcases how retarded and out of your element you are here.

Lol k surething newfag

no u

Maybe go back to CTH with the rest of NEETs if you're just gonna embrace subhuman humor.

Lol youre a fag. Thinking im a chapo lel

Triple parens is to identify jewish names or moves

Its alt right anti semitic nonsense ya fuck

Who even gets this mad christ

no he isnt lol communism is jewish af

its just how they disenfranchise peasants so they can take over their country

Its more of a German subversion for ireland and russia to win the war

Try harder next time you pol tier infographics brainlet

Omg its a jewish consipiracy since lenin and trotsky were daaaa joooos

lol every single communist leader was jewish

same with nearly every bolshevik and revolutionary

name a communist or even pro refugee organisation today and ill show you the jews that run it

brainlet indeed lol


Dick hungry commie faggot.




Chaponiggers are a disease, the most cancerous sub on this site

the best part is he ADMITTED to x-posting it to chapo for a brigade, someone needs to report to the admins

The admins won't ban Chapo for breaking site rules because it's Chapo and not r/drama or r/cringeanarchy

Post your hog OP.

Post hog is just budget post bussy chapotard.

So that's a no?

Post bussy

Pobst hfffg

Post it, coward

that is an immensely aesthetic penis.

Like holy shit, I'm in awe!

It also includes bussy, really activates the almonds

No way this is you

And now your own

Now now now. We are in communism believe in fair trade. You need to post some bussy before you get some more dick.

You see, this is the problem with capitalism: they’re always trying to bamboozle eachother out of what you actually want. You want to buy a nice videogame, you get microtransaction in a broken game. You want a genuine personal hogpost, and they swindle you with a fake. Smh.

Not sure how communism will solve this. A redistribution of hogs ensures that all hogs are the same and one's personal hog means nothing.


Also, have you just tried not buying shitty games?

On the contrary. Hogs will be appreciated for their actual contribution. No longer will the value of hogposts be stolen.

How are you not embarrassed at the shit you post?

Is it a lack of self awareness or what?

I don’t think a regular of r/drama is really in the position to talk about embarrassing posts.

It's okay, I don't blame you. You're basically like a baby playing with turds, you just don't know any better.

Ah, the left. Simultaneously too stupid and weak to do anything, yet somehow also dangerous and violent. Very interesting.

Yes sweaty, that's exactly what he said. It's okay, your programming can't tell the difference between arguments sometimes.

your programming can't tell the difference between sweaty and sweety

I'm pretty sure they knew which one they were using.

Go take a fucking shower.

Ah, you never know with lads like you

I can't expect a Chapo faggot to actually be knowledgeable on this sub's memes like "sweaty".

>post your hog


>waa this isnt urs !!!

post yours next if you want more faggot

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

i just did you retard

so this is the power of the white race

im not a mayo

you think for a single moment anybody other than asians believes that.


there are races other than mayos with light skin

Not according to a gender studies student. Checkmate Nazi.

You're going to have to learn to live with prejudice for a few years in our post-mayo utopia, but you'll be fine.

i can just where i am

mayos are incredibly rare here

when i do see them theyre just tourists

dude hog lmao

If it is your first night in r/drama, you have to post bussy.

Prima nocta

Post youer gofg

Yikes sweet heart who hurt you?

Go H O G yourself

Post hog

You should already have a picture of your mom.


It's at >600 karma now, which means you're legally required to post your hog

you're legally required to post your hog

legally required

Communist Tranny Homunculi and teenager humor, name a more iconic duo.

Helicopters and rides

Socialism and famine





well, it's a hog

permission to pass, but I've got my eye on you

love this



then post it

Fuck, thats more pixels than mine.

This battle is gettin intense

Post hog you loser incel

Well I mean you're a drug addict, depressed, unemployed loser who sits around and plays video games and serious posts on reddit all day so it's only natural that your ingrained sense of deflecting responsibility would blame capitalism instead of your own myriad of self-caused problems.

junkie NEET commie

😮😮😮 This is my shocked face




Show your bussy tankie fuck

Holy shit this thread got brigaded hard.

Just the way I like it

Seems like we swung it way back. This thread was a mess, just 10 retards repeating "post hog lmao xDD".

Oh boy! This thread got hit harder than those student protestors at Tiananmen Square.


░░░░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃




Capitalism: Get figuratively crushed by the rich

Communism: Get literally crushed by a tank

I'm ok with both because i don't kinkshame!! 😘✌️️


Only if you rise up!

China: Get crushed by a tank, on the orders of the rich.

Is China /ourcountry/?

Taiwan. The most radically centrist nation of all, its closest ally doesn’t officially acknowledge that it even exists.

Ed finally did something funny. Wow. I heard there were commies in town? I’m sure I can find them at the bottom per usual.

Should had been here last night dozens onky comments were "post hog"

>not a snoozepost

The end is nigh

He was just hiding until he could become the hero we deserve.

FYI no one was actually run over by a tank. The tanks stopped and guy was whisked away.

Little is publicly known of the man's identity or that of the commander of the lead tank. Shortly after the incident, the British tabloid Sunday Express named him as Wang Weilin (王维林), a 19-year-old student[12] who was later charged with "political hooliganism" and "attempting to subvert members of the People's Liberation Army."[13] However, this claim has been rejected by internal Communist Party of China documents, which reported that they could not find the man, according to the Hong Kong-based Information Center for Human Rights.[14] One party member was quoted as saying, "We can’t find him. We got his name from journalists. We have checked through computers but can’t find him among the dead or among those in prison."[14] Numerous theories have sprung up as to the man's identity and current whereabouts.[15]

Anywhere from 300 to 10,000 people did die, including soldiers and civilians. Mostly civilians.

actually believing Chinese revisionism

Yeah ok chink

Lol they ran over a ton of people there's photos and accounts of them running over body piles to make them able to be washed down drains

Chingchongs are not real peoples, it doesnt count.

it never happened but if it did then it was a good thing and more people should've been killed. but no one was ever.

Holy shit, that's literally the holocaust denier's staple position. Commies indeed ARE nazis! It all comes together now

Dude. You realise the tank man photo occured the day after the Tiananmen square massacre? It's not public knowledge what happened to that dude. But it's an undisputed fact they were running people over with tanks the day before. Nsfl album

Ah, communism. What a utopia.


lmao imagine supporting an ideology whose best endeavor at vidya was tetris

The Venn Diagram for communism and autism would almost be one circle, so Tetris makes perfect sense.

I said I had aspergers on my old account in chapo and they spammed me daily for a week calling me every pathetic word in the book. They spammed me because I said I was right wing. They’re pathetic people

Real autism has never been tried!


Im outta the loop?

Is chapotraphouse a place for chicks with dicks?

ask them to post hog and you'll find out

I seen them delete hog post though

There is not a single female on Chapo. Their either all trannies are numales.

How the fuck do so many gamers go literally full retard and somehow blame capitalism for the fact that they can’t control their addiction nor spending

Because entire thread is just brigading from r/CTH.

the thread was sitting well under 0 points for the 10 hours it was up. Just about everyone was shitting on OP until CTH and the unemployed guard brigade did the one thing their talentless, purposeless lives allow: hit an upvote button on reddit

Well, capitalism does enable exploiting addiction. But apparently the only solution is fucking stalinism lmao

The free chopper rides can't come quickly enough.

Gamers should not be allowed to exist, they tarnish capitalism and communism both. Make these abominations go away.