Rate my new yard sign 😎

1  2018-12-17 by Snowayne2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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Chuds btfo

Post bussy hog

epic television show reference bro

OMFG I get dat EPIC reference to Rick & Morty too 😂 😂 😂


Life-fuel for radical-moderate-cels

I hate the GoT fandom so goddamned much.

The memes are getting to be too much.

I fucking hate r/Freefolk so goddamned much. The memes there are literally r/ComedyCemetary tier, but when a new season rolls around it’s alllll better. But it’s not because they steal every god damn meme from /tv/. Not like r/ASOIAFcirclejerk is any better because of that dumbass who samefags a bunch of alts to keep his shitty subreddit alive

Tbf pretty much every tv show sub is trash during off-season. Except for /r/arrow after the show took a shit and it became a daredevil sub for a while. That was pretty fun.

so it was r/Jontron 1.0?

Reddit made me realize that while being a fan of a widely popular show is ok, no one should ever call themselves a super fan should they face association with Reddit. Based on how every sub devolves into pictures of embarrassing hand made crafts or tattoo pics of incredibly obscure quotes and shit that are only understandable by Reddit tier fans.

It sucks because sometimes you want to talk about game of thrones with fellow normies but don’t want others to think you have a giant Stark themed leather craft with replica swords hanging over your fireplace at home

I know right? My hand made iron throne replica doesn't even have the right number of swords on it, so I'm obviously just a casual fan.

Fucking True Detective’s sub even has this embarrassing level of arts and crafts vote bait. What is it with Reddit

It's the demographics of neetddit. Their obsession with popular culture and anime references seems harmless to all but they get stuck there and want to do that 24/7, they end up isolated and cut off from physically interacting with fellow members of society. They end up being weird and bitter.

How do these people end up being "superfans" though? Like some of them can't have that shitty of a live that they need to escape into this shit 24/7.

Lmao they're still revolving between Suicide Watch and "The show may still have a chance"

r/Freefolk is the r/drama of the ASOIAF fandom, show some support for our brothers in bussy

A certain samefagging AMA account for Sandie Clegane would probably have a few choice words for you

It is becoming cringe worthy at this point.

Watch another show

Anyone who constantly references pop culture is a fuck wit

I feel the same way about Evangelical Christians.

Well fuck you then.

It brought incest more mainstream appeal.

I figured you'd like it for that reason alone.

The most unrealistic thing in the show is not dragons that breath fire or magic cloud assassins, but women who are capable of doing things.

women who are capable of doing things.

The 2 main gussys fuck up an entire country each in no time, causing pointless war/rebellion, famine and plague. And women think saying they are like either of these 2 is good? Fuckin 2018 man.....2019 is gonna wild

Something tells me the person who made that banner also joins in the mob to say how terrible the show is with all the rape.

What do they expect? Wintefvis coming and baby it is cold outside

GoT Rick and Morty Harry Potter

The fandoms of all three together have the collective butthole cringing power strong enough to cause a sphincter to turn into a star devouring black hole.

Only thing that sucks about GoT and Rick & Morty is that you can't go around filming yourself shouting spoilers. Love that video where they shout stuff the one girl 3 times and then she's chasing them in her car

this is why we need contrarianism and gatekeeping

At a certain point we really do.

All fandoms are trash

Winter is coming

I don't think so. It's quite hot around here.

Imagine being that much of a catlady

What hurts the most is not that someone found this Facebook meme “badass” but that they thought it was something they should put in hours or even days of work into and advertise in their disgusting yard

is a badass afraid of printing the word badass uncensored

Axecuse me its bad***. Do not curse around my retarded sons again.

i am a bad***

nothing is more bad*** than censoring the word ***


fucking hilarious

i could name like 10 ppl in here that would unironically post this up

I hope I'm one of them 😎

couldnt tell you tbh youre not really noteworthy enough to remember


maybe a little harsh

it's literally impossible to be both a drama regular and a strong enough advocate for "empathy" that youd put up a faggy yard banner supporting it

Nah, we just keep quiet and hope no one figures it out and laughs at us.

i dont think they really have empathy its just a thing that sounds good to claim you have

Don't be a pussy, list em off

number one is Ed

Numbers 2 through 10 are Ed's alts.

i said could not would


When you struggling super hard trying to our virtue-signal your friends and neighbors and FINALLY find the way to top them all. I bet it was in a community full of white middle-class families too, wasn't it?

Yeah, they have food trucks that only sell gourmet dog food here. It's disgusting.

Jordan Peele warned us

I saw those all over Austin TX when Beto was running for Senator.

Oh man a neighboring community of mine has signs similar to that all over now, but they have something in like 6 languages so everything so small I cant actually read what the signs say from the road.

Is it "Hate has no home here"? My area is littered with those.

No, no logo involved. Its like a full sentence slogan and like just an assload of words no fancy anything.

The 2nd one might be it, very similar in the least.

I see the first one in high end neighborhoods all the time

No mandarin version?

We're not the poster child for diversity and inclusiveness.

It's just a weird choice, how many people that speak arabic do you run into? Chinese people are super common near me.

Depends on the community I guess. I see more Indians running around in my neighborhood than East Asians.

Stick nazi propaganda next to it (they love everyone after all)

Lol, my "neighborhood" puts up signs like "trespassers shot on sight". I'm out in the country though, the closest police station is over 30min away

All I see when I read that sign is "Nobody in this household owns a firearm"

I believe that science is FAKE!

Honestly, selling people things to virtue signal with seems like a great idea. Works for all sides really too which is neat.

That's almost as bad as that libertarian slogan that goes something like "I want married twinks to be able to protect their child sex dungeon with a legal assault rifle, is that too much to ask?" Or something like that

Oh god read the reviews

Not exact size advertised.

That's what she said!

An injustice anywhere is an injustice.... anywhere

Minus the message, it looks pretty cool.

God I fucking hate boomers

Chuds btfo

Imagine being this frustrated at losing an election. I mean it would literally have to happen like nearly every other election for her. This is also a great way to let everyone know you're hugely mentally unstable.

Great spergout

I love the man in the poster behind her

owning the cons epic style

We certainly live in a fucking society

Stupid ass bottom fucking text.

They say they are not a snowflake but then censor the word ass. That's what easily offended people do. They use extreme censorship.

Time to increase the CO2 pollution to stop er from coming.

I feel like this sign is counterproductive.

complaining about being called a lib snowflake

tries to act badass

Indulgent passive-aggressive virtue signalling

tops the shitcake with a shitty GoT reference

I would not want to meet this person in real life

Wow, this sign is something a snowflake would make.

🧐 Who the fuck is Winter and why is she always coming?? 😩😩

Because she is a whore

Winter really does sound like a roastie name tgh

Winters cummin is either a porn star, stripper or drag queen (all the same thing really)

I used to want to have a daughter and name her Winter, because it would be hard to make fun of. Not anymore. Thanks GOT!

I am a BAD***

Why say you're not something then list all of the ways you are in fact something?

I rate it 12/devouring mother, would infantilise again.

this must be that white fragility i heard so much about

I am gonna assume BAD*** means BADAMF as badass motherfucker because, If I don't i can't getting around imagining being such pussies irl

The "Badass" censored the word ass. Was it too mean of a word?

Wow, this is fucking lame, even for the left.

Whelp. I'm now pro global warming.

This physically pains me to look at.

Which of Liz Warren’s houses is this?


This is going in my cringe compilation.


Woke af bruh#2

A badass who does not have the ball to spell out the second part of the word.