what do we think will happen if daddy is impeached?

1  2018-12-17 by smrt109

i think he'll show us his bussy and go home


With how long this has dragged on I feel like it will be very anti-climatic. Like there will be lots of drama, but compared to how much drama there would have been if this was done months ago, there will be a lot less.

I feel u. Im just excited for the drama that comes after its all said and done. The new “normal”

What’s funny is this has been incredibly fast as far as federal investigations go. They’re usually like 4 years.

Pence becomes President, Dems act like that is a victory while they get ram rodded by the Cristian Right!

I feel like Pence will have to bend the knee more than the DON did out of his need to appear righteous

Can't impeach a man for getting his knob polished by a bunch of deacons. black man pointing at head.jpg


I'm going to need to reset your programming.

Ok dady

🇧🇾 Belarus.

Are you kidding me? Evangelical politicians appeal to their base by saying that they're in full opposition of sinful leftist politicians. Almost nothing would change in regards to bipartisanship by virtue of Pence taking office alone.

I'm convinced 90% of the REEsistance thinks that if Trump gets impeached that Bernie still has a chance or Hillary takes his place.

I thought this was possible early on, but at this point its a fever dream

you’re retarded 🤠

No u

Here's how Bernie can still impeach this.

Match my beancoin donations!

There was a fun politics thread where this user thought Trump's presidency could be "annulled" and his Supreme Court picks would be undone.

Yeah, that's not how it works

If 18 Republican senators vote to impeach a Republican president, Pence isn't going get anything passed. He'd be a lame duck the minute he swore on the Koran.

Impeached for what exactly?


ok what if mueller drops some mad crazy shit and it's vote yes or go down as an accomplice? because that's 100% possible, if unlikely

I think most GOP senators fear the repercussions of removing a popular (among their base) president from office more than the prospect of going down as an accomplice. One thing gets them kicked out of office, the other mostly looks bad in the history books.

Maybe if the base turns on Trump there’ll be votes to convict, but it’s a huge stretch.

Maybe if, like, Daddy gets in a Twitter war with Russia and suddenly his social media turns against him.

Spooky cuz its possible

No it isn't.

Have you not seen how many of his followers are just bots?

Hillary has almost exactly the same as Trump and that's according to WaPo.


In addition my Twitter account doesn't have an avatar or a bio.

Wait, why would his base turn on him over a twitter war with russis

Daddy would no longer have such a massive social media machine greasing the wheels for him

This ☝🏽

The 'supermajority' in the senate is only a 60% vote, so 100 senators means you need 60 votes. The Democrats still don't have it, but thats the actual number.

Generally I agree with you sentiment however - he's probably guilty of some campaign finance violations. Heck, I'd say almost certainly.

Still, the Justice Department has said previously that it believes that it's unconstitutional for them to prosecute a sitting President as it interferes with Congress's power of Impeachment, which of course leaves everything in Congress's hands to determine if campaign finance violations rise to the level of an impeachable offense.

House likely won't impeach unless they know the have support from enough senate repubs.

Flag waving gets dem voters all hot and bothered, tho

I'm still pretty skeptical that he would actually get impeached in the first place, but overall I think there's the much larger issue of the increased radicalization of conservative America and the Republican party. The only thing impeaching daddy does is speed up the process that's already ongoing. Only a few decades ago they still had some sort of actual principles or beliefs aside from the white nationalism and homophobia, such as the Regan vs Bush debate where they both agreed that children of illegals should be educated because children shouldn't be deprived of rights or fair treatment, to now putting brown kids in cages. They've evolved into caricatures where the only thing they really believe in is burning their house down to own the libs, their entire ideology is based in contrarianism.

The more us shitskins breed and outnumber the good old white folks the more blue the country becomes, and the more radical they in turn will become. I'm hoping for some juicy violent outbursts, or militia related drama on their part, even attempts at armed insurrection. That will be some magnifique drama.

You sound pretty pathetic tbh

will u approve of me if I #walkaway dad?

You don't know your father.

My family are immigrants and don't come from American slavery, I have a dad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I feel u. It’s been hard as a sand niggro myself

You can’t honestly think only consevatards have “radicalized” (if you can even call it that)

"Alternative facts", and treating reality like it's a buffet where you get to pick and choose your reality are only considered mainstream though for one large demographic now. Tumblrinas and literal extreme SJW's are not mainstream democrats.

You can’t honestly think only consevatards have “radicalized” (if you can even call it that)

This guy probably thinks unironically that antifa is some sort of threat

I'm really scared of running over one tbh.


i also watch american news and refuse to form a real opinion

mommy blocked the daily stormer and breitbart so I have to make due and live without the truth man

lol what do you think thats the only alternative to american jewvision

increased radicalization of conservative America and the Republican party

Lol, says the party that is still fighting the 2016 presidential election and entire platform is 'Fuck Trump.'

Hmmm. Words are acts now.

The only thing that changed in regards to "brown kids in cages" was the medias reporting on it going from silence for eight years to dishonestly painting Trump as a racist for wanting the country to have borders. You've been duped.

Lmao. I believe you.


This but more ironically but not completely unironically

President Pence will initiate the Handmaid’s Tale Protocol. Thot Patrol will go from a meme to an actual, cabinet-level agency. The Pence Amendment will repeal the 10 constitutional amendments that make up the Bill of Rights and replace them with the 10 Commandments. Dissent will be ruthlessly crushed.


Thot Patrol will become an actual agency

Pizzashill for secretary

I thought that was idfshill

Same retardation, different name.

Same dude.

Please lord. Let it be so.

WTF I love Mike Pence now

Handmaid’s Tale

Gay shit

Ishallah brother.

When the country breaks apart and starts fighting each other in open warfare, I'll be in the middle selling arms to both sides and laughing on my money pile.

Ivanka will have to comfort him with her body. It's for the good of the country.

Trump didn't come this far just to fail to something as tedious as impeachment.

Probably have to carry him out in a straitjacket like one of those mad kings in ye olden times.

This would be worth President Pence.

Or a hot poker in the ass like Eddie II.

Most historians agree that Edward was suffocated not killed via red hot poker. This is because it was supposed to be a stealth kill and usinh a red hot poker is well the exact opposite of that.

But the hot poker myth is fun, as is the twisted rule of Richard III.

A shit ton of mass shootings caused by angry MAGAtards and/or the assassination of a Democratic politician (or hell, one of the Republicans that voted for impeachment).

I mean they already tried that with that one chick Tulsi whatever in Arizona, wouldn’t surprise me if it happened again 🤷🏿‍♀️

And how many Republicans have been attacked by Democrats? There was the mass shooting at a basketball game, the guy who got attacked in his garden by his Democrat neighbour. Maxine Waters calling for Republicans to be hounded at every time and place, Democrat lawyers calling for the Education Secretary to be raped......

There was the mass shooting at a basketball game,

And the Clinton’s, Soros,And CNN got bombs sent to their house.

the guy who got attacked in his garden by his Democrat neighbour.

And that guy that ran over Democratic protestors in Charlottesville.

Maxine Waters calling for Republicans to be hounded at every time and place,

She was saying to hold them responsible for their political actions.

Democrat lawyers calling for the Education Secretary to be raped......

The the hell did this happen?

And MAGAtards say Hillary Clinton should be hanged for “treason” all the time.

How was the principle person behind selling American Uranium to Russia, how much did Russia and it's banks as well as former owners of Uranium One give to The Clinton Foundation. Why was Algeria taken off the list of states that sponsor terrorism and then sold the pre-cursors for chemical weapons just after a donation to the Foundation, why was she accepting so much money from foreign governments? Why has the money dried up since she lost the election? Why did Ambassador Stevens request additional security hundreds of times and Hillary blocked it, why did US Special Forces get ready to move to Benghazi but got stood down at least three times in the 24 hours before hand? Why did she lie about it saying it was because of a Youtube Video and then say "At this point what difference does it make?"

Ignoring this big wall of text for a second, treason isn’t punishable by death.

Getting to the wall of text:

Who was the principle person behind selling American Uranium to Russia, how much did Russia and it's banks as well as former owners of Uranium One give to The Clinton Foundation.

The whole “Uranium One” myth was debunked, on Fox fucking News: https://mobile.twitter.com/mmfa/status/930551622849118208

But if that isn’t enough for you, here it is debunked on politifact: https://www.politifact.com/wisconsin/statements/2016/sep/30/donald-trump/nuclear-claim-donald-trump-says-hillary-clinton-ga/

Why did Ambassador Stevens request additional security hundreds of times and Hillary blocked it, why did US Special Forces get ready to move to Benghazi but got stood down at least three times in the 24 hours before hand?

Human error most likely, a Republican led Select Committee exonerated her though. Do people like you need an 11th partisan trial led by the GOP to find nothing before they believe it?

Can you explain to me why selling uranium to Russia is a bad thing?

How about the mentally ill kid who was kidnapped and tortured live on the internet because his attackers thought that he might have voted for Trump but with no evidence what so ever?

I looked up this incident and it appears that the perpetrators just hated white people in general, and targeted the victim because he was white.

74% of political violence is carried out by the right wing: https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-report-says-us-deaths-linked-to-domestic-extremists-second-only-to-year-of

The left-wing is just simply not as violent as the right-wing.

Are you including AntiFa in that? and The Southern Law Poverty Centre has a tendency to cal left wing groups and Islamists as right wing.

He'll probably continue out his term. Just because a president is impeached doesn't mean they're removed from office.

Clinton got impeached but everybody forgets that.

if trump is impeached it's all part of the plan.

Butin’s plan or his plan?

haha more like poo-tin haha

Q predicted this

Pence will take over and with supreme court majority. It will be really over for LGBTOIAP+cels.

I genuinely believe that if theres a conspiracy around the American presidency, it would be trump getting impeached after 2.1 years, and Pence (the guy Republicans seem to drool over) being president for an effective 9.9 years and having plenty of time to push any sort of agenda

Pence was probably a part of the collusion if there was any, so i feel like the assumption he will take the throne shouldnt be taken as an absolute

No way dude, Pence is one of their own, an old fashioned Republican to the bone. If the senate somehow impeached Trump, theres no way theyd go for their meal ticket right after

He’s not absolutely above the law...

Yes he is lol, most of them are. Cynical as it sounds, people like that arent subject to the same judgements and penalties as you or i

Bet you a fuckin kidney pence could be caught doing blow off a gay strippers ass, and still get in less trouble than a kid caught with weed in Arkansas

I mean yes it is possible he’ll get away with it, but focussing solely on that possibility will make it more likely to come true i think

There is no possible way Pence has skeletons in his closet. No way. Someone who wants all gays hanged definitely has nothing in his past that would compromise him. He was vetted by the best people.

Pence wouldn't get re-elected

Pence enacts his grand vision of the country, divides it in half, and segregates the genders, as was foretold by Duckman.

dramacoin's market cap grows larger than every other cryptocurrency combined

rightoid suicides and vain attempts at staging another Waco or Ruby Ridge.

*murder suicides

\r\The_mueller will rejoice for the while, but when they realize Hillary will not be president they will start campaigning for Pence impeachment

Impeached or indicted?

A few Trumptards will attempt a "revolution,". That would get put down hilariously fast

Pence will be president and the Dems will realize that they shot themselves in the foot. Instead of having a conservatard asshole who is a troll, they'll have a conservatard asshole who actually gets the chambers ready for gay people like all the white trash want.

I really wish more Americans understood their high school civics classes.


  • The Justice Department has long held that it's unconstitutional for it to bring charges against a sitting President as that's a power reserved only for Congress.

  • The Supreme Court is likely to agree with this interpretation considering it held for both Nixon and Clinton.

  • There's a ridiculously high bar for Congress to get over in order to impeach the President, the least of which is the fact that you need a super majority in the Senate to convict. The Democrats only have nominally 49 votes (including 2 independents who caucus with them). They need 11 Republicans to come over to their side, which means they better have a damn good case.

The only thing anyone can currently see that Trump is probably guilty of is some campaign finance charges related to using campaign funds to pay off his hookers. That's not impeachable, and while it could be a criminal charge, the Justice Department can't charge him with it while he's President and despite what some crackpots say, Trump can't preemptively pardon himself. Hell, I'd be willing to bet that if he tried that, it'd be the thing that would trigger off an actual impeachment proceeding.

Most likely scenario, assuming they don't find him literally accepting bribes from Putin, is that Trump outlasts the special council until 2020, doesn't run again, gets dinged with some campaign finance violations and pays some fines.

Have you owned the libs yet?

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I see your neck. You a man in a suit