1  2018-12-17 by Ghdust2


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I was her roommate, she never could afford rent because she would only go out and work a couple times a week any only towards the end of the month. Her food truck on the inside is disgusting and was never cleaned. I helped her out lots of times and she was not food truck certified or health approved.

Why downvote me? I'm not wrong, this person stole from me, assaulted me and is actually a pretty manipulative and evil person in real life.

Here's some pictures I took of her/us together:

I don’t know if I should feel sad for you because she used you, laugh at you because she cucked you, or admire you for your trolling dedication, so I’ll just ask you to post bussy. Bussy, lol.

lol he just pasted the comment from the thread, its a different user claiming to be the roommate

So “post bussy” was the right answer all along!

Bussy - what can’t it do.

Bring dad back.

Have you offered it at enough truck stops?

Eventually you'll find Daddy.

Can confirm, I've worked at a truck stop before and am The One True Bussy


When is it ever not the right answer?

So you're supposedly the blonde? If you post a picture now with a clear view of your face and with you holding a piece of paper with your username you could prove it without a doubt.

This woman is a queer, Latino vegan who runs a taco truck, hates the police, criticizes America, and insults immigration officers.

this person stole from me, assaulted me, and is actually a pretty manipulative and evil person in real life.


Which one is which? The tall brown thing looks like a tranny And the short white thing looks like a tranny

Oh I dont know, I just copied from the other thread

My banana phone is ringing, anything you'd like to say to the white tranny?

I like your hair in the last photo

Friendly reminder that if you get rid of the cops, people will totally just stop stealing shit, true story.

absolutely true, nobody steals shit at all. the cops are late cause theres no crime in detroit.

u definitely wont need a gun to protect urself when druggies break into ur home

Is it possible to critically admire tankie regimes for centrist reasons? Because I kinda do. SRDines wouldn’t have been tolerated under Tito, that’s for sure.

No, radical centrism require that you admire them for radical reasons.

Which is to say, admire them because under tito (pbuh), bourgie SRD would be sent to the gulag.

Tito is both good because chappos and capitalist leaches were killed alike. Also was really good at killing commies.

I've never seen anyone admire a single man more than ex-yu's admire Tito

Tito was based as fuck. He was like the Lee Kuan Yew of Eastern Europe.

Tfw the era of techno-cratic second world authoritarian leaders has passed

All I want is for Deng Xiaoping to come back fam.

Paul Kagame's got you covered.

Nah, I kind of like Xi and Abe.

There’s not much impressive about them though. Japan has been a developed country for ages, and China is at least stable. What has Kagame got to work with? Rwanda.

I'm honestly curious how do people find the willpower to become police officers in gang warfare areas.

A lot of the thin blue line, punisher logo on my truck, type LEOs are the ones who jack off to the thought of giving someone the ol Rodney King treatment

Sounds way more exciting than giving traffic tickets in small-town USA, tbh

They get to kill coloreds.

Freetown Christiania literally had to turn to the Danish police for help because it turns out that anarchist communes are no matched for organized drug syndicates.

That place would have gone full tankie if the state hadn't step in to help.

I went to Freetown 2 or 3 years ago. It was beyond pathetic, mostly just strung-out old folks and grifters selling stoner crafts. Like maybe it had a moment in the 70s with the umbrellas and things, but what a short golden age.

Imagine thinking cops are on your side and really try to help out their community :)

So you would never call the cops? Unrelated where do you live?

Of course I’d call the cops, and I also believe we need cops . But it doesn’t mean you have to like them or think that they are necessarily looking for your best interests

Sometimes I wish the Mexican cartels would just buttfuck California to death already

This but REALLY REALLY REALLY unironically

Weird kink but ok

Don't insult me like that, I'm not Californian wtf :(

Don't worry, nature is rebelling against being infested with chapotard.

Fire cleans all

Lmfao have you ever called the cops after getting your shit stolen? They are like the most unhelpful cunts in the world.

But next time someone breaks into my house with a gun I'll be sure to call the cops so they can arrive 30 minutes late and shoot me instead on accident 😂😂😂

This but unironically

You deserve to be shot on purpose tbh

I keep trying but the cops are such terrible shots they always hit other people.

Man, I dunno, have you tried being black yet? I heard that helps a lot.

i struggle to imagine a situation where i would, yeah. i guess if i needed a police report for insurance purposes or something. otherwise it would either be more trouble than it's worth or have too high a risk of escalating things really badly, since burgerland cops are all morons whose training encourages psychotic paranoia and an adversarial mentality.

Wow you're dumb as fuck

Shhhhh people who don't call the cops because they were brainwashed by an internet forum will eventually Darwin themselves out of the gene pool, which is exactly what we want to happen.

Imagine smugposting this tripe

It's weird. Police are in fact garbage meatheads but we have actual galaxy brains in here saying they can't imagine a situation where they would call for the cops.

Never said that. I just said it's fine to dislike cops lmao, why is there some sort of police defense force to protect the feelings of those poor police officers ?

I wasn't talking about you calm down. And I'm not defending cops either so don't worry the boots are still dry.

lmao imagine being so weird that cops are some strange "other" to you, instead of the dude down the block whose wife puts out Christmas decorations too early

peasant detected. Nobody cares about random american flyover villages.

Coasters and europoors will feel the wrath of America soon.

I have capital, the cops are demonstrably on my side.

sure, until a lazy cop suspects you of something and legally lies to you to get you to confess something you didn't do 🤗

Imagine being so retarded you confess to a crime you didn't commit lol

Why would I confess to something I didn't do? That's like the most retarded thing you could do.

Plea deals

All this smug, and all this ignorance of the damage a single psychopathic prosecutor can have on a community.

The state isn't keeping people stupid, people are.

But wait, that's what I'm talking about. Sure most cops are good people but when you have a group with this much power, a few "bad apples" can justify disliking every cop imo. Especially considering how much they protect each other. You can't just assume the cop pulling you over is going to be one of the good ones

  • The State is violence
  • People aren't responsible for their actions; they have been shaped by society.
  • Being abused by the violence of The State makes them victims
  • Victims cannot be blamed for lashing out against their Oppressors
  • If The State went away then people wouldn't have so many problems and they would just get along.

Imagine unironically thinking this.

Looking forward to the follow up article where she's not certified to run a food truck and has multiple health violations.

Not having constant diarrhea is white supremacy

Detroit is totally the right place to deliver strong fuck the police takes

"Not all cops are bad"

Srd: "Is this satire?"

I can't overstate how much I prefer Stalinists over anarchists.

Stalinists actually have a success story to talk about

It's hard to argue against Stalinism as a capitalist, best commie killing rate that's ever been achieved.

And Yuri Gagarin.

I can't overstate how much I prefer having explosive diarrhea over vomiting.

Anyone remember when SRD was most similar to TiA in userbase? I miss that version of SRD and TiA

I miss the Lord Gaga era tbh

a golden age

Both are gross tbh

Now they are. Now they're both trash, which sucks cause I had dope flairs on both subs

Tia is still great

TiA used to be a lot better too.

Except that she's a small business owner, which will blow their fucking minds.

SRDines live in their own bubble jacking off to what they imagine would shock the right-wing

The Detroit police shrugged off the mouthy activist who runs the very successful business of a vegan taco and organic tea truck. Why the fuck would the average conservative care?

you seem to care a lot about how much other people care about things


Oh lol. I bet you think you're a troubled genius too

/u/Elite_AI two days ago
> This, pretty much. My IQ's way higher than average, but I'm still a loser posting on /r/SubredditDrama, just like the rest of you so I guess you could say I'm living proof it doesn't mean anything lmao. I mean, I've never taken an IQ test, but I assume it is very high.


Also, yes you've guessed it. He's a chapotrapper.

Clearly he's a stable genius

At 140 IQ, you're only 20 off from Einstein.

Sadly the only relativity he's ever discovered was post-modern.

I don't think he even bothered to research the way IQ scores work. I'm wondering how he got the notion that his IQ score was that high since he never took the rest. Of course, the IQ test is bullshit anyway so...

The example he uses at the end is bullshit, there are no trivia in IQ tests, it's always logical problems.

But yes, pretty derpy in general.

Well, it's almost 2019, so he just identifies as high IQ individual and if you don't accept that, than you are Nazi or something.

I identify as a Turian with lasers that shoot outta my eyeballs. Where are my complimentary victim points and screeching support groups?

This thread is so autistic

it was a joke making fun of srdines in that thread

Welcome to r/Drama, we're all retarded here

not that it particularly matters, but the iq thing was a joke poking fun at the srdines in the thread who were humble bragging about their huge iq

hence, you know, the "I haven't actually taken an iq test" thing

don't ever call me a chapotard ever again

yes we all know you went through my comment history and gleefully rubbed your pudgy fatslab hands together when you saw two posts in chapotraphouse

Silence, fool. You should throw no stones, for you are the sort of person who still posts in /r/KotakuInAction four fucking years after gamergate. A very low-IQ post history you have, I must say.

Nothing personnel kid

Jesus, you write like someone who thinks they are a hell of a lot smarter than they actually are. Go take a critical writing course.

I think you should re-read my posts. I quite clearly said I had a large IQ. I'm not sure how I could think I'm smarter than I am?

A gamercel, no matter how pathetic he has lived, is still an upgrade to chaptotards.

Wannabe commies are just as bad as unironic commies.

stop calling me a chapotard reeeeeeeeeeeee

Okay, wannabe commie.


Pathetic dude. Lol.


The fact that he has to tell everyone how high his iq is betrays the fact that he does not have one above average.

I wonder what the correlation is between retards who think they are smart and commies

No, he's just lazy and has ADHD (meth problem)

You are the the biggest waste of semen I have seen in ages.

Fuck off back to Chapo.

Why the fuck would the average conservative care?

Sometimes you need to distract yourself from the problems caused by politicians you support so you can continue to pretend you're the underdog.


It worked pretty well for the Democrats for 8 years.

Right. I always forget: how many extrajudicial killings does Trump have over Obama?

SRD is like a cute but stupid puppy

She runs a one person taco truck business. INCREDIBLE.

BREAKING NEWS: COPS DENIED FAGGY VEGAN TACOS OUT OF ROACH TRUCK- Millions sob over this heart breaking story of the oppressed rising up

made me lol

Dont shit on food trucks they are delicious

This sort of story would absolutely be blogged about on NRO or redstate or whatever and make the outrage rounds for a day. I mean, we are talking media outlets that have devoted spaces to the bullshit and completely inconsequential antics of college freshmen.

decent money

David Horowitz and Roger Kimball both pull in 6 figures.

I just realised, they talk about right-wingers like Boomers talk about-left wingers.

Do they think because someone owns a taco stand all Republicans are obligated to get on their knees and start sucking them off? How desperate are SRDines for that 'gotcha' moment?

vegan tacos

so basically veggies and bread 😖😖😖😖

Veggo tacos can be okay at least, just replace the meat with beans. But vegan 'cheese' should be a war crime.

She's a manipulate transphobic nightmare in person, I was her friend for about 8-10 months (roommate for about 3) before she assaulted me and I moved out. She's an ex felon who beats her ex girlfriends and her food truck is disgusting on the inside and is never cleaned. I can't possibly say enough about Rocky but would be willing to post a full story.

juicy if true

lesbians being violent

wtf who could've seen that happen? Lies!

it always cracks me up when people rank "transphobic" as being The Ultimate Crime That Declares You a Nonperson. "Oh sure she's an ex-felon who beats women but did you hear she's transphobic????

transphobes are literally worse than hitler 😤😤

You know, the worst thing about Cosby was that he was a hypocrite.


When transphobia is violence but beating people up is just rudeness

Oh it's true, I can post the recordings too

go off queen

post them here

Eating ass and shaming cops as well as those who support them, same as always. Hbu bb?

Definitely a chapotard


Man I'm already in love with her, too.

EDIT: As a male, queer, vegan who loves tacos, hates the police, has a deep hatred of America, and regularly insults ICE, I'm loving that this comment is controversial lol.

"as a blabla fucking bla"

Who fucking cares jesus christ, imagine having to write a blog post about your life just to try to get attention on SRD

Queer basically means you're bi but only take part in heterosexual physical intamacy. The people I know who characterize themselves as queer with no other qualifiers like trans or lesbian do it just to say "look at me! I'm an oppressed minority too!". My actual gay friends think its bullshit but also think it's too much of a hassle to call out because those types of people are usually self centered losers who thrive on drama and confrontation. I bet they wish they never made PRIDE inclusive if heteros

imagine being that reddit tier

They deserve each other.

As a wealthy mayo who imagines himself an ally of the working class.

Room Status: Unclean

> EDIT: As a male, queer, vegan who loves tacos, hates the police, has a deep hatred of America, and regularly insults ICE, I'm loving that this comment is controversial lol.


SRD everyone.


Edit: As an ex-srd poster, gamer who loves tea, hates the cofee, has a deep hatred of bigotry, and regularly eats ice, I'm loving that this comment is controversial lol.

messiah complex


How the fuck has this low hanging fruit never been picked?

I can’t believe I used to like that sub. Was it always this lame or did it change?

Was it always a fringe left shithole?

Eh, sorta. When I used to frequent the sub it was a lefty clusterfuck but there were still a few dissenting voices that managed to counter the fart huffing smugtards. It wasn't that long after I joined the ranks of my fellow autismos here in r/Drama that it went absolutely batshit insane. Thank goodness I left that shithole before I could be assimilated

Yeah I use to browse it over 2 years ago or so and it was liberal but, not fringe left. Now its full of man hating antifa types.

Sounds about right

I think it was like that too, but Gamer-gate gave them a vendetta rather than just being a loose collection of liberal smugness. It used to just be clowning on libertarians all day until that

nah it was pretty center-right in the days when srs was the biggest source of drama on the site, plenty of regulars from those days that ended up modding "hate subs." it started shifting leftward when theredpill took srs's place, since suddenly it was right-wing culture war freaks getting mocked instead of left, and then just never stopped. they arent really fringe left tho imo, it's all just posturing. the average srd poster would vote red down the line if thats what it took to save their starbucks and game of thrones

Was it even center-right? I remember the days of captain sisko where a lot of posters would regularly agree with SRS but feel they were a too extreme.

there was always a vocal lib contingent but yeah, i'd say so. plenty of unironic mras, libertarians, etc. there wasnt really a notable authoritarian right presence on reddit pre-gamergate, so a center-right sub in like 2012 had a pretty different feel from a center-right sub now.

plenty of unironic mras, libertarians, etc

That's true, but both groups were really different from their current forms. Especially libertarians who back then were popular for socially liberal college guys who wanted to stick it to the big government man. Libertarians now are pretty much DDF minions at this point.

It was never center-right, it was at most center-left until like the summer of the 2012 election and then started careening to an SRS substitute when that kind of died down

I honestly don't know, I'm as much a dirty lefty as always, but sub seemed to hang after Trump became president. I want to think that the sub changed like a lot of others did, but I probably changed a little as well.

Like most of Reddit the election destroyed that sub. Looking at years old posts it’s so vastly different from current year SRD.

EDIT: As a male, queer, vegan who loves tacos, hates the police, has a deep hatred of America, and regularly insults ICE

So, typical SRD?

What the fuck is this spergery?

Why were the inherent beauties of mathematics and thermodynamics used to make drones so kids fresh out of high school could kill innocents on the other side of the globe? Why did centuries of society reduce the majesty of pharmacology to killing hundreds of thousands with shitty pain meds? I needed answers.

I retreated to the humanities for sanity, a reason to keep on learning. I work small jobs to keep the lights on and my computer running. I used to make a much greater living doing sales work, which I would consider myself quite skilled in, but ripping people off doesn't really fit with the whole solidarity and communism thing, does it?

It seems like sheer happenstance, honestly, that I was radicalized to the left as a result of rural isolation. It seems to oft go the other way. Despite conservative belief, since I've left college is when I did all the moving to the left. I've always been socially left, but it was only learning of the sheer scale of global atrocities committed by empire that I was inclined to find out why.

It turns out that it's money. Money and power. And sometimes weird sex stuff, but in the words of the great modern philosopher Janelle Monae:

"See, everything is sex

Except sex, which is power

You know power is just sex

You screw me and I'll screw you too"

I have arrived to the conclusion that Chapotards are to SRD what MDEgenerates are to r/Drama. The difference being the level of MDE-tolerance we dole out, which is dimensionally smaller than the Chapologism of SRDines.




Mommy is soooo proud of you, sweaty. Let's put this sperg out up on the fridge with all your other failures.

I am a bot. Contact for questions

How many were banned on those comments?

Vegan tacos are 100% garbage.

u/comedicsans is one of them?

Only to shit on their dreams.

There is a strange fallacy in some leftist circles that non american/developed anglosphere countries are paradises. It is strange at times.

Oh, NZ probably is a paradise in comparison. But Immigration New Zealand basically won't look at you unless you're exceptionally skilled. Hell, it'll even reject the fatties.
