1  2018-12-17 by POST_BUSSY


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Insecurity overload

of course those chinks are posting academic studies and shit about dick chemicals

You sound white. Why so obsessed with dicks? Admit!

real studies show that it's only about 5.3 inches bone-pressed, which is probably around 5 inches or less non bone-pressed

WTF does "bone-pressed" even mean? It's like when I'm watching some cooking show and they throw out a term that I don't understand because I haven't been to culinary school. Did this guy get a 2-year degree in dicks?

'bone-pressed' means to measure your dick starting (with a ruler or something) with the public fat-pad pushed all the way down

with the pubic fat-pad pushed all the way down

literally gobbling down your own dick

gobbling down your own dick

Anyone have any tips on how to do this?

Souvide is probably the best route.

Reverse sear is a close second, though.

asian men have bigger dicks than whites on average though. those are just facts. doc measured results show no difference in length and girth relative to race but the most important factor is fat pad. whites are fatter than asians on average thus asian men have bigger dicks than white men on average.

but why they are obsessed with it is because american porn says that "average" dicks are like 7 inches or something when real studies show that it's only about 5.3 inches bone-pressed, which is probably around 5 inches or less non bone-pressed. so basically "real" dicks are tiny in porn standards, thus it has a LOT of men feeling insecure so some of them take it out on asian men because japanese porn from a decade or more ago had men with average sized dicks because nobody told them that porn is a dick-measuring contest (im joking).

Why would you write this?

To cope

I don't get why they'd watch American porn instead of JAV. JAV is all around better, the girls are cuter, the dicks are smaller, they don't act like they enjoy it, etc.

Usually closet gays are this obsessed with penises that they must mention it all the time

Aznidentity must be the least self-aware subreddit.

Usually closet gays are this obsessed with penises

Lmao, jokes on him anyways. I mention dicks all the time and I'm not even closeted 😎

That "study" blogpost was funny as fuck. The great 5.4" black race, brought low by the swaggering 5.5" dong hangers from the far east.

Also, sad to see it's over for us lil 3.7" Canadians. 😭😭😭 Everything posted is true! 😭😭😭


they're overly insecure about their flaccid limp dicks. Bring it up and watch them turn bright red. So insecure...

This nigga unironically wrote this post and saw no irony.