When Chapo users think they have us by our dicks

1  2018-12-17 by ChipChippersonAMA


You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


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How the fuck are CTH ever gonna get along with the blue worker proletariat if they all shrink and cry every time they hear someone say the word faggot or or tranny? Have they ever meet a blue collar worker, those dudes are not the pinnacle of progressivism.

Uhhh sorry hun they are reactionary bootlicker 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Facist false flag

construction workers

N nn n n not real proliteriats.

AFL-CIO union members. Mobilized by the union itself. 200 of them vs. 1000 college kids protesting. Guess who won.

Im gonna guess the angry constriction workers that work all day in the sun and not the hippies.

Union construction workers, though. So half of them stood around leaning over on shovels while the young guys did all the head bashing.

Naw only a quarter supervised the head bashing... The other quarter was supervising the supervisors of the bashers and then clocked out early because seniority has perks. Also somehow two of them threw out their backs.

Lmao they beat up 70 kids who were protesting the national guard shootings at Kent State. Real good people who are not actually Feds at all, in any way

REEEEEEEEEEEEEE everyone I don't like is a pinkerton REEEEEEEEEEEEEE

They were protesting the war.

Labor supported the war because they were against communism

of course they won even outnumbered 5:1, because the soy was taking it's toll

70 kids

There were at least 1000 protesters.

protesting the national guard shootings at Kent State.

While a tragedy that probably deserved protest (the firebombing of campus buildings not withstanding...) they (the construction workers) were probably more pissed off at the burning of American flags as well as the general anti-American sentiment the protesters had. Not to say that's an excuse to assault anyone, but it marks the point that hard left values do not align with american "proletariat" values.

The businesses making money off both of them.

union construction worker


AFL-CIO is Fed infiltrated and run, not a real union. Also what union counter protests fucking Kent State protestors?

Bitches that aren’t posting hog, that’s who 😤😤😡

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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I really hope this is a bot that corrects all hog talk to bussy bants.


please let this be a new thing

Shit I just got cyber bullied by a robot

I need to try this. Log out or hog out.

Also what union counter protests fucking Kent State protestors?

Guys they don't agree with me so they can't be real proletariat.

join us comrades, you have nothing to lose but your-SHUT THE FUCK UP JIM BOB OR ILL SEND YOU BACK TO THE GULAG SO HELP ME

I don’t give a fuck about their status as proletariat. They are clearly bootlickers in this case though. You don’t have to be an obstinate douchebag

I don’t give a fuck about their status as proletariat

lmao the absolute state of internet """""""socialists"""""""

You don’t have to be an obstinate douchebag

Maybe you don't

I’m not even a socialist. You don’t have to be to understand that “”””union members”””” who beat up people that are protesting the killing of college students by the national guard is fucking bootlicker behavior at its worst.

not a socialist

Interesting. What's your supported economic model then? "Bootlicker" is usually exclusive to tankies.

Plenty of anarkiddies and even libs REEE about bootlickers too.

Am I even wrong?

posts In stupidpol

Fucking hell this is why the left is such a joke hahaha

Lmao how did that cross post go idiot

I only care about internet points

Not everyone is an incel

some rich white tranny trying to tell me about the working class


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Yes unions are so mighty and powerful that poor ole union shop owners make no profit and frequently are forced to pay labor out of their own salaries.

American union so most likely just a front for the mob honestly

Thanks for this. Adding it to my "why Americans don't deserve socialism" file.

At first I thought this was a clever joke but then I realized you might be serious.

Of course American's don't deserve socialism, we don't deserve to be punished like that.

Socialism would help the vast majority of Americans. Sadly, Americans are too stupid and too selfish for it.

This kids is your brain on stupid.

The workers chose those with the longest hair and beat them with their hard hats and other weapons, including clubs and steel-toe boots.




ywn get a legal order from your employer/union boss to start fights at a protest

why live

To stomp out college kids apparently

You're all faggots in the eyes of our Lord.

These retards completely ignore the actual proletariat beyond dismissing them as "chuds"

It's generally not a good idea to dismiss your opponents as 'retards'.

Anyway, there's a difference between the proletariat and the American working-class. The former has revolutionary potential and the ability to overthrow capitalism, while the latter has been brainwashed with decades of conservative and reactionary propaganda. They are a lost cause and most likely will have to be re-educated in the event of a revolution.

revolutionary potential and the ability to overthrow capitalism


They are a lost cause


in the event of a revolution


btw, this user has posted on /r/jordanpeterson

Lol you did too, and then deleted all your comments there.

How do you know where I've posted? Have you been keeping track of me?

who the fuck cares?

Who cares that someone likes a fascist?

posting on a sub doens't mean liking what that sub is about.

if you dig back enough years i have posts on SRS but that doesn't make me a feminazi

Posting on SRS makes you rational, not a 'feminazi'. Nice tryna, bucko.

If you seriously like Jordan Peterson you really should play in traffic. Not surprised American like him, tho.

i don't know who that even is? is he one of the up and cumming wannabe richard spencer knob gobblers?

Hey cool, you again! Whyd you go and delete your old comments, i coulda sworn we had a nice conversation going

Would you mind clarifying who exactly qualifies as proletariat in the western world?

I'm surrounded by the proletariat every time I go to a DSA meeting: hard-working men and women who understand that democratic socialism is the only way forward.

Huh, so youre saying the proletariat isnt a class, but an enrollment/self identification system? That's cool, i havent heard that take before

Figures that if mentally ill people can identify as different genders, sheltered softies can identify as proletariat _^

I see that you post on /r/gendercritical.

Did you think that you could hide that from us? I wonder what the moderators will say that one of their users posts in a hate subreddit.


Gotcha triggered~

Of course I'm 'triggered' by a fascist.

Who do you think you are?

Do you even know who I am?

If you did, you wouldn't be speaking to me that way.

Alright that one there is the tipping point. I'm not buying this act anymore. You took the role too far and I can no longer suspend my disbelief.

That's what I thought. Back off.

I wasn't even the one you were talking to, and even if I was that wouldn't make any sense to what I said. I'm going to take my "even" back, because I just can't.

Its kinda funny, but he is relatively convincing for a westerner

Bit too passionate for a real communism supporter though, thats usually a giveaway

Yeah I've met some wankers in that regard, but never one that just up and tried some weird hollow threat of identity like that.


Yeah I don't know, just another dumbfuck on Reddit like the rest of us?

He has his grasp on history from Wikipedia. Fun fact, the reason some pages relevant to communism are longer on Wikipedia in russian than in english is because theres a vast amount of content not translated

The reason he sounds so clueless and nothing like an organic communism supporter is because hes only had the edited, dumbed down version from english sources to go by. Great for larping on reddit, awful for talking with anyone who knows the actual ideology

Have you ever been afraid? I mean, have you ever felt true terror?

I'm not merely some 'dumbfuck on reddit'. That's all I'll say about that.

OMG it's Matt Christman and his rapier wit coming to murder all y'all!

I don't like CTH. I have reason to believe that they are being influenced by Russian agents, which is why they don't like Beto O'Rourke.

Yeah, that Beto dude is definitely handsome enough to be president one day, so of course Putin is dumping thousands of dollars into google ads to stop him before he's a threat to Barron's eternal reign.

We should go out for drinks.

That was my exact logic.

I support Bernie/Beto 2020.

With Bernie's popularity and experience, and Beto's appearance and personality, we could definitely win this thing.

Dream big, the_marx. Dream big.

What if I vote Trump/Jeb!

I'm gonna need you to PM me a picture of your fighting style and preferred attack stance before I buy into this.

I see your words, but that's all they are to me: words.

You can't engage with my arguments so you tuck tail and run. This is the fascist playbook.

You're just weird, aren't you? There's nothing else even significant about you at all. I mean at this point I am going to keep replying just to see what LARPy thing you say next. It's mildly entertaining for the low effort you require of me.

You post on various hate subreddits. Yeah, I'm done here.

That's what I thought. Back off.

You say "cant engage in arguments" but this is the second time youve left me hanging bby

Daddy needs relief, at least gimme a disinterested handy under the table if youre too tired to go at it


Lmao my grandfather and great grandfather were on the peoples control commissary (dont know if thats the right word in english), its hard to take larping westerners like you seriously when you dont even come close to the real thing

As a heads up, the real deal would have their men show up at peoples doors, not ask "do you know who i am." Thats like a soy based substitute version of it lol

Does your grandfather know that you're a disappointment?

He drank himself to death after the traitors kruschev and gorbachov sold us out to bastard americans lol

But looking back, i know hed be proud. The only thing he hated more than those who were useless to the people, were sympathizing westerners who spoke from ignorance

I'm surrounded by the proletariat every time I go to a DSA meeting: hard-working men and women who understand that democratic socialism is the only way forward.

Plz be bait

Because it would trigger you to see an actual communist?

I'm surrounded by the proletariat every time I go to a DSA meeting: hard-working men and women who understand that democratic socialism is the only way forward.

Are they on the bus you take to the DSA meeting or something?

I don't think it is a bad idea to dismiss people who claim to be all about the working class while holding them in utter contempt.

If every member of the working class who actually knows how to use guns— you know, rednecks, veterans, and farmers— is a lost cause, maybe it's not time for a revolution.

I don't hold the working-class in contempt. I hold racists and fascists in contempt.

It is the time for revolution. Not a revolution with guns, but one with words and peaceful actions. Bernie Sanders coined the phrase 'political revolution'; well, that's what we want.

We want to promote democratic socialism and to encourage the non-fascist American public to do so as well.

This is has to be a troll because no human being is that stupid. Good job, though.

Yeah, this is what I expected. Way easier to dismiss others as 'trolls' than to defend your positions.

I can tell he’s a troll because he combines being Pro-Bernie with being Pro-Communist. In my years of internet bullshit, Communists tend to hate Bernie because he’s a liberal.

I am a democratic socialist, meaning that I believe in a democratic transition to a communist/socialist society. Nice try, though, attempting to dismiss me as a 'troll'.

too obvious, u either need to be more sly or more violent to bait

I am sick and tired of you people dismissing me. Engage with me. Don't just use ad hominins.

by "transition" you mean cutting your cock off?


This sucks dude. Lamest troll ever. It's like you're trolling to prove a point or something, which, just so you know, is very gay.

Obviously. The bigger question is is he a troll or a "troll."

I'm guessing "troll."

I'm a commie non troll but I hope Bernie wins the Democratic nom so the libs can commit mass suicide.

democratic nom


[X] doubt

Let me guess, anyone who is to the right of you is a racist/fascist. In fact, you can just tar everyone you don't like as a fascist and just do away with them.

Its amazing how often the commie ends up exactly the same as a Nazi, every fucking time.

No, fascists are fascists. That includes the entirety of the Republican and most of the Democratic party.

Free speech should only extend so far.


Bernie Sanders coined the phrase 'political revolution'

goddammit. try LESS hard. this is too easy to see through

No idea what you mean

the working class just elected Donald Duck as president, put that in your pipe and smoke it.

They are far more representative of the proletariat than drug addicts, homeless people, or transgender minorities in college, which are all groups that the Chapos treat with far more dignity than the actual working class they claim to represent

Are they tho? Pretty sure the largest single type of job worked by proles is call centre work at this point or retail. It's a very typical retarded and warped American way of viewing the working class to mean just people who do manual labour. I don't think anyone expects American workers to want socialism anyway. They're just one lottery ticket away from the top.

Generally speaking the working class is a term defined in the late 19th century, with it carrying over into the 20th. In the 19th century it almost exclusively refereed to people working manual labor or industrial labor for wages, and lived poorly. So it's clear to see why people use it to refer only to those industries

So it's clear to see why people use it to refer only to those industries

Sure if they've literally never read Marx or studies the evolution of socialism in the 20th century.

Oh so like 99% of sane humans got it

your opponents

Also it's ironic how quickly your concern about language disappears when calling the US working class a lost cause.

The Amerikan working-class is a lost cause. Not my fault they choose to be bigots.

falling for obvious troll


It's generally not a good idea to disparage the homeless, but you're out there doing it anyways.

Must be thinking of someone else.

What does re education entail? Will i get stuff put up my boi pucci?

The sub goes back and forth on that. You can get away with saying retard and ironically using slurs. Tranny is taboo though because like 1/3 of /r/cth is trans.

Also the sister sub, /r/cumtown which is full of drama posters. Or at least weirdos with similar afflictions as drama posters.

If you don't sort /r/cth by new you're a cop simple as that

OF COURSE 1/3 of CTH is trans.

They want Communism so they can all be indie game developers.

Excuse me, some of them also want to be snow leopard conservationsists or uniform designers.

I sure as shit hope the people saying shit like that are being ironic because most people will be picking up potatoes under a 90F weather. Designing uniforms is a job for the close friends and families of the regime. And if you are not a close friend or family of the existing politicians, you won’t be in this new regime either.

Your choices are picking potatoes in 40° weather or picking oranges n 90° weather. Make your choice, comrade!

good news! we have neither !

In Soviet Russia, potatoes/oranges pick you!

Which is appropriate, as half of CTH are LW Russian trolls attacking anyone to the left of Susan Sarandon, including Clinton/Democrats

let's just stick with capitalism and make the poor people pick our avocados in 100°(±5, per IPCC)


Freedom of choice, right? :P

Well, for us, at least. Unlike Chapo we're honest about exploiting the underclass.

I grew up thinking avocado is for people who couldn't get butter for economic reason, since it was dubbed "poor man's butter" from a book I read when I was little.

Then I moved to the United States, and was shocked to see only hipsters eating it.

They don't pick themselves, retard.

In Soviet Russia, job pick you.

Or red army quartermasters

I mean they could do that now

snow leopard conservationsists

they want to suck cat penis?

but why?

Such a pity they live in a capitalist dystopia where such lofty ideals can never be realised. Without leaving mommys basement that is.

Perhaps a return to cheese making?

This is actually an interesting comment.

In all likelihood, communism would--through careful planning and the embracement of new technologies--minimize the amount of menial jobs being performed. And since plenty of people have little ambition, are not very intelligent, or just prefer blue-collar work, the rest of us would be free to pursue whatever careers we want.

As for myself, I hope that I'll take an administrative function in the new proletarian government. Or maybe I'll study psychology in order to re-educate reactionaries so that they can embrace the communist lifestyle.

You're the best

Thanks ( ◠‿◠ )

I just try to honestly engage with my opponents. Plenty of people have no idea what communism entails and that's okay!

Explain how we get there.

Praxis by subreddit discourse, of course. Why do you think the greatest Communist party is so insistent in posting in subreddits above all other activities?

What is praxis? The only remotely interesting on the Wikipedia about it is it's either a kilngon moon that blew up or Dues ex skill points


The moon was invented during the cold war and is a communist holographic projection.

the same way the ussr did over throw the state and use it for our own ends. Seems pretty straight forward but I'm not in the politburo...

If you go through Marx's wonderland a dictatorship of the proletariat is established under socialism until all counter-revolutionaries are killed or imprisoned and the class and state are both eradicated through that process

Then all the problems are gone and communism!!!!

You post like a girl or feminine boy

Pls be my big/gf

He's a fucking glorious troll. Half the people reading his posts take him seriously and half go "...wait a minute." That's some serious skill.

My first instinct was to downvote then I remembered where I was.

And since plenty of people have little ambition, are not very intelligent, or just prefer blue-collar work, the rest of us would be free to pursue whatever careers we want.

Tfw supply and demand doesn't exist because you don't want it to. 👌😎

Of observable gender isn't real how could invisible market forces actually exist?

'Supply-and-demand' is a bourgeois abstraction which absolutely does not accurately describe the real world.

Da comrade! When Stalin says USSR needs only 20 boots, USSR needs only 20 boots! People saying we need more boots will be exiled to Siberia. Don't need boots if frostbite makes toes fall off, nyet?

You're right, I forgot that S&D is when the Ministry of Prol Liberation tells people what they want and then decides how much of it they're going to hand out.

and it would also lead to a dictatorship and a lack of wealth

We already have a dictatorship. It's the dictatorship-of-the-bourgeoisie. Instead of the oppression of the majority by the minority, we want to replace it with the oppression of the minority by the majority. The dictatorship-of-the-proletariat.

And the first step to creating this new world is not violence. It's democracy! I'm an enormous proponent of Bernie/Beto 2020, and if they get elected, it'a the first step in ensuring a socialist future for the world.

Have fun being the first to die you pseud

you know that recent episode of south park with the communist box

you're literally that box

LOL at still watching South Park.

LOL at thinking south park isn't at the peak of humour and relevency with its current season

Gulag shift leader?

Gulags wouldn't exist in a truly communist society. We would have re-education facilities, focused on rehabilitation and not punishment. Proper moral values can be taught at these facilities.

But what I'm hearing is you want to run the gulag

It would not be a gulag. Even if it was, who cares? Fascists are fascists.

Hmm seems like you just want to torture a bunch of people. I'll support you friend

No one said anything about torture. Unless you think hard work is torture.

Well he's a commie so I just assume hes into torture and murder.

Tankies, leave!!!!!

All commies are tankies

Goal post shifted really quickly over there. You're not even being subtle.

You're a retard chamber

Indie game developers, which support gamergate, a far right political movement. More evidence that the left and the right are the same!!!!

That actually could be considered a job on any level tho

Daddy Issues: The subreddit

Oh, I know this one. They dismiss blue collar workers entirely and say middle income types who work in call centres and programming startups are the true working class.

Shutup faggot.

Having been a LGF / DailyKOS blogger before I was thrown out of the party for wrongthink (supporting GG) -- that's simple. They don't believe you.

Progressives are like 8 percent of the US. Hardcore progressives (CTH, Antifa, etc) are a fraction of that. But if you listen to Progressives, the US is 99% communist, they're just kept down by the evil 1%. This is taken on faith, and any alternative evidence is rejected outright.

They literally believe the entire US, outside of some nebulous "redneck bible belt flyover states" that is never defined, is the exact same politically and demographically as New York City / Portland / Los Angeles / Toronto / etc.

That's one of the reasons 2016 caused them to crack. The mere idea of Trump voters existing is heresy to them.

You, as a gamergater, are much worse than any communist could ever be, and I'm including Stalin and the Khmer Rouge in that list.

We truly are horrible people. But at least we're not CTH posters.

Amen and inshallah

God, I wish kys-posting was allowed 😡

> khmer rouge
> bad

i challenge you to go browse, say, /r/badphilosophy for ten minutes and not come away from it thinking that the only thing that Brother Number One ever did wrong was to leave us all so very soon, with so much left unfinished

But if you listen to Progressives, the US is 99% communist, they're just kept down by the evil 1%

Oy vey

supporting GG

🤮 🤮 🤮

but muh vidyagayme mysoggyknee

Your GG seriousposting is subconsciously making me more lefty, fuck you

Supporting GG cannot be wrongthink by definition because anyone who supports GG is braindead

This but unironically

No no anyone who cares about GG is brain dead.

So you went from being a DailyKOS blogger to a GGer what do you do now write for The Gateway Pundit or something, let me guess you also bought Bitcoin at $20,000, backed Star Citizen, and preordered No Man's Sky

Hah, backing Star Citizen? If I was that stupid I would have ended up at CTH before I got redpilled and never escaped.

Gamergater lmfao.

At least for me, it's that progressive economic policies would be wildly popular with the majority of the country if it weren't for dems making the left look like retards and conservative media making people actually retards.

supporting GG

Better red than gamegater.

whats with the cryptojews chapo-posters who ridicule you for supporting GG, wasn't the whole thing was about some ridiculous socjus types pushing their shit politics in game media reviews and people tried to protest that? was never super into it but from the look of it, it was basically one of the socjus vs people culture wars

Yeah, more or less.

Basically, GG was sparked off when a (male) rape victim outed his rapist, only it turns out said rapist -- a rich bitch old money democrat's spawn and failed camwhore -- was a SA goon and "indy developer" who was sleeping with like, half the industry and running some extremely long cons. So people did the math and realized some Kotaku journalist was fucking her while covering her projects for years, and Kotaku's reaction was basically "so what?" That primed the pump.

Then right afterwards a bunch of Journalists at something like 20 liberal or gaming outlets all posted articles quoting the same shitty research and coming to the same shitty conclusion: That Games companies shouldn't sell games to Gamers, because Gamers are obviously all bigoted straight white men who were going away.

The research was Chapo-tier retardation, basically stating that since Gamers don't care if their tank in WOW has a cunt, and women should get bonus points for virtue of having cunts, that means people should do whatever they can to kill off the Gamers and force the Games industry to sell to cucks, instead.

And then they found out that was all being coordinated on a secret mailing list where a bunch of journalists were literally conspiring to blacklist people/games/companies, fix review scores, break NDAs, et cetera. All hell broke loose.

So yeah, lots of drama, and yeah, GG is definitely part of the SocJus vs everyone else culture wars. Chapo retards HATE us because we were the first modern group to prove that you can fight off SocJus if you just tell them FUCK YOU loud enough and often enough.

wait, you're serious?

also it turned from a big retarded culture war to the big retarded culture war because the underlying issue -- "a bunch of mayos have a secret influence cabal to deceive consumers in exchange for sex, and a bunch of corporations tried to cover it up" -- is almost deliberately designed to be perfect bait for, like, everybody in the left right down to ralph nader

when they didn't bite, nerds realized they weren't people and REEEEd

it's like if someone caught hillary clinton selling aborted fetuses to saudi necropederasts in exchange for gun control ads, and the right didn't pick it up. something's a bit off there

They want the blue collared workers to get W O K E

the working class are religious, hate abortion, trannys and illegals yet they think their open borders, anti-christian anti-white shit will get them anywhere

These people think 'working class' means the people living from your parents home and working in a coffee shop because you made poor choices in life.

This is why being a liberal elitist is the best position.

Lenin would have all CTHretards shot

Because they think every thing will be automated so there will be no need for those types of people. That's why they think in their commie utopia the jobs available will be shit like snow leopard conservationist or that they'll be able to do things like social work but will only have to work a couple of days a wk. It's purely childish fantasy and she be taken about as serious as t r/drama maycide meme. The realistic chapo poster is the one who thinks everyone will end up in the gulag

They spammed me on my old account so much. DMing me to show them my hog daily several times a day multiple people. At least 20 different accounts. They are fucked up bug men

Honestly, it's because modern radical leftism has become completely taken over by upper-middle-class college kids who use their movements as a way to further their own class interests (as upper-middle-class) and have nothing but disdain for actual members of the working class.

Think about tone policing - it's literally just the imposition of upper-middle-class social mores and habits onto political activism as a way to exclude members of the working class from taking part in radical politics. I'm currently working in a factory and my coworkers, in looking out for their own interests, actually do have some pretty far-left political opinions. But put them in some anarchist collective or trendy communist party and they'd get shouted out almost immediately for their casual homophobia, sexism or racism.

"It's not my job to educate you" is the battle-cry of the bougie rich kid whose idea of who makes up the working class excludes pretty much every actual member of the working class.

How the fuck are CTH ever gonna get along with the blue worker proletariat if they all shrink and cry every time they hear someone say the word faggot or tranny

have u ever been on the chapo subreddit? You guys need to sort by new it's a lot better in the gutter.

That’s not part of the plan. Their goal it LARP as revolutionaries, not become revolutionaries.

God damn if I ever get reincarnated I would be a wrestler

Congratulations! You're Zack Gowen!


That looks fake and gay.

I assure you that it is only one of those.

Well the guy in blue is named Danshoku Dino....

Hi, I'm from India and I've been on reddit for close to 2 yrs now, so I'll give an outsider's perspective on how cth and drama are the one and the same and how you guys could come together to create something great, feel free to correct me where I'm wrong. First: why does drama behave like this? for instance cth people say people on r/drama hate trannies, no they don't, they hate everything and i'll tell you why. Take a look at any of their post history, now compare hw they behave on other subs. you think these people call people trannies or mongs or niggers? That's the retards on 4chan. Dramatards have a high threshold of tolerance so if irl you go and insult them they'd not be fazed, they're not triggered easily, but they're not neets they work hard. they're functioning members of society. They know what being ignored and rejected feels like and as such when they see trannies or other minorities complaining they just say shut up that's just life. it's not like they have no empathy, but they have suck it up why can't others which imo is a dangerous mindset to have, but at the same time can't blame them, nobody was there for them why should they care about anybody else, they trod through the mud at one point. But since they have a high threshold they automatically assume the same for others which is a dangerous mindset to have but they'll fight alongside you if things get too bad for a minority for example. They're once on 4chan, but the edginess put them off but reddit in general is too soft, so this is their safe space. Amongst all this a number of right wingers mistaking these cunts for anti left joined, these people are genuinely stupid, so these people coexist in this environment and the right wingers get surprised when anti right posts (like when td was made private) get upvoted, I'd wager the ratio between left and right on drama is 60 to 40. Now the second group, all the users on cth and socialism (not directed to non american users on those subs, those guys are fine) who dream of badass scenarios of uprising to make them feel badass while growing up watching disney, seriously get a job, stop reading marx books and reading about marxism or some shit, do your homework, stop waiting for the govt to give you free money, that should be given to people who deserve it like a single mother of 2 who tries to make ends meet, not a 25 yr old neet. i don't believe a person in the western world can't pull themselves up, yes it'll be shitty for a few months maybe a few years but work hard you'll atleast have a decent income and life, constantly whining does nothing for you. But with that said I really don't have a problem with subs like cth or socialism or lsc, a lot of college going youngsterr who want to make sense of this fucked up world go there with good intentions, hopefully they break out of that phase later. i've been to the cth discord sometime ago, soft lazy fucks who whine at everything. Now the whole sjw thing, I'm a feminist,i understand why women want more wages, lesser sexual harassment at work place yada yada, but that's not my identity, first sort your shit out first then go to feminist marches. I hate both of the types of these people. Now the third type of members of reddit, academics: like people on AskHistorians or Linguistics or nueroscience. These are the type of people I want to be friends with irl, academics who are humble and funny and just go on with thei jobs with the attitude that they're satisfied with their life, they're nice people who have jobs and are nice. but coming to my original point, cth and related subs users willl continue to hate r/drama and vice versa never understanding why the other side is the way it is and it'll help each other loads if you made an effort to. Yes I'm autistic(aspie) but i just wanted to put this out there and I genuinely believe there's some incredible potential for something beautiful if you guys sorted your differences

That degree finally paying off

I am a bot. Contact for questions

YFW this isn't a copy pasta

It's not?!? Oh god, I feel sick.

I'll hold your hair if you hold mine

What do you mean?

I'm throbbing... Fresh pasta...


FTFY for you (formatting)


Unironically wanting people to get along. The absolute state of pacifists.

pajeets out 👉👉👉

or I'll have to 💪🤜🤛

Subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Shut the fuck up man

gora lund chaate naa gaya bhosdika

in a gadda da vida

This is what I masturbate to when nobody's looking.

Same here. Pro-tip: tears make for great lube.

I agree, the enter key is very bourgeois

If you’re Indian can you recommend me some Indian Web Novels?

The Chinese and Japanese novels aren’t doing it for me anymore.

I really don't have a problem with subs like cth or socialism or lsc, a lot of college going youngsterr who want to make sense of this fucked up world go there with good intentions, hopefully they break out of that phase later

Sounds like you have a problem with subs like cth or socialism or lsc.

no, they're needed, as long as the far right exists. Just as antifa is a necessary evil as long as fascist elements are present

What for? So we can make fun of the two sides fighting each other or in order to delay the date the world goes into flames?

it's this lack of empathy and disconnect with the real world that i hate about this sub, it's just "fun" to all of you to see the drama, whereas ask why's the antifa there in the first place? Go out once in a while, fascists, racists, homophobes exist, and actual people are discriminated against, so resorting to violence is the only option against violence

Oh no, he's seriousposting, in my /r/drama!!!

Dude, I know the world ould be much better, but I'm not on reddit to discuss this. I have two reasons for going on Reddit, one of them is to laugh at people who think they're going to change something to the world's politics by posting rants on internet forums.

So we can make fun of the two sides fighting each other or in order to delay the date the world goes into flames?

so we can make fun of them while we pour gasoline on the world and light a match

How r they gonna stop fascists?

By getting run over lol





Thought this was u/SnapShillBot for a second

Your post/comment has been removed because it did not contain an emoji! 😱 😭 😩

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i think you're looking for /r/adderall


Damn chip he’s got him right by the peckah

Cut that part out.

Did you post hog yet?

If so: CTH considers your opinion invalid

If not: see above

tits or gtfo

Normal person: "If I'm understanding your argument correctly, it sounds to be both gay AND retarded."

Chapotard: "And here's why that's a good thing..."


when the hog posts back 💪😲


Well said

Jim Cornette is right about this tbh. This kind of shit is ruining wrestling

Cornette's a faggot that got worked by 96 Triple H.

I don't disagree with Cornette about this, but for his anti-religion/morality blovating he does, he sure is a fucking crusader when it comes to guys killing themselves for 10 bucks and a hogdog as the way it should be.

I don't deny Cornette is a retarded lefty self-hating southie who fills his mouth with hamburgers and chugs down sprite. But the dude mostly knows his wrestling

this was his idea for the Wrestlemania that'd blow off the InVasion



His Invasion angle also involves plenty of worked shoot angles such as Lesnar debuting and killing Flair only to immediately go back to OVW to try and suggest to the audience he was brought in to legitimately hurt Flair. He also has Regal and Benoit do a worked shoot match with them killing each other.

He doesn't know dick about anything after 1996

I dunno, stupid is still better than boring. I might actually watch RAW if they had Joey Ryan.

I gave up watching lolwwe since like 2015. I usually only watch the big 4 PPVs

Getting butthurt over this is like getting butthurt over any parody movie ever

Real Talk: Most of the guys who were verymuch into wrestling turned out to be closet homosexuals/bisexuals.

About half of my 4th grade class had lunchboxes with Stone Cold Steve Austin or The Rock on them, and I don’t even live in San Francisco.

It's the gay frogs in the chemicals.

Nah, it's just people on the spectrum. I know wrestling is purely stupid but me and a few of my friends (adults, good careers, families, etc) still lovr the shit out of it.

I have been watching wrestling for 20 years, this is...different

Now there's some big dick energy for ya.

Very good post

It never even began for JRA-cels

They are degenerates who tried to ruin my life, but joke's on them!

What a dick move.

I've just given a Joey Ryan post a positive response. Kill me please.

Famous Dick Wrestler Joey Ryan.

ITT: Post hog Lmao

Chapo fags are just so retarded that the most funny thing they can spam is a rip-off of a funnier joke on the sub they're spamming