2xChromos tells their userbase how to #metoo a $50 giftcard from their favorite grocery stores. Best comments are removed #ofcourse

1  2018-12-17 by friend1y


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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As a trans racial white woman I approve of this and look forward to receiving my $50 oppression gift certificate.

Kinda tame of her, everyone knows a smiling at gussy = the gas chamber.

Only if you aren't Chad

This but unironically 😎

i wonder how many of these #metoos in the comments are just humblebrags of "i'm attractive enough to get stared at"

I've had gay boys leer at my busy before.


metoo was made for attention whores anyways

Perfect excuse for humble bragging.

You should check r/Trufemcels and see how absolutely buttblasted they are that they have never been improperly touched or that nobody has tried to take advantage of them while drunk.

that's how people work. attractive foids who get asked out or told how pretty they are everyday fucking HATE IT, whereas if you talk to a femcel type or a girl lower than a 5/10, all you hear is "why don't guys hit on me in public", and i'm drawing this from real life convos i've had and overheard.

Attractive people on twox?

well this does it, i'm now convinced women are truly horribly oppressed

i mean c'mon this girl got called pretty and hit on by someone, the absolute horror

hopefully this guy got fired for awkwardly flirting

nice how many of the 'best' aspects of the past are coming around again into the mainstream, with new takes.

I remember reading how in Soviet era of witch hunts, their enforcement agencies were overwhelmed with volume of reports civilians filed against each other - but that was (a) communism - meaning inefficient bureaucracy (b) government meaning same as (a) but double, and (c) no direct rewards - poor people back than had to find their own ways to profit of the results when the accused got policed.

This second go at a society rife with frivolous allegations is promising to be far more vigorous.

First - we got each business and school separately processing the reports, so no bottlenecks.

and second, and best of all - we got so many incentives these days. There is direct rewards, big and small from the businesses/schools. And than there is public accolades and social validation for the reporting. And finally when it's all out in the open, one can really wield that fear effect to the fullest. (can you imagine, poor commies had to actually hide that they did the reporting, lest they become social pariahs - but today it's the opposite)

Disinterested speculation is my favorite part of /r/drama. Finally, a fundamentalist sub of which I can feel a part.


Tldr: people in commie countries had to hide their reporting lest they get shit on by neighbor Ivan. Nowadays people are celebrated for making retarded reports of any “misdeeds” by fellow citizens.

right, that i understand, and agree with. people boast about their snitching on social media and get pats on the back for it.

my fave comment in that thread was "I believe you. You did the right thing"


Mike Pence showing his genius more and more everyday.

50 year old man with wierd mannerisms working cashier

Oh cool she got a mentally disabled man fired

The best part about is think how bad that man's life must suck. He's 50 and working as a cashier, he's probably awkward and lonely and a pretty young girl comes in and he thinks he's being friendly and just trying to liven up his day. Now he gets to have a long talk with his boss while this spoiled girl gets a $50 gift card and rewarded for blowing an awkward situation out of proportion.

And now this old man is gonna go on the internet and read this QAnon stuff, and buy into it. Thanks, 2XCer that this never happened to in real life.

Hang on one second, im gonna go against the flow here and say you guys have probably never been uncomfortable because someone was acting creepy towards you before.

Its not as trivial as it sounds my dude, and i dont see why a post one sidedly painting the guy as an angel is apparently the top post.

Ill admit the $50 gift card is kinda weird but don't glorify creepy behaviour.

If you have never been uncomfortable because someone's acting creepy then you're a shut in. 90% of the general public is creepy as hell, as evidenced by every time you go to the DMV. No one likes dealing with those people, but it's not so bad that you need a $50 gift card and the dude needs to be reamed out by his boss.

Any time someone makes me mildly uncomfortable my first reaction is to get them fired for glee and personal gain, only an idiot would calmly walk away and not let 10 seconds ruin their day.

I think you misunderstand. I'm not saying the $50 gift card is right, I'm saying that the people in this thread saying what the guy did wasn't creepy are wrong.

Is the fact that his job is to check items out and that he's an older man suddenly mean he's a robot that doesn't think or have feelings? Holy shit, you're doing a really good job at dehumanizing this man.

You are a messed up person if you think what he did is right.

Listen, no one is dehumanizing anyone here. Everyone has feelings sure, but the fact that you think asking random strangers WHERE THEY LIVE and ABOUT THEIR LOVE LIFE tells me that the people here are probably socially inept if they think that's okay. Do you honestly think it's socially okay to just blurt out whatever you feel at random people?

There's a reason why normal people can compliment other people without freaking them out. Take a guess. People may think a girl is attractive but they don't go "Hey there, where do you live? Do you have a boyfriend? Don't you know your real pretty?" especially not when their object of affection is going about doing something like buying groceries. If you do it a club, it's socially acceptable. If you do it at your job to a random customer, it's not.

And as for the older man thing, I'm just saying that for most people, having some random guy whose older than your parents hit on you is pretty uncomfortable, but if you're into older people, no offence meant.

You sounds legitimately ignorant in the art of dealing with lower class people. Why do you think this man is 50 and a cashier? It's because he's awkward and has no other type of skills. I don't think he's right to hit on her, I think that's just something everyone has to deal with. There's a reason why champagne socialists ignore people like him, which is honestly the vast majority of the lower class, they're unpleasant to deal with. Same goes for homeless people and blue collared people. This is why the left cracks me up, these are the people they claim they're fighting for, but you despise them when you have to deal with them.

Are you trying to say that repeated inappropriate comments are a lower class thing?

I have many friends from different backgrounds but all of my lower class friends have never sexually harassed anyone. Are you trying to say that if you're from a less privileged background it's okay to sexually harass people?

The guy has probably gone through job training or observed other cashiers working, and unless he's developmentally disabled, I don't think it's that hard to grasp that you shouldn't say weird things to customers?

Okay don't bring up any political leanings please, this is a straight forward argument that the guy shouldn't be allowed to make such comments and since you agree, I think we are both on the same side.

The point I'm making is that some people are saying that he should be allowed to do this and she's wrong for finding it uncomfortable.

The point I'm making it's understandable that she's creeped out, but her reaction to it was a massive over reaction and speaks to a naivety and shelteredness that makes me laugh. This should have been a learning experience for her where she figures out how to navigate uncomfortable social interactions, just like everyone does, but now she's been rewarded for tattling on this guy. Sorry, it just floors me how fragile some people are.

I agree with you actually haha.

Why can't anybody take a compliment anymore?

So ladies I've got a sincere question for all of you. At what point, here recently, did accepting a compliment from a man become impossible without you automatically assuming that that man is saying those things for the sole purpose of hitting on you? Is it because you just think all men want into your pants? Did one particular guy destroy you capability of just saying "thank you for saying that" forever? Saying "awe, thank you" is the most condescending way to receive a compliment by the way (unless the person saying it is under 10 years old). Not every compliment a man gives you has some ulterior motive to segue into hitting on you. A real gentleman means what he says and says what he means without having an agenda. So what has made it just so damn difficult to accept a simple compliment such as " I think you're beautiful" without automatically assuming the only reason a gentleman would say that was to hit on you?

So what has made it just so damn difficult to accept a simple compliment such as " I think you're beautiful" without automatically assuming the only reason a gentleman would say that was to hit on you?


Because they hate themselves.

No seriously, have you ever met someone with a lot of self-loathing who could take a compliment?

a pretty young girl twoX


I work in customer service/escalations. So when you ask for the manager you are getting me. It's for a hotel chain so I have specific types of people I can't stand. This one sounds like what I deal with about 50% of the time.

These creepy flirting situations do happen to me occasionally


We men need to start #wetoo

Ew gross yucky 🤮🤮🤮

When did talking like a 5 year old become acceptable for adult women?

This is why we shouldn't give them rights

I love the contrast between that thread and this one, both on the front page.


That is fucking depressing to read.

Now I'm just sad

As if retail wasnt horrible already. Now they have to deal with entitled middle aged white women and entitled young white women. Great.

Just another example of fragile femininity


What really happened: Fat chick goes to store. Guy looks disgusted at her. Fat chick runs home and cries to her 13 cats. Goes to Reddit and posts that thread so all the other femcels can feel good.

You followed me today??! 😤😤😤


(X) Doubt

It's literally impossible to not read this in a stereotypical valley girl voice.

Especially her edit, jesus christ.

Is it just me or is this sub not very centrist on women?

Sure it's pretty evenly split between leftards abd rightoids, but every time a thread about women pops up everyone is talking about "fragile femininity" and how women are annoying snowflakes.

I also mock women who do stupid things but in this case, the guy was being a creep and the amount of people in this thread saying ita okay and how she ruined his day by reporting tells me that the majority of you would probably do the same thing and that's why you guys are calling her spoiled or a brat.

Not trying to white knight myself here, just saying this sub is tipping too much over to the incel side and we really need to tip it back to the middle.

What do you propose? Must we berate men a bit more?

Maybe tone down on the incel vibes?

I agree with those countermeasures

Meh, I can see where she is coming from. The guy is working the register, not standing around in a smoking jacket at the playboy mansion. None of the women are lining up to talk to him. They're lining up because they have to, it's the only way they can pay for their shit and get home.

One of these guys used to work at the convenience store near my house. No, when I'm buying a beer I don't want to talk to you about where I'm going to drink it and with whom, I don't want to talk to you about whether I'm a wild party girl, and no, you can't fucking come with me to the wild party I'm supposedly attending. This guy was so fucking annoying that a friend saw him follow a biker chick out of the store and to her car asking her where she was going to party and get the shit slapped out of him. If I'd known I could have gotten 50.00 for my troubles, you can bet I would have made it happen.

If anyone thinks this is mean, or snobby, let's say that "STFU and ring up my beer" is the female equivalent of "STFU and make me a sandwich".

Just dont answer the question, I know you cant use those experiences to bait attention then but it get rid of your problem.

Dude, did I sound like I was answering his questions? Oh, where am I partying? Susy's house. Who will be there? some of her co-workers, her brother, this dude I have a crush on. I was standing there waiting for him to ring up my beer he was holding hostage. Though, I guess it all ended up being pretty funny since he got smacked by a biker chick. I'm just mad I didn't know I could get a $50.00 gift card out of the deal. Live and learn.

And yeah, people bitch and tell stories about the stupid shit the opposite sex does. You, of all people, should understand that.

Dude, did I sound like I was answering his questions? Oh, where am I partying? Susy's house.

That's literally answering his question

I was being sarcastic.

Y’all need to check yourself