The great Mumkey Jones deplatforming of 2018

1  2018-12-17 by wazzupnerds

Youtube is terminating channels following YouTube Rewind On December 6th, YouTube released its annual “YouTube Rewind” for 2018. As many know, this video was widely unpopular as it implied that YouTube was beginning to take its website in a more PC and mainstream direction, trying to become the second television. These fears were not unfounded, as YouTube has now started to censor and terminate many channels outside of the mainstream image.

A Bosnian channel with 529K subscribers, Vanimy, was terminated in minutes. A smoking review channel Nickdasmoker was terminated after 3 years within FIVE MINUTES, receiving 3 youtube strikes. Another channel was Mumkey Jones, someone who had gained 300000 subscribers from his edgy humour. He was well known for covering the shooter Elliot Rodger, making review videos on different subjects (incels, the Bee Movie, mein kampf), and his ‘survival guides’. All of this changed on December 11th, when mumkey jones received strikes on his 2 channels. The strikes were on videos for his “Elliot Rodger” series, where he analyzed and mocked the motives of the mass murderer Elliot Rodgers, as well as a video of men sniffing foul-smelling liquids (sexual content!). One video, consisting entirely of imagery of Elliot Rodger driving and dancing, was flagged for graphic content. He privated all of his videos to avoid being striked, but he received the final strike just 4 hours later. The strike that terminated his channel was on a private, 0-views video. Oof.

Now one of Mumkey’s friends and regular co-stars, Rusty Cage, has gotten 2 strikes on his channel in the last couple of days.

So basically, if you’re not one of the squeaky-clean youtube stars and if you don’t have millions of subs, youtube might just sledge-hammer you. Youtube’s awful creator attitude has also recently allowed someone to re-upload a slightly remixed Fatrat song and then successfully copyright claimed the original.

So basically

  • Youtube Rewind drops
  • Multiple mid-sized/small creators that cover edgy content are suddenly terminated, despite no actual guideline breaches. Mumkey loses main accounts.
  • Mumkey appeals to youtube. Keemstar and flaggers also appeal to Youtube.
  • Youtube rejects appeal, removes Mumkey’s other accounts.
  • Rusty cage recieves multiple strikes.
  • Youtube is trash and always has been trash with it’s creators.

Just want to add in that To this day I still think Mumkey's documentaries about Elliott Rodgers are pretty fascinating for any true crime fan especially the ones where he goes through the families emails.

Mumkey's Elliot Rodger documentaries were both interesting and savage as hell. The dramatic pipe organ track he played over readings from the manifesto killed my sides every time. You would have to have not actually watched the videos or be a non-functional autistic to think those videos were hate speech or glorification of Elliot.

Agreed, very surprised to see him go. Guy made quality entertainment.

it's the only time someone getting banned made me raise an eyebrow, dude was harmless

Sheryl Sandberg is a stupid cunt who blew her way into the corner office.

Einstein IQ

it’s such a shame that all these literally who’s are being deplatformed

you're a literally who, you should be concerned


2019 Not subbed to cmakk1012

This but unironically, I’ve been posting on /r/drama for at least a few months now and some people recognize me to insult me, why tf am I not a mod yet

I feel like it's because you aren't putting in the effort. Note /u/Masterlawlz. Now you may say he's retarded, but the messed up part is that he isn't. He just plays one on tv reddit.

Or take Comedic Sans. What a sad, boring loser. Are you this pathetic? Not really. I don't remember you ever sperging out and then submitting a thread about what a sperg you your partner in autism is.

Which brings us to /u/snallygaster. She's a girl. Do you have a vagina, even a fake one? Can you fake having a fake vagine? If not, no need to apply for mod.

Based and dramapilled study, now I know how to improve my shitposting, thanks bb

It's a public service. If I can make you even 5% more dramatic in this exchange, I will consider the week already a success.

Mumkey is a national treasure, you shut your fucking mouth.

Why are youtube so concerned about literal who’s though 🤔🤔🤔


This isn’t r/TNOmod fam, though I wish it was

It's over for small scale tubercels


Making youtube videos is a real job guys, remember! Great "career" that pajeet in youtube hq can end with a few clicks when he's got a bad day. lol

Sounds like any other job in a right to work state.

you really are obsessed with this fag

OP confirmed for Mumkey

Just make your own #1 video streaming website that has 97% of the market cap bro.

*Market share. Market cap is something very different.

This is the free market in action libtard if you don’t like it go to Venezuela then cuck

dunno about the US, but most European countries have regulations to prevent monopolies.

Oh you did make your own video streaming website?

Just make your own internet payment platform

i wish youtube would stop paying "content creators" and just allow the site to be used as a free video uploading service. how is reddit popular when it doesn't pay me for shitposting here?

Now I'm imagining a world where reddit payed its "content creator" shitposters.

Truly a /r/drama posters wet dream

As much as I love shitposting, I cannot in good conscience support any system that financially supports power users.

They should make mods pay a monthly fee.

Platinum tier mod subscription let's you post this

Ok, since y'all can't behave I'm locking this thread.

As much as I fucking hate Youtube and internet ''''''celebrities''''''', if they're creating content and Youtube is profiting from it, then why not share some of the profit with the people helping to keep the site afloat? Plus if they did stop paying that might end up actually killing Youtube, as the big '''''stars'''''''''''''''''' might then be driven to change platforms.

Youtube is not profiting from it lol.

Holy shit, why do so many of you nerds care about whoever the fuck this is?

Imagine caring about internet stuff lmao bussy

you nerds care

You answered your one question. A defining characteristic of a nerd is caring much too much about something with limited or no appeal to most people.

can ban edgy kwality kahntent dood

Still can't deal with bootleg Vietnamese Spiderman cartoons

okay this is epic


wow they didn't learn from Nasim Najafi Aghdam

STOP MAKING MUMKEY JONES POST. Yeah we get it, it sucks, but more than like 2 posts is too much.


I can't wait for the day the whole silicon valley bubble finally bursts. There is only so much bullshit you can push until the mainstream starts paying attention.

it's a national outrage that edgy manchildren are being banned from the annoying orange website! why isnt CNN covering this?!?!?

Any day now, bitcoin will hit one trillion, drumpf will be impeached, and the technology fundamental to modern society will crumble!


R u mad u don’t earn that sweet inflated SV IPO cash

Youtube is trash and always has been trash with it’s creators.

Newfags seem to forget a lot about this. Why are you surprised in the first place?

The great white washing of america, where its cool to be gay but not cool to be literally anything else.

For extra hilarity, Elliot Rodger's videos are still on youtube.

Making fun of spree killers is literally worst than being a spree killer.