Sam Harris deletes Patreon account after platform boots alt-right

1  2018-12-17 by papa_justify


I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


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Isn't he an actual, honest to god (((classical liberal)))?

yes. and?

If I was him I also wouldn't want to stay complicit with the thought police.

Everyone always forgets that chapter in 1984 where big brother wouldn't allow people to use their preferred platform to beg online for money to start an ethnostate

If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on Sargon of Akkad's face — forever.


wtf I support fascism now

Fascism when????? 😩👌

I can only tread water for so long baby, finish me off!

go on ..

This argument was euphoric, and not because of any phony god's blessing, but because, you're enlightened by your own intelligence.



that whole comment


No u.

if it isn't literally 1984 it cant be bad

Sorry you've never read a book that wasnt a signed to you for a class.

You're right. If only the government could step in and start forcing companies to do things they don't like. I love free speech btw

I’m all for freedom but it’s gone too far when (((people))) abuse their freedom to hurt Sam Harris’s feelings. The government should strictly mandate what people are allowed to do so that this never happens again. I’m a libertarian, btw.

are you retards still doing this nonsense argument?

"i dont like trump so i will enjoy the internet being taken over by very few companies who push whatever narrative they want. oh btw i am for the working class."

Seriously. I'm all for watching Sargon cry but cheering for credit companies over someone who disagrees with you is bourgeois as fuck

over someone who disagrees with you

What if that someone was Hitler

Or OniChan

Would I be allowed to cheer for the "credit companies" (Patreon and Paypal are apparently credit companies?) then?

Someone is trying to be pedantic and still missing the point.

You think all those sites came to this Independently? That Stripe and MasterCard don't have them by the balls? Patreon stopped taking prepaid cards just because?

But I'm not the bootlicker police so if you need to slobber over corporate leather in case Hitler is reborn I won't stop you

Ah yes it's (((Big Credit Companies))) at it again

Post proof chud


A chapotard. That's why you love sucking corporate dick so hard. It's a lady dick so be sure to mind your pronouns as you get face fucked in the name of progress

Classic impression of an incel bro it's very convincing

The left has been saying for the past 50 years that the consolidation of media companies will lead to market failures. We’re a little skeptical of your solutions now that the market failures are hurting your side. It’s just “force companies to do what we want” right?

the left hasn't been saying that. are you retarded or just a partisan hack? the left owns the majority of the media. you can literally google "concentration of media ownership" and read the wikipedia article of the top 5 companies. conservative judges are the ones that shot down any media fair share laws.

can someone with above average IQ give a valid argument so i dont have to deal with these idiots?

He's talking about the people to the left of corporate Democrats.

he's talking about the people who used to be left wing 20 years ago, but are now considered right wing.

he's talking about the american left, which is like european alt-right

the american left, which is basically the european alt-right

fiscally maybe.

But socially? Only in the imagination of the American far left.

With the possible exception of the UK and Sweden, all that white/male guilt nonsense doesn't really have much influence in Europe as it has in the US. Only the far left is demanding legal abortions after week 15, and the whole diversity shit for corporations is low key at best -- there are no MBE contracts, no billion dollar activist social justice extortion industry.

Europe did have the whole refugee nonsense, that's the one way in which you could argue they're further left than the US. But that whole thing is dead in the water now, after the population got to experience the past 3 years.

And what I said above is true for western Europe. Eastern Europe is much further to the right.

Check out /r/europe. It's closer to the overall European ideological landscape than the national subs, most of which are heavily censored in favor of left wing positions.

Have you heard of manufacturing consent? You should at least read the Wikipedia article on it.

So your defense is bringing up a book by Noam “it’s good to hate USA” Chomsky? gee I wonder if his stance is in defense of socialism?? The book doesn’t support your argument either when you said the left. Seeing how Neolibs are true majority of the left. Retard.

Seeing how Neolibs are the majority of the left.

oh lmao youre actually retarded, i understand now

youre right Bernie, the progressive, beat hillary, the neolib, in a landslide. btw that is sarcasm. Just making that clear because you are a retard

yeah the center-right candidate won the primary of the mostly center-right party, not sure what your point is

It’s just “force companies to do what we want” right?

You mean... regulation?

Obviously they’d be regulations. what kind of regulations would you be passing?

Yeah, anyone who takes an issue with people being deplatformed for The Good of The PeopleTM is just a butthurt rightoid.

Also, claiming that you were against this in the first place, but then turning around to deepthroat corporate cock to own the alt-right is just as hypocrtical as the retards on the right.

“Large media companies are bad” isn’t a hot take on the left. Being skeptical of corporate power and believing it needs to be, at the very least, regulated to prevent market failures is one of the dividing issues between right and left.

The reason the right gets so mad about this issue is because their worldview is that free choice by individuals will always be the most beneficial to everyone. For most of their lives that was what benefitted them the most. Now that there is one instance where it hurts them they cry for government intervention to correct this one problem. But, without dealing with the fundamental problem, these companies are too big, their policies will just be bandaid fixes.

according to gallup polls, among people on the left, 50-60% trust mass media. on the right that number is 15%. fox news for people on the right is below majority approval for trust.

youre totally right though! the left is totally the side that questions mass media!

Those aren’t the same thing, you moron. There’s a difference between thinking the Washington Post isn’t making up mean stories about Trump and believing that the government should prevent media consolidation.

they literally are. it's the same reason moderates were around 30% for media approval according to same poll. the left was nearly double.

thinking "mass media" (however the fuck thats even being quantified) isnt literally making up lies is not the same as "loving it." like i "trust" the wsj in the sense that im confident that the things they say happened actually happened, or at least the source theyre citing actually did say that they did, that doesnt mean i dont recognize theyre a sycophantic mouthpiece of capital run by crypto-fascists. these things can be simultaneously true, unless youre completely blinded by ideology.

keep coping. your entire political party is for literal idiots and you are too dumb to realize you are one too. you would believe it if it was printed in Vox though

vox is trash. also im not registered for a political party

yyaaaaa maaaannnnn game is rigged. dont register for a political party. only way to win is not play. let’s smoke sooommee dooobbbieeesss

lol i didnt say i dont vote or something retarded like that, i just find the idea of engaging with dem party politics exhausting and of limited use. realistically i probably should anyway but like, how you would feel if you had to walk around knowing youre a registered democrat? it wouldnt be great for my self-esteem, thats for sure

Brb kms

u should least that's what John Oliver says, I get all my political opinions from that intelligent satire show... but don't point out when he's bullshitting, because it's just comedy lol.

this guy still mad about NPC meme?? 😹😹😹

not an argument... sigh...

i have aspergers and the only emotions i feel is rage and victory when beating libtards like you in debate. i havent lost once.

i havent lost once.

Never closing the shit-faucet where your tongue resides doesn't count as winning an argument, no matter how much you and donaldo want it to.

uh oh i hear the waahhh bulance. wwwwaaaahhhhhhh wwwwaaaaaaahhhhhhh

"but drumfph!"

among people on the left, 50-60% trust mass media. on the right that number is ~15%

Is your argument really "Rightoids are more likely to believe zerohedge, infowars, et al"?

keep gobbling up what mass media says. "b-but infowars", while vogue magazine is giving political opinions now. yikes! what you said is not an argument to the statistics. the left bends over to whatever mass media opinion.

You're right. The smaller percent that believes the fringe must be the (((enlightened ones))), that's why /r/conspiracy is where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth.

the left bends over to whatever mass media opinion

Damn leftoids, believing Trump colluded with the Russians instead of taking a look at pizzagate or the gay frogs smh.

ya the cia, nsa, and fbi never have bias or corruption. that's why we found all those WMD's in iraq. oh shit wait

"Durrrrrrr ima retard" <-- you

Rich coming from someone who's literally ban exempt just so we can see where he ranks in the biggest retard of the year contest.

meanwhile you wouldnt even be recognized for any contest. no name bitch. remember by username faggot.

I don't care for the abstract "left" and "right", because it doesn't reflect what I'm seeing.

"Large corporations are bad" not being a hot take on the left means jack shit when there are enough people on that side who will instantly start cheering those very same corporations on doing whatever the fuck they want as long as it is against their enemies.

There are people (presumably) on the left using the very same arguments against regulations that people on the right used and they're not doing it in a "see, this argument is pretty dumb, right?" way. The fact that anytime anyone says 'hey, maybe Google and co. are actually too large with too much power' people will just respond with 'you're just mad you're now getting targeted, lol' tells me that neither the left nor the right are even just a smidgen honest about this topic.

try and complain about a company doing anything in any other context and it'd be 'literally anything a company does is for the best in the best of all possible worlds, since the benevolent invisible hand of the free market guarantees that if it were bad they'd go out of business. If you don't like it then go and start your own google, commie'

Yeah that would be a really fucking stupid thing to say, so you obviously agree that google and mastercard thought policing the internet is a terrible idea.

Yes. Anyone who unironically believes in 'the free market' and also thinks that is a hypocrite though

Trying to argue in good faith with the right or the alt-right is a fool's errand; they use the left's goodwill to ram their agenda down the nation's throat and or to score cheap points among their side. They need to be silenced and shown that their useless worldview won't be tolerated anymore.

Takes mean less than actions. Clinton literally signed the act allowing all these mega media mergers and nobody on the left went to the streets to protest. Bezos bought WaPo under Obama who was a media darling

Lol there isn't a market failure. Tech companies who alienate a fat segment of their market by virtue signalling will lose the segment to new competition.

This won't happen instantly, but it will happen after a little trial and error. I give it 6-12 months before a viable Patreon alternative pops up that utilizes payment processors that won't be compromised by BS politics.

If it's a centralized service that can be pressured, it will be. And Bitcoin is too autistic for people who give money on Patreon.

lol, when this doesn’t happen you’ll become a Nazi.

"now lets talk about something serious, the current state of video games."

Or YouTubers!

Listen, they targeted YouTubers. YouTubers.

or, in a bold stride forward in bipartisanship , videogame youtubers

ok? and?

what is your alternative? how will you accomplish it?

all I see ar eyou right wingers whining like babies about this, while offering ZERO solutions.

solutions or stfu

you literally offer ZERO solutions. all the left does is whine like babies about everything and take an anti-whatever trump says stance. if you agree what i said is an issue then you're not so bad, if you don't you are retarded. period.

I have a solution. Ban crowdfunding.

I'm not the one whining, you are

so what is your solution to the problem you are whining about?

i know you are trying to get by without agreeing with me that it's a problem. if you dont think it's a problem you are the biggest idiot on reddit. there's no agreed upon solution yet but i can do that same exact argument to you on global warming, which you cannot give a valid solution for yet that doesn't hurt the economy.

you are so embarrassing it hurts.

so you have absolutely zero solutions.

got it

give me your solution to global warming that doesn’t hurt our economy to the point of China taking #1 spot. if you can’t give one you are a retard who can never complain about global warming again.

moving to renewable energy which is less cost efficient will hurt the economy you absolute retard

destroying the climate will destroy our economy you smart young man

im sure china will care in the meantime which is much closer on the timeline. let me know if that doesn't make sense. my IQ is a lot higher than yours so i'm not sure how much i have to dumb that down.

Destroying the planet faster to own China

let me know if that doesn't make sense

it doesn't

global warming, which you cannot give a valid solution for yet that doesn't hurt the economy.

Idiots. I bet they can't even invent perpetual motion machines either.

You're right. If only the government could step in and start forcing companies to do things they don't like. I love free speech btw

The government provides a massive liability shield to all these guys if they're making a "good faith" effort to "restrict access to or availability of material that the provider or user considers to be obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, excessively violent, harassing, or otherwise objectionable, whether or not such material is constitutionally protected". They have complete civil liability immunity, no matter how they do it or what they do.

But yeah private companies' speech lmao. Companies that are only able to have these functions without immediately getting fuckpwned by a million lawsuits because the government has given them complete immunity for any civil consequences to actions taken to restrict constitutionally protected speech. Hmm, but you know what, when the government gives somebody a special exemption to any consequences for their actions, and they use that special privilege to restrict constitutionally protected speech, technically that's not the same as the government doing it, so it's fine.

But then anyone can force you to make a gay cake, and no one wants that.

I think most people would be okay with forcing large companies to provide services to all people (as long as it's reasonable e.g. nothing 'obscene'), it's only iffy when it comes to very small companies/single people.

The Supreme Court said corporations are people.

False and also irrelevant. Are you retarded or just a shill?

Supreme Court ruled shills are people


Lol speaking like a conspiratard really enhances your credibility

Retarded posts deserve retarded replies.


Yeah, the classic free speech case is that Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc, all effectively comprise (and present themselves as) a "public forum," and thus the right to free speech overcomes the right to private property, as in Marsh v. Alabama (1946) where free speech rights were determined to trump private ownership. This would effectively police sites like Twitter but not every random web forum with 10,000 users. However this requires the SCOTUS to make such a decision; it is difficult to predict whether they would come to the "right" decision and in any case is unlikely to occur any time soon.

However, significantly curtailing the liability shield provided by Section 230 (say, to making a good faith effort to restrict speech which is not constitutionally protected), is a simple statutory adjustment which would severely curtail the ability of these companies to randomly ban people because they said the n-word or Mastercard said to or they posted pictures of a boobie or whatever the hell else.

Uh no marsh vs Alabama doesn’t mean what you’re trying to say it does.

If that liability shield were removed all of this would have been removed long ago. There is a reason traditional news outlets aren't just unedited alt right dumpster fires. You want to use that liability shield to *require* them to carry violent, hateful, and harassing content?

If that liability shield were removed all of this would have been removed long ago. There is a reason traditional news outlets aren't just unedited alt right dumpster fires. You want to use that liability shield to require them to carry violent, hateful, and harassing content?

That's a different liability shield. 230(c)1 establishes that a company is not held responsible for what is posted on their service, because otherwise Zuckerberg would have gone to prison for 100,000 years for all the child porn on Facebook. This is against all liability, criminal or civil.

230(c)2 establishes a civil liability shield for companies engaging in "Good Samaritan" policies, which in practice means deleting people's Youtubes because they said faggot. Removing it wouldn't "require" them to carry violent, hateful, and harassing content, any more than a library is required to, or anybody else without this insane, vast liability shield is. It would just mean they would think twice about banning people without just cause, because people could and would sue them, whereas right now, they absolutely can't.

It is not the fault of the left that the right is so hateful and violent. That is your own fault.

I'm not right wing lol.

everyone knows that free speech society is at its best when critical service providers are free to deny service to whomever they want.

I mean we've already stepped too far away from peak freedom because my Water and Sewage service provider are prohibited from cutting me off if they don't like things I saw, and my electricity provider is still forced to let me heat my home in winter.

But at least we still recognize that financial transactions are completely optional to today's life, so there is definitely no reason for the government to force the few private companies providing this optional service to our society, to do anything they don't want - like servicing people I want unpersoned.

I don't really think "letting people throw money at you for your white nationalist youtubes" is really a same right on the level of water and sewage.

reaching levels of intellectual dishonesty we never thought possible

You're right, acting like having your Patron taken away is as bad as losing access to water is totally normal and not dishonest.

what else?

Ahh yes, the ability to air political opinions the giant megacorps don't like isn't at all critical to a functional democracy.

Free markets only reward profitable ideas.

This is either a market inefficiency which can be filled for massive profit (in which case these people should be happy for the opportunity), or their ideas harm the income of the brands they associate with, in which case they have no right to be affiliated with them.

Not being able to receive money from one donation site is not removing the ability to air political opinions. Such pearl clutching nonsense.

I agree.

One doesn't even need to be that specific -hell, really any rights are okay to deny to people once we've established* that we are doing it to ...


traitor to motherland


v.2018+: 'white nationalist' (misogynist still implied)

*Status, as established in-arguably and without right to appeal, by solid and simple rule of 'someone said so, so it must be true'

Now that this process has been tested and checked out, 2020s are gong to be great.

Get online, get offended at someone, start calling that dude 'white nationalist' online until enough bloggers jump on bandwagon, watch the system take over as every company takes their turn to virtue signal by unpersoning him.

Laugh as he whines about shit being unfair to them - fuck'em though, if they kept their mouth shut and didn't say anything, wouldn't have a reason to notice them.

No freedom from consequences, right?

No matter how you dress it up, this is still just a slippery slope fallacy.

When a dozen atheist jews are being called alt right and nazis for so being deplatformed it's no longer a fallacy, stop being dumb enough to think one thing won't lead to another

Oh I'm sorry, I forgot that same "non fallacy" being used to explain gay marriage would lead to people marrying chairs and pot use would lead to heroin addiction was actually not a fallacy but in fact what happens now.

This is what you're arguing if you agree with the comment I took issue with. Also show me the people being "deplatformed" which in non-sperg english actually here is "being kicked from a private service for breaking their terms" and why they deserve a government enforced platform hosted by a private entity. It's insanity, you fucking rightoid morons are arguing for government intervention, literally while your entire ethos bases its' theory of government on "it's too controlling".

So lets see, by his EXACT logic then after the 1950's leftists should have been able to go around calling random right wingers commies and having their lives ruined simply because they said so and because that was what McCarthyism was. Weird thing though, that didn't happen. Why not? Because that's a fucking idiotic logical fallacy.

Slippery slopes are not a fallacy - they are observable reality describing vast majority of trends in human society.

only people who actually buy that bullshit of it being a fallacy, are those whose lifespans or memories are too short to be able to take stock of society at 5+ year intervals.

You're literally trying to claim the same logic that gave us "gay marriage will lead to people marrying animals and chairs" and "pot is a gateway drug its' use WILL lead to heroin and cocaine" is sound. Fuck how do you get as stupid as you are? Which 5 year interval do you want? Back when McCarthyism was in full swing and people had their livlihoods destroyed based on total rumors and not because they spewed racist garbage into a megaphone called the internet that is saved FOR ALL TIME?

God fucking damnit I can't even comprehend your stupid.

Chapo is on the level of sewage and Richard Spencer is a fan, does that count?

tbh if Chapo gets kicked off patreon I'll be the first to start celebrating

They won’t, though :(.

One drunk binge and some rape later they will be

I mean we've already stepped too far away from peak freedom because my Water and Sewage service provider are prohibited from cutting me off if they don't like things I say.

Isn't this unironically what libertarians believe though?

But they are not denied financial transactions.

Patreon just makes recurring payments easy to set up. And PayPal obfuscates credit card details so they don't have to deal with the burden of setting up a secure transaction system. It's completely possible to set up possibility for payment on your own website, it's just hard. It should not come as a surprise that if you are controversial some entities might not want to do business with you.

Not all criticism of behavior is an endorsement for government intervention. I can say someone is being shitty without implying I think they should be put in a cage for it.

smh get this nuanced take out of here

You mean like this?

To this day, mail service, telephones and airlines operate under “common carriage” law and must serve all customers regardless of their political, religious or social views.

These protections have a long history. Precedents from the 17th century outlawed discrimination by docks, ferries and bailors. Common-law courts extended the idea, as technology developed, to railroads and telegraphs, and then eventually to telephones and air travel. Administrative agencies later codified the protections into regulation.

Where the fuck would we be if phone companies couldn't disconnect your phone line because you called someone a cunt? Or your ISP disconnecting your Internet connection because you participate in this retarded place? Or the postal service refusing to send out your letters because your last one was really strongly worded?

Where would we be if airlines and railroad companies couldn't deny you service because of your political opinions? DEREGULATION NOW!

Are you seriously implying that access to YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and patreon is the same thing as having access to a telephone or transportation?

They cant help, they're retarded.

After all, people have been using planes and trains to directly spread hateful political ideologies for decades now.

Are you seriously implying that access to a telephone line is the same thing as having access to the postal service?

Some brainlet just like you, 100 years ago, arguing that the owners of the telephone lines should be allowed to deny service to their political opponents.

Are you seriously implying that access to the postal service is the same thing as being allowed to travel across the country?

Some brainlet just like you, 200 years ago, arguing that the postal service should be allowed to deny service to their political opponents.

You do not need youtube to live sweaty. You are not entitled to a platform.

You do not need a telephone to live sweaty.

some brainlet like you, 100 years ago.

You do not need to send mail to live sweaty.

some brainlet like you, 200 years ago.

Ahhh, its actually retarded.

Man that is the falsest of equivalencies.

it's the truest and straightest equivalence in the history of ever

It is a super gay equivalence rooted in petty entitlement and faghoty whinging.

You're just horny for censorship, because your brain is bean sized. So you keep making artificial distinctions.

More people are communicating through facebook than through mail.

I have not made any distinction, I said you were making false equivalencies and that your point is bad.

And in time Facebook will fall away and a new platform will arrive, and we can go through this whole song and dance again. A platform to speak at large is inherently different than private communication, which I might point it Facebook is not.

patreon isn't an isp, it isn't an equivalent of the postal service or telephone and will never be.


You're just horny for censorship, because your brain is bean sized. So you keep making artificial distinctions.

More people are communicating through facebook than through mail.

> So you keep making artificial distinctions

imagine thinking making a distinction between patreon and your ISP is artificial. you are a huge brainlet and you need to kys.

don't pretend you give a shit about censorship, you'll gladly ban libcucks from your website if you had your way.

facebook is a garbage site

no dispute here.

Access to social media is considerably more important than access to airlines, railroads, and landline telephones.


NEET opinions

are you seriously implying that access to a telephone is the same thing as having access to the postal service?

some low-T brainlet just like you, 120 years ago, arguing that the owners of the telephone lines should be allowed to deny service to their political opponents.

you already did

Not gonna lie I skimmed it and edited my comment after taking an initial look.

You need a phone line to conduct official government business and to contact emergency services

Now you do.

Not 100 years ago, when the telephone was a recent invention.

You need a phone line to conduct official government business and to contact emergency services

Btw. Facebook services over 2.5 billion users:

Google has 7 different services servicing over a billion users, additionally to near monopoly on Search and duopoly on mobile:

The idea that companies like that can and should be able to do anything they like is utterly idiotic and unworkable. Some of these new mass communication networks/digital public squares are getting to be a lot more important than telegraphs or ferries potentially ever were. Increasingly certain kind of professions even need these services to do their jobs, some even draw their whole income from services like YouTube, Twitch or Twitter. They're also increasingly places where people choose to petition the government, "protest" against it or where reporting on current issues happens.

If you believe they should and can do absolutely everything "because private company" without incurring regulation due to their size and importance you're retarded.

Not just that. He just said that deregulation will somehow make this better. How the hell? Deregulation means money talks and when money talks, Patreon kicks out rightoids.

Protecting freedom of speech without regulations is impossible, but I guess that's too hard to understand.

The government has to provide my livelihood!!!!

These companies are more like publishers, not carriers. Honestly the only reason they haven't been sued into oblivion for carrying these lies and hateful garbage before is their civil immunity. Any traditional publisher who carried alt right content promoting violent and the establishment of a single race state would quickly be out of business.

The funny thing is those protections/immunity is predicated that they are and remain content neutral like a phone company or the postal service would be. By increasingly narrowing down the kind and sort of content allowed on it they de facto become publishers instead of carriers and should have the same legal liabilities as other publishers like The New York Times or The Washington Post and similar.

Ultimately speech is too important and it just won't do that two or three MegaCorps from San Francisco control what, how and to whom billions of people worldwide can say.

Or as someone else put it:

Does Shakespeare violate your Terms of Service?

Does Mark Twain violate your Terms of Service?

Does the Constitution violate your Terms of Service?

Does Biology violate your Terms of Service?

Then take a deep breath. Let me break it to you gently:

The problem isn't Shakespeare.

Yeah, government stepping in to force a company which has effectively a monopoly on this financial service that constitutes main source of income for some independent media and artists/authors to not remove users/customers who didn't break any of their written rules without a warning would be such a bad thing. /s

DAE tell the internet about how they read for fun?

Sorry you're a retard I guess.

Give me book recommendations or I won't believe you are actually sorry.

Blood Meridian. It's a tough read, at times I wanted to put it down but I'm glad I read it. One of the most violent and depressing things I've read.

Yeah I read that one. I liked it, but damn the ending was goddamn brutal. I liked The Road as well which at least had some hope at the end. I've got All The Pretty Horses around here too, but I tried to start it and it didn't really hook me, I should probably go back to it one of these days.

u still mad about NPC meme bro?? 😹😹😹

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Man, Orwell really fucked up there by deciding to focus that book on 'how it turned out' rather than 'how it started'

I wonder if he would have written it if he was forewarned that his book would be forever used afterwards by people defending every single step toward that state with 'but we aren't all the way there, yet so there is nothing to worry about'

Orwell totally would have written that chapter if he knew you would use his book to mock rightoids.

And somehow that's not even the worst point in your post.

Jesus was a historical person. Probably not the son of God though.

Man, Orwell really fucked up there by deciding to focus that book on 'how it turned out' stage of his dystopia rather than 'how it started'

Uncle ted already did it and he wasnt a pinko retard

  1. Thus control over human behavior will be introduced not by a calculated decision of the authorities but through a process of social evolution (RAPID evolution, however). The process will be impossible to resist, because each advance, considered by itself, will appear to be beneficial, or at least the evil involved in making the advance will appear to be beneficial, or at least the evil involved in making the advance will seem to be less than that which would result from not making it (see paragraph 127). Propaganda for example is used for many good purposes, such as discouraging child abuse or race hatred. [14] Sex education is obviously useful, yet the effect of sex education (to the extent that it is successful) is to take the shaping of sexual attitudes away from the family and put it into the hands of the state as represented by the public school system.

  2. In paragraph 127 we pointed out that if the use of a new item of technology is INITIALLY optional, it does not necessarily REMAIN optional, because the new technology tends to change society in such a way that it becomes difficult or impossible for an individual to function without using that technology. This applies also to the technology of human behavior. In a world in which most children are put through a program to make them enthusiastic about studying, a parent will almost be forced to put his kid through such a program, because if he does not, then the kid will grow up to be, comparatively speaking, an ignoramus and therefore unemployable. Or suppose a biological treatment is discovered that, without undesirable side-effects, will greatly reduce the psychological stress from which so many people suffer in our society. If large numbers of people choose to undergo the treatment, then the general level of stress in society will be reduced, so that it will be possible for the system to increase the stress-producing pressures. In fact, something like this seems to have happened already with one of our society’s most important psychological tools for enabling people to reduce (or at least temporarily escape from) stress, namely, mass entertainment (see paragraph 147). Our use of mass entertainment is “optional”: No law requires us to watch television, listen to the radio, read magazines. Yet mass entertainment is a means of escape and stress-reduction on which most of us have become dependent. Everyone complains about the trashiness of television, but almost everyone watches it. A few have kicked the TV habit, but it would be a rare person who could get along today without using ANY form of mass entertainment. (Yet until quite recently in human history most people got along very nicely with no other entertainment than that which each local community created for itself.) Without the entertainment industry the system probably would not have been able to get away with putting as much stress-producing pressure on us as it does.

Have you owned the libs yet?

I am a bot. Contact for questions


man, ted is one smart son of a bitch

and tbh orwell comes up with some very similar ideas to this passage in 'the road to wigan pier', with a distrust of modern technology that verges on anprim (only with less random killing)

1984 is meme-status.

Brave New World is closer to what's happening.

I wish, our drugs are still bullshit compared to that sweet, sweet soma.

neither is close to what's happening.

I think the meaning of "thought police" is pretty clear and independent of "1984", even though it was coined in that book.

Not this bullshit argument again.

I gotta say, I'm pretty happy to learn how triggering 1984 is to you guys.

Yeah, because calling people who want an ethnostate white niggers is totally justifiable reason to ban someone. Meanwhile I could get on CNN and call Kanye a house nigger and nobody would blink.

I have no idea what you are saying but it sounds like you should go for it.

beg online for money to start an ethnostate<<

Who was doing this?

All I know about him is that he is a bit stupid, so he probably has a similar fanbase to Sargon.

Sam Harris is a bit stupid? Have you ever actually listened to one of his lectures or podcasts? Dude is incredibly thoughtful, measured, and intelligent

he’s smart, usually handles himself very well in discourse, but he does do that thing where he’ll say things in deliberately ambiguous, controversy-baiting ways, and then throw a fit when people take it at face value.

like “how could you possibly think I was advocating racial profiling when I said that police and TSA should profile potential Muslims?”

i’d never compare him to Sargon, though, as Sam does actually have a brain

If youre going to quote people, quote them. His reason had nothing to do with looking like a Muslim.

sam harris is a gay retard whos voice could put me to sleep after digesting 120mg of adderall

Why does his sexuality, or mental capacity have anything to do with this? You may find him boring, but I don't think that warrants such ad hominem attacks, it just makes you look mentally weak in comparison, because you're unable, or unwilling to effectively articulate your issues with him, besides him being a "gay retard". Good job

call me weak again and i will break kick your retarded sissy ass. last warning.

I have no idea if you're weak or not, but your arguments certainly are. That being said...

Come see me bro. 1650 palm Ave apartment 2 San Mateo California. 94402. Do you need a Google map?


lol...not even worth it. dont bother replying.


Have a wonderful, blessed, and fulfilling day. I hope this world delivers to you knowledge, understanding, and patience. God bless

i hope you step on a used heroin needle and wander in a forest fire. your state sucks ass.

I know. I fucking hate it. The laws suck, restrictions are heavy, and taxes are high. Additionally, there are a bunch of anti-free speech "progressives" who want to silence those they don't agree with, but this is where I was born, and where I've built my business. It would be too costly to move at this point. I've got places I can go in a few other states too though, just not my business. Anyway, glad we could find something to agree on, and again, I hope you have a wonderful day.

let me guess your business is protecting gay retards like Sam harris online

Commercial Knife sharpener and bladesmith. Smithing is more of a hobby as it's too labor intensive to make lots of money. You were pretty close though. Good guess

I'm at Berkeley, California

I was in Berkeley last night! Howdy neighbor!

Let's see, how does it ... is it ... Get Off My Lawn!!

If I could wave a magic wand and get rid of either rape or religion. I would not hesitate to get rid of religion.

- Some gay rapist retard.

I'mnot saying I agree with his stance, but his argument is this:

Tens of millions have been murdered, and are continually murdered in the name of religion. Religion has been the greatest dividing force among humans for millenia. Rape, while awful, is a very rare incident, and is already very illegal. Perhaps more prosecution is in order.

Orders of magnitude fewer people have been raped for the sake of rape, than have been raped or murdered in the name of religion

Now that's a genuinely stupid argument.

Fair enough. I still support his right to say whatever he wants, so long as it doesn't incite violence. It's the duty of others to point out the logical falacies in his arguments, so that consumers of information have a fuller picture of the facts, and can then make their own informed decisions. Whether a person is right or not is far less important than if they get you thinking about your own positions. Informed stance on varying policies is only tennable when fully informed by all the available information

It's not a stupid argument but its deffo a gay retard argument. Lol I mean if it wasn't for religion I'd almost certainly have killed multitudes of people by now.

Obviously fear of going to hell is the only thing that keeps us all in line

You should read your magic book better, it tells you that you can kill people.

Not unconditionally, unfortunately :(

I mean not completely, but close enough.

- Death penalty for murder.

- In self defence.

- When two peoples are killing each other, help to kill the one bigger arsehole.

Luckily for you getting smack talked on the internet didn't make the list 😂

Nah, you're just stupid. QED.

He never said being a gay retard wasn’t okay or makes him wrong though

He just stated the fact that he’s a gay retard

You're half right, but based on the context he was very likely using it in a disparaging way. Either way, his mental capacity is of little question, and his sexuality is a non issue.

☝️I agree with this NPC☝️

yeah man and who likes gay retards. yuck

I saw this debate with him and it was genuinely embarassing. Seemed like they put a 16-yo /r/atheism subscriber on the same panel as a bunch of reputable Ivy league professors.
Also, everything he's ever said about philosophy has been wrong, including both his books on that.

I don't know anything about his podcast though, maybe he's a good interviewer and has good guests? He's an expert on precisely nothing so I'm not sure what else he could offer.

Fair enough, he's not everyone's cup of tea. I disagree with him about free will and religion, but I feel he has some valid points philosophically. Again, to each their own, I just respect the fact that he is standing up for the open parlay of knowledge and discussion, as opposed to trying to shut down those he doesn't agree with. I appreciate the intellectual integrity necessary to truly listen to your debate opponent and try to see things from their perspective.

Thank you VERY MUCH for being the only person to reply to me in a meaningful manner on this subject. I really appreciate it, and hope you have a great day.

but I feel he has some valid points philosophically

Well, they would have been valid points 500 years ago, just like geocentrists had valid points back then. It's just that philosophy and astronomy have progressed quite a bit since then and when a panel full of experts tells you that, you should listen and learn, not start arguing with them and revealing even more of your ignorance.
Someone telling a room full of NASA scientists that actually, they are wrong and the sun revolves around the earth because that's consistent with observations you made on your handmade telescope in your backyard is definitely someone I'd call "a bit stupid".

When did he say that the sun revolves around the earth? Dude is a philosopher and neuroscientist, I have a hard time believing that he actually thinks something that asinine.

It's an analogy. He did basically the same, just about morality instead of astronomy.

But morality isn't a scientifically proven fixed principal. Morality shifts from location to location, culture to culture, and even among individuals. Therefore it's a poor analogy. If he were arguing that atmospheric pressure had no affect on the phase shift of water, I would say your analogy was applicable. For him to argue points on philosophy, morality, religion, society, gender, is completely different because as I've stated, these are not scientifically fixed principals, and are all relavent topics pertaining to our current modern society. Again, maybe he's wrong, but the debate of these matters is very very important. It's the only way that the public can be truly informed, and the only way we can move towards a more inclusive, and accepting world

Morality shifts from location to location, throughout time, from culture to culture, and even among individuals.

You aren't making much sense. Just because philosophy isn't science doesn't mean you can't make false and entirely stupid statements. He doesn't understand Hume's is-ought gap, for example, and that's painfully obvious by all the stupid shit he says about it.

but the debate of these matters is very very important.

Debate between actual experts on relevant topics is important, people with no idea what they are talking about making arguments that people have dealt with and proven bullshit 300 years ago isn't. There's a reason philosophers just ignore Harris, just like physicists ignore flat-earthers.

Okay, fair enough, and I'm not familiar enough with Sam or with philosophy to have anything productive to add to that discussion. If he is irrelevant and or incorrect, you can ignore him. If he has an audience, then the free market says that people resonate with his ideas. I feel the only way to sway these people towards objective truth is to offer ideas in opposition to Sam's, and let the debate play out. When he's shown to not know his stuff, or for his ideas to be logically unsound, people can choose to stop following him if he doesn't shift his views in light of superior logic.

Or do you feel that he's not even justified in talking to people you reguard as relavent philosophers?

All kinds of retards saying stupid shit all the time have followings. Flat-earthers, anti-vaxxers, etc. Stopping stupid people from listening to other stupid people is difficult and not a particularly appealing task.

When he's shown to not know his stuff, or for his ideas to be logically unsound, people can choose to stop following him if he doesn't shift his views in light of superior logic.

This has happened several times, his fans don't care.

Or do you feel that he's not even justified in talking to people you reguard as relavent philosophers?

Of course he is? It's of course sad that he was on that panel, so instead of an actually interesting discussion we got them explaining philosophy 101 to him.

. He did basically the same, just about morality instead of astronomy.

He didnt though. Utilitarianism and moral naturalism are pretty much alive.

The problem with Harris is that he doesnt justify this beliefs. He just takes them for granted

Sure they are, but a vague label misses the fact that most of what Harris says is retarded. Like that if we believe Hume then it's impossible to argue against the Taliban, or this beautiful twitter chain

The person you are responding to is /r/atheism incarnate.

Perfect. I love arguing with actual retards.

expert on precisely nothing

what? The dude has a phd in cognitive neuroscience. I don't know anything else about him, but anyone who has a phd is at least an expert in something.

Afaik he published 3 or 4 fmri studies sometime back. So he probably knows a little about that.

“The brain scan shows that religion is dumb.”

the idea of deriving morality from science seems absurd to me, but maybe the way he intends this to be understood is a way that makes sense. haven't read his stuff

Oh I just noticed I didn't link the actual debate. Check out from this timestamp onward, it's hilarious how stupid he seems:;t=1h37m37s

I like his podcast, he's a decent interviewer and gets good guests. Sam Harris is by far the worst part of the Sam Harris podcast, like 90% of his comments are just facts good, science good, Trump bad, SJWs bad.

How did you stumble on this place?

Which place? r/drama? One of the many hundreds of subs I subscribe to. I enjoy dealing with people who's views vary from my own, so I seek them out on the internet, and try to engage in friendly, thoughtful debate. Usually I just get flamed at. Lol

Alright, so you are bizzaro pizzashill got it.

Usually I just get flamed at. Lol


What's a pizzashill?

I'm just an old man who likes to talk to people who don't agree with me

Someone that used to post here a lot.

He's a bit like you only he was hostile and liked arguing with Trump supporters and feminists.

Ah. Well I'm notoriously not hostile even when others are to me.

Odd that he disliked feminists and Trump supporters, they seem to be on rather opposite ends of the spectrum.

Anyhow, I don't necessarily want to argue, so much as give my views and try to understand those who disagree and why they hold their views. My hope is to build bridges between people, so we can work towards commonality instead of the constant divisiveness and hate I see everywhere

He thought he was "one of the good liberals" because he liked talking about how the sjws had gone too far or whatever

Well, I kind of think they have gone too far, personally.


Just watch the Four Horsemen videos to see through the sham that is Sam Harris. Nothing but a clinger-on to other pseudointellectuals who eclipse him 😹

Just watch the Four Horsemen videos

Are you trying to make /r/drama die of smug overdose?

Yes? 😸

Great idea! 😻

he’s not exactly stupid, he’s just gotten increasingly narrow-minded and petulant over the years. leading an internet cult hasn’t been good for him

that being said, he’s fucking leagues above Sargon

Eh, everything I've seen from him made him seem like a stupid guy trying to appear smart.

that’s because when stupid people try to appear smart, they imotate him

This is at least the second time you've started seriousposting in r/drama about your hate boner for Sam Harris. Did he run over your dog or something?

Hate boner? I'm just calling a stupid guy stupid buddy. And I like arguing with retards, so making his fans mad is always fun.

Sam Harris is a concern troll, he's always been sympathetic to rightists and just pretends to be a good freethinking liberal just asking questions.

He is even a motherfucking liar and an idiot.

A fucking neuroscientist that doesn't even know what the definition of depression is beyond "being sad".

sauce that shit or you're a liar

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

&nbsp;If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

It's over for featured-on-an/r/drama-post-cels

In a related story, two dozen neck beards now have sufficient cash flow to buy a new xbox game.

Why would mommy give them that much

Look, they may be NEETs but they understand they deep complexities of GBP and Gross Domestic Tendies.

Each one of them, or all 12 combined?

2 dozen you mathlet

Free speech should be free, even if you don't agree with it. If we can censor those we don't agree with, it's only a matter of time until we ourselves are censored. Free speech is about an economy of ideas, when a bad idea is put out, good ideas counter it, and highlight it's social, or logical falacies. Limiting people's free speech only emboldens them, and brings more attention to their idiocy. Free speech for all!

sniff farts

Well stated, logical, and airtight argument. You're obviously a matter of debate


Shut up, nerd.

Dear God someone debate me I'm gonna cuuuuuuuum

Shut up, nerd.

Ooh, ad hominem, you must be truly talented in debate. How about an actual discussion as to what you feel, and why you feel that way, instead of calling names? I mean, you can call me whatever you want, but it doesn't increase the validity, or salience to your opinion

Please tell me you're taking the piss, nerd.

Taking the piss? No I'm on an aerodine bike. Why would I be taking a piss?

Also, I am a nerd. I don't mind being one. Been one all 43 years of my life

Lol nerd

Yea you're right we need to rise up. Gamers are in fact the most oppressed group in society, a thing that we all live in.

You and your gamer buddies should rise up

No u

43 years old and you sound like a kid who's trying to stand up to his middle school bully with logic.

25 years after graduating high school do you still jerk yourself to sleep every night after reading the Fountainhead or Atlas Shrugged thinking about how their popularity and good looks are fleeting but your intellect will always be greater than them? And the real irony is how after all of these years, they were the ones who got over high school and moved on while you still relive it.

He's a loser from the Donald this thread lured out a bunch of cockroaches

Shut up, nerd.

Why are you so mean? I may be a nerd, but I'm entitled to just as much latitude as anyone else. I hope you have a nice day

Shut up, nerd.

I see this is a game of attrition, not an actual conversation, so I acquiesce. You win. I still hope you have a wonderful day

Shut up, nerd.

I love your persistence

Shut up, nerd.

Note to self: write bot.


Do you identify as an A-10? Or as a dirt bike?

All of those people still have their freeze peaches.

They aren’t entitled to a microphone tho dingus

Entitled? Of course not. But as I understand it, Sam Harris has purchased his own equipment, and built his own audience. Therefore it was through his own labor that he is where he is. I wouldn't call that entitlement.

I wasn’t referring to SH but other wannabes that have received the boot

Free speech was a mistake.

There are places you can go live that don't allow it. You're not restricted to where you live

Sounds like someone believes that all borders should be open

You're quite wrong about that

You're not restricted to where you live

Does that not mean open borders? I'm confused. Last I checked if there are border controls, that means that there are restrictions as to who may live there.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances, and also internet payment platforms are obligated to provide service to anybody who wants it

Yep, right there in the first amendment


god dammnit I was sure of it and you confirmed, it's impossible to both post on TD and having basic reading capabilities. Maybe if you go at it slowly ?

mfw I see a seriousposter in my drama sub

Wrong. Good ideas should be encouraged, and bad ideas should be discouraged. The notion that there is some kind of difficulty in identifying which is which is an Enlightenment-era fad that was unfortunately popular in the 18th century.

LOL I genuinely thought you were just shit at being ironic but you're an actual T_D retard...what a crazy world we live in.

I subscribe to undress of subs. I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm certainly glad Hillary didn't win. Im what you'd describe as a classical liberal. Anyhow, I hope you have a wonderful day

Lol that title. Sargon is a lot of things but he isn't alt right.

True but both Richard Spencer and the Daily Stormer have openly thanked him for helping lure gullible retards into joining up with the alt-right though. Definitely a useful idiot for sure.

It's not surprising because the politics of fascism/ethno nationalism or whatever you'd like to call it are purely cynical and inherently dishonest. The reason it looks so ridiculous all the time is they're forced to support things piecemeal because no candidate is actually as abhorrent as their real views (no real candidates, anyway). It's dishonest because they don't really support candidates, or ultimately modern liberal democratic forms of government; it's all a means to an end.

It's a bit like communism but without any of the principles.

Implying communists have principles

Some chapotards told me the Soviet Union was true communism the other day, and unironically pointed to the government doing stuff as socialism. It was a bit surreal.

The principles of thermodynamics apply, i.e. starvation in the absence of energy from food

But theres a huge difference. Sargon makes shit content on youtube about sjws, Corbyn is a leftist politician.

Yes. Corbyn has far more power and influence than sargon does.

He's going to more soon too comrade.

Why would that be surprising? It’s just an ‘enemy of my enemy’ situation, like how some European far rightists support Islamists in the Middle East against Israel.

I'm not clicking that nazi shit. Someone summarize please.

Do people transform into Alt Right when they get thanked or praised by those two?

Strange form of authority fallacy.

Do people transform into Alt Right when they get thanked or praised by those two?

if bad person likes something you do that makes you automatically bad

Hitler was an environmentalist and vegan (could be wrong on that last one, can’t remember for sure) so the logic holds up there.

Hitler was a vegetarian not a vegan.

And he didn't completely exclude meat. He may have been vegetarianish because of health reasons but it's not very clear because of conflicting accounts.

Sargon is a lot of things but he isn't alt right.

Imagine unironically defending mr alt-lite himself

You just did the same thing though by calling him alt-lite, no?

naw alt-lite is just alt-right but for pussies

imagine being such a cummie you think Sargoy is alt-lite

Sargon is alt-right?

Well actually, to be fair, the deleted accounts where actually associated with hate groups which were used to put gay ops out there.

Like Mumkey's and Sargon's doxing servers.

Mumkey had doxing servers?

Mumkey was a good boie he dindu nuffin

I'm so proud of my lord and Savior Sam Harris . He is very brave letting go of those large Patreon payments . Idk if he will be able to afford his mansion and beautiful electric automobile though so I sent him more money directly to his website!

Patreon sent an email indicating that patrons were leaving the platform after it banned conservative YouTuber Sargon of Akkad.

Sargon's not even really a conservative IMO; he has pretty permissive views on a lot of things. He's really just a dyed-in-the-wool classical liberal. He's less of a 'stuffed shirt', and more of the standard-issue middle-English, above-average-educated politically centrist bloke who you could find in almost any UK student union bar. I can't really see him fitting in with many UK conservatives because they are often so cloistered, awkward and embarrassing. Consider for instance Michael Gove.

Graphtreon estimates that Harris made between $23,000 and $65,000 from Patreon per podcast episode.

Sargon's not even really a conservative IMO; he has pretty permissive views on a lot of things. He's really just a dyed-in-the-wool classical liberal.

And as we all know, classical liberals love UKIP!

If he really was a classical liberal he would be for loosened immigration rules, considering that most of the influential libertarian economists (like Friedman) were very much pro-immigration.

You're writing as if adherence to a given political philosophy defines one's views on every subject, and that's a false assumption. He could be a classical liberal overall, while holding conservative views on certain topics. Not everyone's political beliefs are as homogeneous or consistent as you make them out to be.

Everyone I don't like is Alt-Right. I had to go to a checkup because I wasn't peeing so well. The "Urologist" wanted to rape me with his fingers so I called him "Alt Right."

Not only did I get out of being fisted, he gave me a free prescription for xanax.