Child speech therapist refuses to sign mandatory pro-Israel oath, gets fired.

1  2018-12-17 by Oh_hamburgers_


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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You have sand in you're vagina. That makes you a beach.

You of all people unironically linking Glenn Greenwald 😏

He is a super dramatic faggot with a persecution complex and a thing for young brown bussy, he is perfect for this sub

Glenn is ok sometimes, and I was hoping it would stir up some screeching in the comments.

Is he Mr seizure and tentacle porn.

No that's another (((-wald)))

59 Other Discussions

The JIDF spinners are trying to argue that not being allowed boycott Israel isn't the same thing as signing a pro-Israel oath.

Glenn Greenwald

The Intercept

This is like taking an Alex Jones rant serious.

Intersectionality totally wo...

laws like this are proof that bds is necessary.