Daddy cucks the DDF when he deletes a tweet containing a typo. DDF thought the typo was evidence that Daddy was playing 64D backgammon.

1  2018-12-18 by IAmAN00bie


Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


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Lol he spelled boarder wrong to trigger the libs. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it.

The absolute state of fentanyl Americans




anime titties



Daddy's bringing down the deep state!!4D Chess!!!

Omfg it makes sense!

Flexing your functional illiteracy to own the libs.

le mfw those are real comments

The guy comparing Trump tweets to works of art is a real mental case

This image is my favorite. Unclear whether a joke.

Occam's razor is taking a fucking beating in there.

These guys are on step short of building temples for the guy.

While TD being retarded isn't shocking, I am surprised they had the cognitive wherewithal to even notice the word was misspelled in the first place.

I mean, they are basically being cucked by Trump while he eats the ass of Putin and his business fuck buddies. So, I agree, I, too, am wondering how they noticed this misspelling while being as tarded as they are.

T_D is the result of Conservitards slowly defunding public schools.

That and heavy metal poisoning.

Tbf, they are probably the same people to take those supplements with heavy amounts of PeanutButter

The boomers also huffed a massive amount of leaded gasoline fumes during their formative years.

The zoomers have no excuse though

dude weed lmao probably did it for a few

Years and years of getting molested by meth fueled parents.

eggs actly


over the time...

That's called a positive feedback loop

thats not even a typo, thats literally forgetting how to spell the word

multiverse chess


the libs are gonna be so triggered when daddy finally builds that wall, just like the cons were when obama closed guantanamo

deleted it to get more attention since the typos trick was getting old.

he didn't have typos before he became president.

i was only acting retarded in order to antagonize more than half the country

the state of burger politics

I’m just giving the most likely scenario.

The most likely scenario is that it was a typo and that he has dementia

The most likely scenario is he dum

What if he’s just unintelligent like he has continually demonstrated? How the fuck would conservatives react if Obama could barely spell or form coherent sentences?

he didn't have typos before he became president

Daddy has somehow found a way to become even more retarded before our very eyes.

Praise Daddy 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍

i thought i FUCKING told you to not reply to my shit anymore

Do I know you? πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

Whoa hey look out -- this guy sounds like he means business.

if mean was a business id be warren buffet πŸ˜‰

Bitch please, you ain't even on the level of Jimmy.

This is way too obvious bait. Come on man.

I will admit there’s some times where I’m obnoxious on purpose for attracting attention (ie bait). This isn’t one of those times tho

You need to admit to yourself that you have deeper problems then.

eat my shorts

eat my shorts

every post this dude makes is the most obvious bait imaginable and the tards on this sub still fall for it.

How have you not overdosed yet?

Spending a hundreds of billions to save a couple billions a year to own the libs.

hardcore DDFers already use typos in deleted tweets as β€œevidence” of whatever. this ain’t gonna change anything lol