Jordan Peterson says he’ll launch a Patreon alternative before Christmas

1  2018-12-18 by papa_justify


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.


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It's over for bucko-cels

Lobster daddy will make those bucko’s clean their fucking room if it’s the last thing they do.

tier 1 supporter: 1lb of beef jerky per month


What's to stop the powers that be from refusing to work with it?

Why are they even doing all this shit anyway? The financial sector is happy to throw grandma under the bus, empty heart medication bottle and all, but somehow the ire of a bunch of college slacktivists is just too much for htem to handle?

Why are they even doing all this shit anyway?

Not a legal expert so take this with a grain of salt but I read somewhere recently that social media platforms like patreon or twitter are (for now) exempt from a lot of the liability that traditional publishers take on. Meaning that if a user publishes libel or hate speech or whatever on twitter, twitter can't be held responsible for it, only the user can. But if a columnist for the NYT publishes libel or hate speech, then both the columnist and the NYT are held responsible.

However some people have been making the case that social media platforms should not have those exemptions because it makes for unfair competition with traditional publishers, and it allows them to profit off of publishing material without having to take responsibility for it.

I wouldn't be surprised if social media platforms are worried that some court case in the future might challenge the laws that give them exemption, and so are cleaning up their act, so to speak, and self-moderating their content in the hopes that they might be able to stay exempt.

That almost sounds like social media platforms have common carrier status like the telecoms have. IIRC, telecoms had that ability if they didn't censor anything and weren't responsible for the content. If they wanted to censor stuff, they lost the status and had to censor all.

Big Banks / PayPal could refuse to work with them, but so far JBP isn't a Nazi he's just painfully painfully stupid. So my guess is it lasts a little while, gets overrun by Nazis, then gets shut down.

So you’re saying all it takes is to be slapped with a sufficiently negative label.

JP in 6 months... "Why is my free speech patreon clone full of loli and furry artists?"...

With the recent announcement by Sam Harris that he is shutting down his own Patreon I'm kinda hoping this new thing can get kicked off with the likes of Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris, Bret & Eric Weinstein et al.

Besides, anyone in the furry fandom is guaranteed 110% woke so at the very least we can rest assured that PayPal wont ban them.

i dont know how they can do this is all the payment processors are the ones fucking people over.

There's a way around the payment processors, though. At least that's been my experience from buying certain things online.

aren’t you a woman? girls don’t buy weird things online. unless you are ““”girl”””

lol, I'm talking herbals, not child size sex dolls or something like that.


Aren't those legal in a lot of states now?

I look forward to seeing all those credit card numbers in a few months

JP "what a combo list?"

JP is also data scientist, computer scientist, webmaster, etc. JP knows everything.

JP has enough money now to buy the expertise he wants.

Naah, he knows everything and he also knows whats best for you. He was trying to explain to Matt Dillahunty that Matt is not really an atheist deep inside.

Sounds like someone has a bee in their bonnet about lobster daddy 😒

Naah, someone has an issue with JP because JP seems to think he knows it all, and is oblivious to the fact that he might be wrong.

Well that was a fairly lame attempt at playing it cool. You'd probably do better just being honest about the fact you have complex (and probably homosexual) feelings about Memerson.

Hahahahaha that is pretty splendid. Here take my 100 internet monies for that amazing analysis. While you are it maybe try to understand that poor plebs like us might be right sometimes.

Like Peterson, I too know your true nature better than you.