Have you checked your report button recently?

1  2018-12-18 by Oh_hamburgers_

I'd hope not because what kind of asshole actually uses it? That's not the point though, the point is that there is a new option:

Report this content under NetzDG

Now what the hell is NetzDG? Well, the krauts are at it again and they've somehow forced Reddit into following a law they passed in 2017, here's the wiki for it


You read that right, Netzwerkdurchsetzungsgesetz.

According to the page, the aim of the law is to "combat agitation and fake news", but will also see social media sites "forced to remove hate speech more consistently".



It's over for shitposter-cels

I wish it'd be over celcels.

It's over for overcels

Did you not even try to use the report feature? Itโ€™s only available for German users and redirects to a form to fill out that German citizens can submit. Lazy bum.

Well no I didn't want to report some random post to the krauts. It's still weird though man, and I wonder what happens if a German reports a non-German?

Doesn't matter, Reddit just has to remove it.

So reddit has to remove a post by an American that a German believes is hate speech or "fake news"?

Yeah that's how shit online generally works? If a Canadian pirates a Dutch show, and the Dutch ask the Americans at Reddit to comply, they're probably going to do that. Or the other way around is possible, just tell them to fuck off and get blocked in Dutchland.

Or what's actually going to happen: only the most hardcore of autismos are going to bother filling in these forms, Reddit will tell 99.7% of them to get fucked and not do anything and the German e-Polizei won't bother to enforce it because why would they.

Well yeah but that's copyright of course it works that way, but hate speech and fake news are a different story and usually subjective. I think your second assessment is correct though, not to mention Reddit posts only matter for like 24 hours and this system seems like it would take a few days to actually get content removed.

Still think it's a bit weird though that and offended German could (potentially) get someone from another censored for offending them.

History repeats itself...

> Amerilards believing they're free when any German can censor their websites.


Yeah I was going to report this post for the lulz and it's an actual seriousposting form in German. Obviously done on purpose.

So whenever I'm in Germany I have special removal privileges? Nice :D

Es ist vorbei fรผr Krautcels

Kys yourself krout

Tuurlijk, vriend.

Is there anything worse than a francophone Krautcel?

fuck u u dirty Boche

Es begann niemals

es hat nie รผberhaupt angefangen fรผr krautlets

First they came for the child porn, and I did not speak because I'm not a gamer.

Then they came for Sargon of Akkad, and I did not speak because I don't need testosterone replacement therapy.

Then they came for the free speech, and I did not speak because I believe in the eradication of all views, all of them.

Then they came for the free speech, and I did not speak because I believe in the eradication of all views, all of them.

๐Ÿ‘ You have opened your Third Eye of Wokeness

Board the Mothership, we're nuking this bitch soon.



first they came for the child porn, and I did not speak because i'm not a libertarian

Fixed it.

A libertarian is just a gamer who somehow managed to have to pay taxes at some point in their life.

i report my own posts to make sure mods can see my good bits

So when do we use German bonds to submit these reports just to fuck with them

whats yametes new account

gotta go after the lรผgenpresse

Euros are worse than mayos

sorry not everyone is a europoor.