Another mass chewing. When will it end??

1  2018-12-18 by snallygaster


"Internalized misogynist" and "prude" are the new slurs for women with standards and boundaries. Don't let newspeak fool you. ;)


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That makes 4 school mass chewings and 1 general public mass chewing. Jesus...

Explain that Shit-bull supporters.

Surely it happens with other breeds

posts picture of of breed of peace snuggling up to sleeping (unsuspecting) toddler

My pibble might lick them to death 😂😂😂😁😁😁




They are nasty little fuckers that should be banned tbh

The stupid owner didn't leave the safety on

Alright, this pibble blaming has to stop.

That child was CLEARLY and ON VIDEOTAPE seen entering a convenience store where he ROBBED the clerk for blunt wraps.

Cut forward 30 minutes to when Officer Pibble 👮 arrives. He is a solo cop on the scene, and in response to light questioning (the child matched the description of a previous 911 call) the child can be seen ASSAULTING officer Pibble and REACHING for his state-issued jaws (Evidence #2a - Cell phone video)

Officer Pibble was left with no choice but to maul the assailant, as well as several other threatening children at the scene.

From the second cell phone video, we can see several witnesses taunting the officer (F** the Pawlice, etc)*

Don't trust the fake news media, people. They have an agenda to follow, and we all know how the agenda's been set: Pibbles dinchew ruffin.

🚨 Wee Ooo Wee Ooo 🚨

(Please do this in your head only please, people, pit bulls can be startled by lights and noises)

Officer Pibble 👮 is on the case!

Reminds me of this university where clapping is considered ableism or something so instead of clapping you snap your fingers

Or jazz hands!

The breed of peace strikes again. Where's that crazy pibble lolcow when we need her?

You/byebyeflutterpie, really miss pinging

Me too

I just stalked through her post history, Jesus fucking christ what a disgusting mess...

If I may be forgiven for this... It's over for bipedcels.

Go to your roo.

I'm old enough to know it was wrong. I deserve a timeout tbh.

he a gud boy he didnt do nothin

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Inch'taytay the colonies are at it again

The only way to stop a bad guy with a dog is a good guy with a dog. Put pitbulls in every shop and classroom.

Chew the head, shoulders, not the toes - not the toes.

Reasonable bite control is all we ask

What's with the pits making news this year? I am pretty sure that number did not go up, but the reporting of those on news network definitely popped up more.

Is this confirmation bias?

Nawh just msm getting woke to the pibble question

>be american

>get bitten

We need No Pibble Zone signs to prevent these attacks

Pit bulls, the AK-47 of dogs. Great fun to have, legal until you shoot a school.