Crowdfunding platform Patreon defends itself amid boycott

1  2018-12-18 by papa_justify


womp womp


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It would be so much simpler for platforms like this to just follow the first amendment. Imagine the money they'd save by not having to hire people to patrol wrong think and the headache they'd save from just telling cat ladies that complain about videos that they follow the first

makes sense, their business model doesn't need advertisers so no fear of a boycott.

Losing money to make Sargon of Akkad buttmad sounds worth it

Except they can still be cut off by their payment networks, so this wouldn't work

Imagine the money they'd save

patrol wrong think

but that's literally the highest aspiration for those who crave power - as it is the ultimate form of power in the real world, and thus the ultimate use one can spend money on.

Besides, it's not like Patreon is doing it by themselves. This lady just transferred over from PayPal, to bring control of Patreon under the same political agenda. Under pining both are Stripe and Visa who have recently showed their hand by directly blacklisting Gab.

it's been going on for a while, quieter.

Under guise of fighting suspected criminal activity, previous democrat government in US circumvented due process to cut off various businesses from financial networks, forcing compliance from financial institutions. Part of that compliance included forcing financial institutions to hire people qualified to investigate fraud.

A new position of 'trust and safety officer' became the standard in the industry - and as is the norm in life, one can tell about how benevolent they are by the name chosen. No one serving as 'trust and safety' officer could possibly be a political plant to guide financial institutions from inside.

I just can't be bothered with people who chose to treat me like this. It's really annoying. Like, I — . You're acting like a bunch of n***, just so you know. You act like white n... Look, you carry on, but don't expect me to then have a debate with one of your f.…Like why would I bother?…Maybe you're just acting like a n*r, mate? Have you considered that? Do you think white people act like this? White people are meant to be polite and respectful to one another, and you guys can't even act like white people, it's really amazing to me."

Lol at this bloodsport dweeb faggot getting banned for this lame banter on racists. Dunno if this is a good idea to release this as a "HA! GOTCHA!" moment when peeps are now going to catch that video way more attention and see the context.

Imo they should have just said "we dont like him and his autistic fanbase, it makes our corporate image look bad."

If they have an issue with autists, they will have to remove more than the Applebees man.

initial version of article edited his quote to remove that bolded bit

Sargon is dumb and lazy but he's good at pushing people's buttons

That's literally the only thing he is good at

Yeah but he's so good at it he was earning 6 figures from it

Not an admirable skill but there's blue checks who try harder and can't pull it off

Call them Blue Ticks, like ticks they parasitise superior organisms, like ticks they spread disease, and like ticks they should be exterminated inshallah

This is a great time to be alive because being a professional retard is now a viable career path.

If they love these motherfuckers so much, send them some American Express Traveller's Cheques.

They call Dramanauts, Autists. Autists... easily duped, will believe anything, and by the time the destruction is upon them, one or more of their family has been captured and turned against the team. "/r/Drama has served us well...," one captor gloated.


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