Nice young boys celebrate PewDiePie's success with a few Sieg Heils

1  2018-12-18 by Oh_hamburgers_


You didn't even read it, did you? You just disregarded it because it doesn't fit your world view. You are pathetic, scum of the earth. People present you with scientifically backed evidence showing how the world really is and you disregard it because it is brought to your attention by a group of people you find inferior to you.


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Who gave the special ed kids phones?

the future looks bright

Nice flair yougot

thanks a jew gave it to me instead of confronting me directly

You should thank him, it suits you

unlike the caricature people have invented i realise that black men sweep up the dregs that would otherwise pollute the white gene pool

i swear sheltered people have a wildly distorted view of what angers

I like the contrast. Cool flair 👍

How does it feel to know that white women prefer superior black cock over anything your entire race can offer?

lol only trashy fat ones that self respecting white men already rejected

also "muh dik"

Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that. White people will be extinct in the next 100 years. How does that make you feel? Literally millions of arabs and black people coming in to impregnate your women and mix you up.

lol no they wont

how are you gonna cry about how oppressed you are and how society treats you unfairly and how you need a free ride or leg up for literally everything, and then act like you have power to take anything over

fucking browns lmao

It's inevitable and you know it. How are you even in denial about this. Literally millions of refugee muslims impregnating white women and having like 8 children. Meanwhile most white men marry super-late and get like 1-2 kids. You will be eradicated by way of race-mixing. It's inevitable and it's beautiful. Deal with it.

come on, man. at least put a little more effort into your bait. middle eastern dudes are probably considered even less attractive than asian ones, they at least have weebs who are into them.

its clearly not though lol, every step of progress minorities make is at our good graces and we can reverse it instantly

one wrong move and well glass that half of the world to preserve our way of life rather than share it with you at all

Literally millions of refugee muslims impregnating white women and having like 8 children.

lol you mean trying to impregnate children, because theyre all pedos and will eventually be hunted down vigilante style and be removed from the civilised world altogether

You will be eradicated by way of race-mixing. It's inevitable and it's beautiful. Deal with it.

lol i love when minorities try to get uppity and self righteous like they have any power whatsoever and arent just a glorified pet to make whitey look better to his buddies

no well just destroy you first lol its so easy

Muh dick 😫👉🍆

These kids are the stallions that will one day mount the earth.

Millennials: We will strive to be the most narcissistic, entitled, and whiny generation this planet has ever seen.

Zoomers: Hold my smartphone.

The only thing I hate more than zoomers and boomers is people who keep trying to pigeonhole new terms for particular "generations".

I've been a part of three different ones depending on how people feel like classifying things, and apparently a 'generation' lasts like 5 years now.

I think people just said millennial too long

I think as past generations have had a reason to be grouped together that had cultural significance and actually could be seen in statistics, that all we should go with is X - grown up seeing computing technology slowly advance towards the internet while music videos and corporate pop music came about and the corporation explosion; and millennials - born with comparably powerful computing in their pockets at their disposal for chump change and general faggotry.

Zoomers aren't any of those things though. They're just plain old retarded

dabs repeatedly on u 😎 😎 😎

This makes me optimistic for the future

These seem like ironic sieg heils tbh

The media is gonna turn Pewdiepie fans into ironic Nazi's.

Democrats should be shitting themselves right now.

Pewdiepie fans need to get either gassed or gulaged, like the fucking degenerates that they are. Change my mind.