Pewdiepie streamed a porn game, his moderate fans are unhappy because of it

1  2018-12-18 by iamusingplebbit


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I am troubled not because he streamed a porn game, but because he streamed a fucking porn CLICKER game.

Just awful. Nearly as bad as if it had been furry porn

What are you talking about? Id gladly pay out the nose to watch normie youtubers play furry games

That shit will leave a mark on them

Yeah, so, forget all that stupid "pewdiepie is a gommie" shit - he's now promoting pornography.

No joke, just straight-up promoting pornographic websites.

And not just any websites, mind you: A hentai website owned by MindGeek, who brought you such wonderful material as

Pewds is now literally a mouthpiece for Jewish pornographers.

You now realize all this 'ultramad' shit was just to get him publicity to shill their fucking porn sites.

Bumping because this deserves to be brought to peoples' attention. This is what e-celebs are folks, nothing but mouthpieces for kikes.

When you see some 'controversy' emerge, you can be assured its probably just a kike ruse.

Pewds used E;R - bringing him to the attention of Jewtubes (((trusted flaggers))) - to generate hype so that he could start shilling for Jewish porno sites, who are now sponsoring him'.

Fucking next level Talmudry.


But it's the liberals who are always infighting, right?


who brought you such wonderful material as

This but unironically

Why is every side of the political spectrum taking turns being outraged at Pewdiepie?

Oh God, I've subscribed to a Jew. Mother's side too, no less.

Of all the people to be triggered by this, why is it /pol/?

/pol/ is pretty easy to trigger, as easy as SocJus Keyboard Warriors if not more.


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