Conservautists REEEEE over Trump's decision to ban bump stocks. Come watch the meltdown in real time!

1  2018-12-18 by IAmAN00bie


Who tf programmed this thing.

/u/justcool393 designed the responses but I think some sort of ghost in the code is slowly making it recognize patterns.


60% upvoted


How's it feel knowing that Trump is worse for gun rights than Obama?


Conservacucks are so easily triggered. ๐Ÿ˜‚

I would kill myself if i woke up a conservative

To be a conservative you literally need either a surplus of chromosomes or a shortage of neurons.

Or no/low T

This but unironically


I'll never understand how Obama can simultaneously have been blocked at every turn by Republican obstructionists yet also have magnanimously decided not to pursue anti-gun legislation out of the kindness of his own heart.

I actually like this. Because it pisses everyone off and shows how fucking dumb both sides.

Yes, both sides. The right for getting angry over something so stupid, the left for getting angry even though they are getting something they've wanted for a while.

the left getting angry

lol shut up ed, we all know you are nowhere to be found whenever your side is losing their shit.

Nice projection, pede. ๐Ÿ“ฝ

keep coping!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


buahahah ahahah hahaha



That's like comparing pneumonia to brain cancer

Yes, both sides.

woah he said both sides, we better shutup and listen, this is obviously a very learned man

get out newfriend



Pick one

yeah I'm definitely not new around here, and I don't have any friends. he's double wrong

if you are going to complain or make a snarky bs comment about "both sides" then I'd expect you to be new or to have had a long hiatus or just being dumb enough to not get the joke.

or it simply was a bad joke. lol

or it simply was a bad joke

this I can sympathize with

see: all my jokes

why is /u/AnnoysTheGoys defending you around? You guys gay for each other?

why is /u/AnnoysTheGoys defending you

idk but it's making me nervous and suspicious

You guys gay for each other?

we might be soon if he keeps talkin nice about me

Don't worry, I still think you're a filthy commie

that's fair

Imagine thinking radical centrism just means "both sides lol"

I literally is deepshits. The fact you think it isn't means you've been faking this shit all along. Thinking any side is better than the other, especially in this climate, means you are not a fucking centrist at all.

And I mean this, but unironically.

Basing your opinion on issues because of what a "side" thinks is what's retarded. Sometimes one side is right and sometimes another side is right, even if both are retarded most of the time.

Can't argue with that patriots plan so they censor it. Fascists!


Bump stocks are just fidget spinners for gun owners

Yea. And we all know theyโ€™re stupid. Thatโ€™s not the point though. Itโ€™s about rights.

Lmao, someone took the right too bear "arms" a little too literally.

If Trump ends up being the president that passes gun control legislation I will film myself eating my dogs bussy out.

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I hope you like dog bussy.

A New York billionaire doesn't care about gun rights? Who could have guessed it ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

Say it with me.



And thatโ€™s a good thing.

Coastal Elite , with a vanishing coast line.

If FEMA and the City weren't footing the bill for their stupidity ; Maybe, I would wish that the erosion would happen sooner.

atleast quote the sperg outs. I ain't clicking all these links.

It's over for bumpcels.

pewpewbois gettin spicy!


Anyone mad over this is retarded. My dad bought one and we used 2-3 times. It was absolute garbage and he sold it soon after.

Man drama is trothing again. Not a single quote all links? We need a new plague.


Of all things, this is what caused the regret.

I wonder why guns seems to be the one thing that they actually give a shit about, despite the fact that Donald has shit all over other amendments with his words and sometimes actions. Is it because it's impossible to rationalize it has anything other than gun control, or because gun people are really, really into their guns above all other things afforded to us by the constitution?

I would go with "yes."

I can understand why people like guns, but I find making it their whole life a bit much. Surely there are things that is also precious and fair? You know, sunset, birds, that kind of stuff.

it's so over for hippie gun owners

Probably because gun control laws are some of the least likely to ever be repealed

Wow, even TD is breaking the conditioning on this one.

Until the mods step in and censor them

It's all over for guncels

the future is gun control

Nice, I thought he already did this and the reeee-fest on it had passed, but there's always room for more ๐Ÿฟ

Satirical about what? Thereโ€™s a large deepstate left by the Obama administration working to bring this president down! Think Obama, think Hillary, think Soros, think Pelosi. Remember Seth Rich?

Theres this guy on the TD post who is either a master troll or the next magabomber.

Nah, that whole thread is just what happens when their regulars clash with Qtard boomers

surely this will end gun violence

This one of those times someone preaching gun safety could clean house.

On the other hand, that would entail explaining there are more dangerous rifles than the AR-15 and bump stocks. all this whining and banning has only stopped the people who won't pony up 300 more dollars for a better gun.

I love how much attention is given to rifles when the biggest danger to the average person is handguns and they are never talked about.

Nope thatโ€™s all fake news liberal globalist commie hogwash! You leftists said he was going to lose the election and he won in a landslide! Trust in Trump!


Canโ€™t tell if peak cope or just a troll who infiltrated the sub. Fucking funny either way.

That post was removed, here's one the mods allowed to stay and the comments are an absolutely glorious wasteland of [deleted].

It's funny how even when he does something his base hates, the thread on T_D still gets thousands of upvotes

I ordered a shit dildo using Google+. When it first came out, you had to sign up with G+ in order to get the discount. It was supposed to smell and feel like a shit. Was pretty underhelming when it arrived, because it only looked like a shit. It didn't even feel like a shit when it went in my boipussy.

Needless to say, I don't use it anymore.

The one upside was that the shit dildo was password protected, so no one else could use it.


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If you wanna have a little fun with it, go to the thread on T_D and report every comment that disagrees with the bump stock ban for breaking the subโ€™s rules (since disagreeing with our president is basically against the rules of that particular sub). Itโ€™s kinda fun.