Trannies on /r/circlebroke2 upset when someone dares to insinuate that it's fine to have dating preferences

1  2018-12-18 by Shortcakespecial


homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


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Honestly don't think this one will last forever, but it brings me joy every time I see it. It's just... absolutely perfect.

Peak autism, holy shit.

Peak autism, holy shit

imagine not just diving in there like a true, determined autist

Imagine not just diving in there like a true, determined autist. You are a perfect example of what they refer to in the hood as a "pussy ass nigga".

I'm already banned there you stupid, circlebroke-2-white-knighting faggot.

you dumb, circlebroke-2-white-knighting faggot

lol u mad šŸ˜Ž

Yes, you're literally so fucking stupid it makes me angry, congratulations on being an idiot.

Yes, you're literally so fucking stupid it makes me angry, congratulations on being an idiot

No, just correct.

nice try nerd, but i saw that šŸ˜Ž

LOL imagine being the type of person that would write out something and then completely bitch out from it.


I edited that super fast too, I bow to your superior reddit-autism.

We finally have evidence that nmx is always mad.

I liked your original comment better, sir.

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I'm already banned there you dumb, circlebroke-2-white-knighting faggot.

Why are you such a pussy ass nigga that you don't create a new account?

The community has many labels for those types.

Just wait and let nature take its course. You don't need to even prod them to make them act like delusional hysterical dumpster fires as often as the sun rises.

it's a mix of autism and trannies literally being niceguy incels

I mean, a good chunk of trans are also spergs...

Who would have thought being shitty in social situations would fuck up your perspective on gender too.

I want to kill myself reading that thread. Is this how trans people feel daily?

Just let it go, most interner trannies seem to end up killing themselves in the end anyways

If you are disgusted by this, then guess what sweaty? You're a big bigot! Bigot!

Fuck that's the stuff of nightmares

It was a bold move to include this scene in the directors cut of Mask. Really shows you the pain Rocky Dennis had to go through.

Dude wtf I clicked on that at work

lol wagecels BTFO again

It never began for wagecels fam

Wagie, wagie, stuck in cagie
Clicked link expecting Chad, but now she's Stacey

Thanks crying now.

Why did I click on that?

Oh, wow.

-H.P. Lovecraft.


I need a support group now.

i... guess im glad that theyre happy. But this makes me feel ill.

yikes if you don't like what's on that video, you have serious problems against women, you incel.

Friendly reminder: if you go over at r/manmadepussy you'll see the finest, the best quality absolutely horrible and disgusting meatsocks of neo vaginas in the world. šŸ‘šŸ» Trans šŸ‘šŸ» women šŸ‘šŸ» are šŸ‘šŸ» women šŸ‘šŸ»

Huh, honestly some of those weren't as bad as I expected. Clearly not real but not the horror show I thought it would be from seeing the previous gif. Totally would 100% never mistake them for the real deal but I've seen less appealing looking naturals than some if the top all time posts there.

Risky click of the day.

Why would they be uncomfortable with it? Whatā€™s the reasoning for that?

I'm honest to god interested in the answer to "because they have a penis". Like what's the retort to that? At least the ones who haven't had surgery yet, isn't that answer obvious?

but its a feminine penis. It's not gay.

Ngl I'd be more comfortable with a penis than a surgical vagina. If what I heard and read is still correct, the body treats the hole as a wound and tries to heal and close it, therefore it needs to be periodically stretched to keep that from hapenning.

Just the though of putting my dick in what's basically a wound makes me really uneasy, so I'd rather take the dick, thanks.

Yeah, the guys thatvget the trans vagina have to dilate for and take pills for life.

But then you get to play everyone's favorite game, "find the matted wad of hair and gore."

They know, why. But they are playing dumb. What they are doing is putting their own inanate belief behind for the sake of a political goal, the abolition of a male/female dichotomy. They do this because they see as the right or just thing to do. Its way too complex to go into an r/drama comment.

But what it boils down to is trying to start up a consensus, that they hope will spread towards the masses. Its why the people pushing this start with little things like "please respect pronouns, it's easy to do". The idea is to work up to even weirder ideas that the people pushing this (activists, academia) know the mainstream wibt accept at once. So they warm up to their actual beliefs.

What you see is what this people want, for a person to be consider a bigot for not having sex with trans people. You see they don't want your tolerance, rather they demand yoir celebration.

What if I don't like artisanal vaginas either

It doesn't matter what the reasoning is. No is a complete sentence, especially when it comes to sexuality. It's not up for question or debate.

I typed up a whole shitty spergtacular response to that guy before I remembered I was banned from CB2 lmao:

I like how you expect us to JADE.

A neovagina is not necessarily acceptable. Nobody would be surprised if yoy didnā€™t want to date a woman who was missing a leg, but if sheā€™s missing a vagina suddenly itā€™s discrimination. Then people pretend that youā€™re reducing a person to their genitals (youā€™re not) but theyā€™d never argue that not dating bald is reducing men to lumps of hair.

On a more abstruse note the Buddha said (IIRC) that the most effective way to lose attraction to someone is to meditate on the fact that they have internal organs. A person might see the whole ā€œtransitionā€ process as a reminder of the material compositeness of the body and itā€™s lack of existence separate from the world. Itā€™s the same reason people feel weird about fake tits or hair implants or facelifts. That artificiality is a reminder that thereā€™s nothing between us and the dirt. Itā€™s sexier to think of the body as something that grows and exists of its own accord, or at least just hangs off the human family tree, even if that isnā€™t how things are.

So obviously itā€™s important that trans women be accepted as women and furthermore that men who date transwomen be accepted as heterosexual, insofar as it has to be a classification, but ā€œthereā€™s no reason not to date a transgendered individualā€ is just silliness.

That was a pretty insightful response.

no wonder buddha was the nofap champ

At least the ones who haven't had surgery yet, isn't that answer obvious?

I'm about as interested in having sex with someone else's penis as eating dog shit off a sidewalk, but I'd rather suck a dick than approach a mutilated one with any of my body parts.

foids reject incels, dicklets, manlets, wrist-cels, ethnic-cels, income-cels, etc.

Circlebrokers: No problem here. Women can have their preferences shitlord (I actually don't disagree)

moid declines to date someone with a high chance of having psychological disorders


I would unironically support ISIS if it meant that they would circlebrokers in cages and light them on fire. Even chapo isn't this bad.

even if they were sane, straight guys are usually just not into dick. At least I ain't.

But if you call them a bigot long enough they might suck your feminine penis ...

Isnt the majority of MTFs on reddit mad because they cant shallow dick lesbos?

Imagine being so dumb as a man you think your dating pool increases by putting on a shitty wig and some high heels šŸ¤”

They've ruined a lot of lesbian scenes

I know, the TERF war is absolutely hilarious.


Do lesbians even have sex though

Is it even possible for lesbians to have sex?

They rub their cloacae together

for short period, then they get the dreaded death bed.

You mean all of them.

It's that fucking female socialization man. Niggas be absolutely convinced it's their job to forego their needs to cater to everyone else. Minds so open they brains fell out.

not sure if it's socialization or biology.



The only lesbian scenes I care about involve time stamps and links.

Yep. You notice how gay men are never considered transphobic if they don't want to fuck transmen? It's only lesbians.


it's called women being retarded and weak lmao



And redpilled.

FtM trannies aren't as rapey as MtF. It's almost like it's... biological.

the majority of them is probably in it for that reason. Like if they at least got their dick cut off I might take them more seriously but most don't want that (cause they're not actually trans)

A neovag doesnt self lubricate and it doesn't have any muscle attached to it so it doesn't constrict/relax depending on the excitement and/or nervousness of the owner, its basically a skin sock. Also, apparently they sometimes grow a noticeable amount of hair on the inside.

Too much information!

That's why their hot take of "it's ok to have preferences, but if you say you won't date any trans person, you're a bigot" is so weird. I like dick. Not a neophallus that can be bent into a hard-on and not a big clit. And, I like my dicks on cis men. So, my preference is 'no trans men/women'. They want us to dance around and say anything but that, but that is the reality.

What they also don't get is that most cis people who are attracted to other cis people find the characteristics of people who were socialized as their born gender attractive. Like most lesbians dont want to date a trans woman who is hyper aggressive with terfs, saying shit like "suck my feminine cock" or "punch a terf today". They don't get that interested partners would like them to pass emotionally and mentally as well as physically. Shit is rough for them and I feel sorry for them but no one should have to do something they're uncomfortable with when it comes to dating and sex.

Yes, trying to change the way it's acceptable for people to talk about their attractions doesn't change the attraction.

that is the reality

You're not dealing with people who have a strong basis in reality.


Ain't no one is trying to fuck a 6'4 dude with a wig and a dress


HuhSome snowflake straight girls who call themselves queer or bisexual are willing to fuck girldick

I feel like having had a male stalker who claimed to be trans to try and sleep with you is like a rite of passage for millennial lesbians

Mine got me kicked out of my uni's LGBT society when I refused and is currently in jail for trying to fuck a 12 year old boy

This is distressingly accurate lmfao. We've all either had this experience or know someone who has.

Iā€™ve never experienced this nor do know anyone who has experienced this. Over the years Iā€™ve had a few gay men make respectable passes at me, but they back off real quick when they realize Iā€™m straight. Iā€™ve noticed trans women tend to shy away from me. This might be because I give off an ā€œaggressive vibeā€ which tends to put people off.

You're a dude, right? I'm talking 'bout lesbians.

Stop objectifying me.

Did he get arrested while he was still at school? You could have told the story to the school paper and all over social media that the LGBT club supports rapists.

well part of the fetish is sleeping with women as a woman. they want to recreate the lesbian porn they've been watching since prepubescence.

Only nature made vaginas need apply.

That's like, the definition of being a straight male...


1) It's okay to not want to have sex with someone

2) it's transphobic to not want to have sex with trans women

We must conclude that

3) it's okay to be transphobic.

Really makes u šŸ¤”

Fuck trans people!!!

In the ass šŸ˜

1) It's okay to not want to have sex with someone

It's literally not okay to not want to fuck trannies, shitmale.

Suck that feminine penis, it's reparations for thousands of centuries of tranny oppression.

Thousands of years of oppression against a group that has existed for less than 80 years?

Thousands of CENTURIES!

It is tho.


Women saying to Men : Sorry losers you're not owed sex.


I would go in there and reee for your entertainment but tbh I've already gotten enough rape threats for one day.

Maybe next week when this exact same thread inevitably happens again.

I'd gladly do it myself, but I'd be accused of brigading.

Frankly speaking, I just feel that whole trans thing is insulting to people who prefer the same sex. Like, if you don't want men - - you don't want men who mangled themselves, if you don't want women, the same, you don't want a woman who mangled herself to be a man.

Especially the ones that only get the top surgeries and not the bottom surgeries. Someone could honestly make the case that forcing a lesbian to be with a transwoman who still has their penis is equal to corrective rape.

Christ, my white knighting for lesbians makes me sound like Corp.Saveaho.

It is corrective rape. We try to tell anyone who will listen but the corrective rape is the cool woke thing now so we mostly just get accused of transphobia and threatened.

It reminds me of how hard gay and lesbians fought hard for ā€œnot a choice/born this wayā€ and now we have the trans fighting for ā€œgender/genital preferenceā€ and how a straight man and a lesbian are bigots because of their ā€œgenital preferenceā€ trying to equate feminine penis to something like eye or hair color, etc

Yup. It's the same shit, different day. Honestly, this is a lot worse than anything we got 10 or 15 years ago.

I'd gladly do it myself, but I'd be accused of brigading.

Imagine caring about that. What's the worst that would happen, you'll have to make a new account?

Are the rape threats ever like at least clever? Or are they like super boring like the death threats are? I don't understand what would lead some idiot to thinking threatening to rape someone is good praxis.

Nah. Usually just typical "I'm gonna throw your weak cis body down and force you to take my girldick while you beg me to stop" kinda shit. Lots of gloating about "cis" (which is obviously code for female) being physically weak.

So boring šŸ˜ž

Right? Like at least make me laugh.

tbh they're always so seething that I think whoever sends it can't think past their impotent rage

I dont really get it either... Do they tell you their weird rape fantasy, or is it just vague "im going to find and rape you" with edgy enhancements type stuff?

Women saying to Men : Sorry losers you're not owed sex.

The exception to this on Reddit is wh*te women, who are morally obligated to date non-white men as reparations.

t. Subredditdrama

Please donā€™t speak for straight people. Weā€™re not all bigots

This screams "Hillary 2016"

Closer to Jeb!

Please clap

Honestly if they're super hot I wouldn't mind. A hole is a hole.

šŸ¤” that didn't sound right

"Gay men are sexist for refusing to have sex with gussies"

I remember when pressuring someone into fucking you was a bad thing.

The fuck does "post the hog" mean? It's some retarded CTH shit, no?

Post your bussy or get out OUT OUT!

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If you have to ask, you're part of the problem.

I think it means post a pic of your dick. Basically a barbaric copy of post bussy.

Why dick and not bussy?

Because cth is full of fags.


not fags

dramacels are tops chapotraps are bottoms

Implying bad

If your vagina doesn't contract/relax and self lubricate then I don't want to date you

>A big reason I don't want to be with someone who is trans is because I would like to have children.

>Well I GuEss yoU wouLDn't DaTe a inFerTILe woMan tHeN?!?

Honestly one of my favorite hot takes. If there was a bingo card for these types of threads it would be an easy point. As if a sterile foid is anything like a tranny

its literally just as misogynistic as the reverse is transphobic, not that it matters since: trans>women

ur not a real woman if u have to take hormones

well ur not a real woman if you dont have those hormones

Wouldn't date an infertile woman anyways if I wanted children

Well I GuEss yoU wouLDn't DaTe a inFerTILe woMan tHeN?!?

Fuck no I wouldn't, that'd be a complete waste of time.


TIL I am looksist.

What is the point of all this? Are they going to guilt trip us into wanting to date them??

These lads and ladies need to get off the crank and use some common sense. Withholding your trans status from a partner is like open carrying an AR-15 in a crowded area or wearing a MAGA hat to the mall and trying to pick up chicks. Just because you CAN do something, doesn't mean you SHOULD.

This is what happens when you allow this shit to fester, first that pronouns and now this..

tbh unironically why i wanted ms spain to win miss universe.

I know, or at least hope to know, that the majority of rational people have reasonable limits. If miss spain had won, we would be seeing a lot of angry (real) women.

Hannah Mouncey playing Australian Football (aka rugby) would have been a good wake up call for Australia. A bunch of broken skulls would clear up some misconceptions about whether bone density or strength are social constructs.

But the AFL found an excuse to ban her from playing without being "transphobic."

The cultural marxists are doubling down, of course, and accuse the AFL of fat shaming now.

I guarantee you that more women would care about a man winning miss universe

That fat shaming bit is disheartening though. I dont even know what's going on anymore

At least the future will be interesting

this may come as a shock to you, but over 95% of straight males do not want to date someone with a penis. or a quasi-vagina

first of all, it's called a feminine penis you vile bigots

Best part is a few comments down is a rebuttal about ā€œchasersā€ and how that proves 99.9% of men really want the feminine penis

Do those idiots realize by their logic they then can't refuse to date an incel?

Maybe.... cb2 were the incels all along?


Circlewoke is peak reddit. Good thing to know is that there's only like a 100 of these retards

I can't ping, but in reference to this quote

lol getting brigaded by r/Drama losers. They're so cute thinking they're harming me by taking away fake internet points from me.

I doubt there's much risk of anyone harming you besides yourself

Can you mongs stop voting in the linked thread? I want to see it with votes from the locals so I can laugh at them for upvoting crazy people.

when I linked it the guy saying it was fine to not want to date trannies was at like -20

this is one of the better threads this Christmas Season

Women: he must be 6ft big dick rich attractive white

Cb2: Yass queen

Men: id prefer if it didn't have a penis


ostracizing all of society from your better society of tomorrow

Oh look it's Tymaretard! :D

Look at this and tell me circlebrokers aren't more mental illness than the regular mtf on reddit

They always say "trans women are women" in these arguments but that's not true. I can tell because they call them "trans women" instead of just "women."