Fuck Dedenne

1  2018-12-18 by Logan_Pauler

Here I was in the fields trying to EV train my Gurdurr. It was slightly underleved for that area, but every unwanted pokemon I've ran into had allowed me to escape. And then came Dedenne, that fucking little cunt of mouse, with its retarded shrieking cry. At first I thought it was kind of cute, but I wasn't here to admire Dedennes, so I prepared to run away. But NO! I can't run away from this pathetic excuse for a fairy type. The screen flashed 'Can't escape'. My ass I can't escape, this is a fucking retard mouse who I doubt barely can put a dent on my Gurdurr. So this fuckstick mouse has a free chance now, what does it use? Snore! Fucking snore!? It doesn't even try to fight, but it instead tries to snore on my 'mons, also remember this garage pika-clone prevented me from escaping JUST TO FUCKING SNORE!! I tried escaping again and again and again, the FUCKER doesn't even ALLOW me to escape, and INSTEAD keeps SNORING ON ME!! It prevented me from escaping from the UPTEENTH time and still doesn't FUCKING USE ANYTHING ELSE!! I'm so pissed at this fucking mouse, and just when my anger is at PEAK, the fucker uses Play Rough and knocks out my gurdurr. This fucking FAGGOTY EXCUSE FOR A POKEMON knocked out my FUCKING Gurdurr!! I wasn't going to let this crime against humanity just walk away after committing this ABOMINABLE act. So I FUCKING switched into my perfect 252/252/4 EV trained Blaziken, Mega evolved and FUCKING went all FLARE BLITZ on its tiny mouse ass. Nothing can describe the satisfaction I felt when I rapedd that bitch ass mouse to death with a flaming hot FLARE BLITZ! It was instantly OK'OD and its dead body left to rot for all the rattatas to feed on for all I care.