Kimchi-Americans, tired of delicious BBQ and overachieving, hop on the <<<literally shaking>>> bus when triggered by a mural of known fascist . . . Ava Gardner?

1  2018-12-19 by IllustriousQuail


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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The school district announced this month that it would erase Stanton’s mural after a group of Korean activists complained. The activists object to a representation of sun rays in the background because it reminds them of the Japanese imperial battle flag, which they associate with atrocities before and during World War II.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

peak chinkchonger nonsense

Gooks are eternally triggered about that, any representation of a sun rise is hate speech to them

That's why their cities are covered in smog.

Jap shit nips are eternally triggered by any kind of smoke looking mushroom after getting nuclear bombed twice. Maybe there should be another one to remind them.

Cracker kikes are eternally triggered by any representation of a nazi symbol

I fucked ur mum

Hi Kim

It's over for RFK-cels. Virgin Bobby vs Chads Jack and Ted.

do Koreans get triggered by Macadonia and Tibet also? Do these Koreans get triggered by the Siemens star??? Do these dummies look up at the sun and curse the evil display of facist symbolism????? From rooftop koreans to these babies in ONE generation. Christ.

Yes to all of those. I have seen it with thine own eyes, they are a people conceived in the darkness of caves.

peak chinkchonger nonsense

Perfectly sane response by perfectly sane people, I know exactly how they feel. Every time I see a triangle or a spiral I have to make a two-hour long youtube video about the secret cabal of pedophile elites who run the country.

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