A Jontron video gets posted in r/videos. Whole thread is a shitshow.

1  2018-12-19 by Ghdust2


There is absolutely nowhere on Reddit (except maybe The Great Awakening) where stupider, sadder, scareder, or crazier comments consistently get upboats and support than this place you linked. You might think, Hey look! A place where women aren't all sucking tranny peen! Weird! But then you find out that they are scared of tranny peen, and believe that in a couple years, women who don't assimilate and get a peen themselves will be locked up in suspended cages, let down from their gibbets only to be repeatedly viciously raped and denied STEM jobs.

That place is like /r/drama if everyone here felt scared for their lives, and could only find possibly recourse in demanding mayocide and bussy. Swap our memes for 'white-female ethnosexstate now' and 'kill all men before they kill all women' and you have a pretty fair idea of their topics.

And that's where it gets interesting: they're unironically probussycide, unironically antifemayocide. Truly, /r/drama has its antithesis.

And believe me: it is dangerous.


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What’s with the stupid haircut?

it matches the chin hair

That shit happened almost two fucking years ago. Why are these retards still triggered over what some dumb fatass said on some woke manlets stream two fucking years ago? I watched that stream, realized I'd rather have hemorrhoids the rest of my life than listen to either of those retards speak again, and moved on.

Why are these retards still triggered over what some dumb fatass said on some woke manlets stream two fucking years ago?

Because he still believes it.

Good. It was merely factual to begin with.

Keep the gene pool strong, say no to immigration

It wasn't factual and he sperged way the fuck out.

Keep the gene pool strong, say no to immigration

Jontron would never have been born without immigration because his parents probably would have been killed in Iran.

Gotta keep signaling those virtues fam

who do you think people are "signaling" to? Is it really that hard to imagine some people are pissed off by that kind of thing without some ulterior motive of trying to impress people?

It's been like 80 years since hitler died, why are these retards still triggered by something a manlet with a faggy moustache did 80 years ago? move on.

Pewdiepie and jontron are literally ushering in anudda shoah

Pewdiepie is just an edgelord , Jontron Aryan Jafari is a truly enlightened non-white white supremacist , bless be his gene pool

That shit happened almost two fucking years ago

Welcome to the internet. People still shit on TJ Kirk for sticking a banna in his ass (Happened ~ 8 years ago) and telling a rape victim during a reddit flame war to "Drown in rape semen" (~ 6 years ago)

I really wish we could ping. Just look at how many comments Xmas_Fish is making. It can't be healthy to be that mad at a fat guy who makes YouTube videos on gaymes.

I still don’t know what he said.


Scroll down and you can see some quotes

I read the first one about him talking with Destiny. He comes across as pretty ignorant if he didn’t know about how Irish were discriminated.

I mean he probably is ignorant, I don't feel like YouTubers are generally the smartest bunch

It’s like when Hollywood celebs give their 2 cents on politics. Uninformed and embarrassing. Like just STFU.

Thanks for the link.

The people writing these articles are complete retards. Their argument for Japan not being ethnically homogenous is that 2% of its population is immigrants.

Rationalwiki can be quite retarded, but I chose that site because I didn't know where else I could get quotes from JonTron.

encyclopedia dramatica ;)?

I heard browsing that site gives you actual Erectile Dysfunction

Yeah their debunking is pretty weak. I'm quite racist but even I can come up with a couple of more rational arguments than what they've brought up in regards to Africa.


someone made an argument that Japan of all places is not ethically homogenous?

Why do I keep thinking i've seen everything? I'm always wrong.

Scroll down they discuss the idea that Japan isn't culturally or ethnically homogenous, oddly enough they seem to be including J-Cool (Read: Weabshit) products in their definition of Japanese Culture, which is accurate I guess, but that's ALL they talk about, like all the bits of culture exclusive to people who speak, look, and act Japanese don't exist, yes Rationalwiki, keep deluding yourself into thinking one of the most xenophobic peoples in the world is a leftist utopia.

Ah yes, Rationalwiki, the left's Conservapedia.

... is Conservapedia still a thing?



Cutting it down a bit for brevity but here it goes.

Destiny: Irishmen, wouldn't have been considered even white people...

Jafari: I don't know that that's true. That is just a myth. That's not true. They were considered white...

Destiny: I can't read the word, it's "white n-word", this is what irishmen were called in the United states...

Jafari: They were called that, but they were still white. That's all I'm saying.

Sounds like jon won on technicality.

Why is Destiny such a fucking tard?

Visually you don't get whiter than the Irish. If he's trying to make some insane argument about the myth of white people privilege then he failed at that too.

Irish were discriminated against in America but it wasn't based on skin color. It was more class based and ethnicity based.

I mean just reading this summary it sounds like neither one really truly understood wtf they were talking about. I realize that seem pretty obvious in hindsight a couple of streamers/youtubers who's careers are based around media and pop culture don't actually understand how complex history is. Color me shocked right?

Jon "if they're brown, run 'em outta town" Jafari

this fat retard still makes vids?

His back catalogue ad revenue dried up and he is too fat to hang himself.

He was going to hang himself but all the ropes he could find were made in Mexico. “Don’t want to give the boarder hoppers the pleasure” is what people heard him mutter as he left the hardware store.

He seems like he has gained weight over the last year.

Do people legit believe that Jontron is a racist because he is an uneloquent fat fuck who cant get across his position?

Gotta be brigading from somewhere. Most humans dont give a shit enough to watch a hour long livestream or even a clip.

Most humans dont give a shit enough to watch a hour long livestream or even a clip

Reddit autists do

Redditors aren't human

No, they think he's a racist because he's actually pretty racist. He's retweeted and followed actual unironic white supremacist posts and has never retracted his race comments, even after people explained to him what he was saying. If he merely put his foot in his mouth and didn't say what he meant to say, he was given multiple different opportunities to walk it back or explain what he really meant. He never did.

I mean jfc, he said that rich black people are more violent than poor white people. That's just a rephrase of /pol/'s most retarded talking point about race vs class, and being the most retarded /pol/ take is a seriously difficult accomplishment to achieve.

Like even setting aside the black people thing for a bit, imagine thinking white trailer trash does not consist of some of the most violent, drug-addled lowlifes on the planet.

He's not wrong lol

Jontron? About rich black people being more violent than poor whites?

Yeah, he literally is. That's a complete fabrication, there is literally no evidence to support it. There are some things he said that are somewhat accurate (black people commit a disproportionate amount of certain types of crime, mostly violent assault), but the one that CAutists always defend is the "poor whites/rich blacks" line from his debate, which is actually indefensible. It's just not true in any way and by any metric. Even if you mangle the data and cherrypick as much as possible, you cannot get that result.

Though if you have some sources to the contrary, I would not object if you posted them.

See that's what I mean by highly mangled data.

The first link, if you trace it back to the scholarly article it came from, is taken massively out of context. The study is about the effects of racial profiling across wealth lines. In other words, yes, black people are getting arrested more at every level (in that one data set from 1985), but that is precisely the issue the authors are trying to highlight: that they aren't committing more crimes, but are getting arrested and sent to prison more often.

The second link is to an article about how crime rates are rising across the board regardless of race or wealth, and the graph is again taken out of the context of the broader study. The study also is very select in it's scope and data collection, and even cautions within itself to avoid extrapolating heavily based on the findings.

And if you look at any other study in the field, you'll find they're saying the opposite, usually with a broader scope and a focus on specifically the issue of criminality.

So yeah, cherrypicking, data mangling, and taking data out of context. It's the triple play of shitty /pol/ graphs.

You are absolutely insane if you think that being arrested and sent to prison more often has nothing to do with committing more crime.

Hm.... Did you actually read the study that you just linked a graph from? 🤔

Because it gives you the answer there. I feel like you didn't, and just pulled some random bullshit that looked good if you never actually bother to read the source material.

Out of interest, where did you even find it originally? I can't believe you did that yourself, so I'm guessing someone else put it together, and you thought it was a good idea to post it without even understanding what it was you were citing.

Which is pretty damn ironic, in a thread about JonTron citing random bullshit he read online somewhere without actually understanding it or where it came from.

Look, I know this is hard for you to take in because it is causing cognitive dissonance in your Chapo brain. But the reason black people are disproportionally incarcerated is because they commit more crime.


Incarceration rates by state:




Homicide demographic study 1980-2008


Most dangerous cities vs. percentage Black population






Even though they make up less than 15% of the total population blacks comprise almost 50% of the country's murder, rape, and theft.






Blacks are seventeen times more likely to kill whites than whites are to kill blacks


They are also 4 times more likely to kill their own children.

Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children


So here's the thing: you just posted a shitload of links that have nothing to do with the statement

Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact. Yeah, look it up.

I literally already said black people commit more of some types of crime than other groups, most notably violent assault. I'm not arguing with you about all that shit, lmao. All I was saying was that Jon's point about poor whites and rich blacks is actually indefensible, and the only people who do unironically agree and try to argue he wasn't bullshitting are "race realists".

So, to my mind, we're done here. You're into copypasta mode and aren't actually addressing anything, so... yeah. Peace.

However, just on the off-chance I can get a legit response, I really am interested where you came from now, because you've got a shitload of literal propaganda saved and at the ready, including talking points ripped straight from Million Dollar Extreme/Cringe Anarchy/ /pol/. It really gets my noggin joggin a little bit.

Did you know that we have a strict immigration policy here on r/Drama? I feel like you should maybe talk with our wonderful mod /u/DistortedLines about it. He loves new people!

It's pretty funny that you started with the serious posting and when you get smacked down you call for a mod to help. What really gets my noggin joggin is that the first two studies I posted despite your weak objections about context directly state that Wealthy black commit more crime than poor whites. Specifically murder. Maybe you can do me a favor and show me what you base your belief that they don't on?

Oh my, this is an exceptional lolcow. I think we should keep this one around though, it has a lot of potential and can be milked for days.


You should waste your time talking to drama users like this most of them are super brainlets

I just wanted to say that I appreciate your chad centrist position and how you worded and defended it. Even if you turn out to be a chapo.

I am not chapo, how many times do I need to say I'm not chapo?! 😤😤😤

SMH, it's hard to be a true centrist these days. The MDE people want to call me chapo, and the chapo people want to call me MDE. I just want to sit on the fence in the middle and mock both sides for not taking the enlightened centrist stance.

Nonono dude, I wasn't accusing you of being a chapo, I said that even if you were a chapo I would appreciate you like an honorary centrist

fuck off whitey

go back to T_D and cherish the time you have before the gas chamber

lol as though minorities could operate a gas chamber without fucking it up and gassing themselves

lol I'll bet this was the holocaust.

"Juden! Get over there and delouse those prisoners!"

Five minutes later.

"What do you mean they're all dead?! Jesus *fucking Christ... If it's not something it's something else with you minorities. Anyway, whatever. The next boxcar will arrive in two minutes. Don't fuck this one up!"

Seven minutes later.

"What do you mean *they're all dead?! Again?! Are you trying to get us charged with a fucking war crime, Shlomo? Jesus!"

Dude, you're appropriating my culture

Sounds like black people need to be less violent

Once they’ve killed off whitey we can talk

They never will because they're so useless unfortunately

They're too distracted killing each other over shoes to execute the mayocide, sadly.

even after people explained to him what he was saying

Sure, sometimes people parrot things without understanding their meaning. It seemed like Jon was doing that in that debate, so a bunch of people told him that what he'd just said came off badly and he may want to rephrase it or correct the record.

I'm saying if we're going with the narrative that he meant to say one thing but said something else, then after he was informed of that apparent error he should have corrected it if it was indeed a mistake.

He didn't, so we're left to assume that what he said was what he meant. And what he said is pants on head retarded.

I mean jfc, he said that rich black people are more violent than poor white people

oh no what a terrible and wrong thing

lmao this cope

didn't you delete threads out of pure cope

didn't you delete threads out of pure cope

how would I do that? I'm not a mod.



you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

so statistics are wrong?

There are no statistics that show that. Even if you torture and twist them to suit your agenda, you cannot get a result that shows trailer trash is less violent than wealthy black people.

mixed you up with PIMM

also stop serious posting any retard knows it's fake why the fuck would the police record if you are wealthy or not

that being said the shit he said about immigration and europe ain't racist and il fight you if you say otherwise

also stop serious posting any retard knows it's fake why the fuck would the police record if you are wealthy or not

I will seriouspost if I damn well please! You're not my mom! 😡

(also you'd be amazed by the retards who don't think it's fake)

that being said the shit he said about immigration and europe ain't racist and il fight you if you say otherwise

yeah I'm ok with that, mostly. I have a few quibbles here and there, but the broad point that there's nothing wrong with being isolated culturally and that no group should be shamed for trying to maintain their cultural heritage is totally fair.

no group should be shamed for trying to maintain their cultural heritage is totally fair.

No. Blacks need to stop reading nonsense that essentially boils down to We wuz Kangz and ease off on the incessant murder. Some cultures absolutely deserve all the shaming one can muster.

Compromise: no more black European kings and hyperintelligent nubian alien nonsense if the mayos admit the Jews and Asians are objectively better than them.

I feel like this is a crowdpleasing position everyone can agree to.

This position seems reasonable. I notice you left out the incessant murder part. You likely feel removing checks on their population such as skyhigh abortion rates and laughable levels of gun violence would be detrimental to the rest of us. That's forward thinking and I like it.


Asians get to be better than whites when they stop genociding each other and get souls

Jews are objectively allahs chosen people though


Rich fat old white men already to have that view, hence university admission bises.

But muh contextless statistics

Imagine thinking anyone gives a shit.


pretty sure i dont care about pretend racism

Dude it's too fucking late for (((serious posting)))

Go to bed.

Rich black people do commit more crime though. At every economic level the crime rate is higher.



Stating these facts is neither outlandish or racist.

incarceration rate isn't the same as crime rate dumbass, and a higher homicide rate means they're more likely to get murdered, not to murder someone you fucking retard.

And how do you judge crime rate aside from convictions?

You just assume all the crime whitey commits but gets away with

And how do you judge crime rate aside from convictions?


You just assume all the crime whitey commits but gets away with

I do the opposite u dum dum


"hey have you committed any crime"

"you havent? alright have a nice day jamal"

I do the opposite u dum dum

What do you do then?

you don't survey the criminals retard

so you survey the people who havent?

great way to get a 0% crime rate

having strong opinions on crime statistics without knowing what a crime survey is.


Who even is this faggit?

Rich blacks do commit more crime than other races of similar income you absolute pathetic little smuglet.

Nobody needs to listen to what you whiney manlets have to say or apologize for stating the FACTs.

Rich blacks do commit more crime than other races of similar income you absolute pathetic little smuglet.

that wasn't what Jon said, though. He said:

Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact. Yeah, look it up.

whether wealthy blacks commit more crime than wealthy whites is a whole different kettle of fish from saying that white trailer trash is less criminal than wealthy blacks.

He was probably citing this or one of the other many studies about conviction rates where even rich blacks are convicted more often than poor whites. https://socialequity.duke.edu/news/race-trumps-wealth-affluent-black-kids-have-better-odds-being-incarcerated-poorest-whites-study

Lol, who gives a shit. Why do you want to take down ebil gamer jontron on reddit? He said some things you didn't like hearing?

no I don't really care about "taking him down". I still watch his videos. Still think he's funny.

But he is absolutely racist. That's fine, lots of people I still like and respect are, but pretending he isn't and that people just bully him to be mean to poor lil millionaire JonTron is pretty misleading.

You don't know what racism is, and that's okay as long as you decide to never speak to another human about it again or take your own life.




  1. prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

synonyms: racial discrimination, racialism, racial prejudice, xenophobia, chauvinism, bigotry, casteism

  1. the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.

no, the idea that white people are objectively superior to black people is, by definition, racist. You could argue it's right, but the definition doesn't care whether you are justified in your prejudice, merely that you are prejudiced.

Yes. Reading comprehension and understanding words is required to actually know the meaning of a definition. You have failed in this regard, hopefully because you are 15 still and have yet to read a book not assigned by your mom during homeschooling.

hopefully because you are 15 still and have yet to read a book not assigned by your mom during homeschooling

o shit, he's onto me 😬

bet your teacher doesn't give you handjobs behind the classroom, though! 😉

Actually, wait, you're white, right? That makes the incest joke fall a little flatter since it's less a joke with your people than a reality.

Anyway, could you explain the logic of thinking that it's not racist to say that black people are inferior to white people? Just out of interest.

Actually, wait, you're white, right? That makes the incest joke fall a little flatter since it's less a joke with your people than a reality.

Jokes are supposed to be funny, admitting you have an Oedipus complex isn't a punchline.

Anyway, could you explain the logic of thinking that it's not racist to say that black people are inferior to white people? Just out of interest.

Yeah its easy, he didn't say said black people are inferior to white people you retard.

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

True. Generally, though, jokes and banter also aren't supposed to be filled with bitter rage and offense over the idea of someone insulting your favorite e-celeb. Your banter could use some work.

Admitting you have an Oedipus complex isn't a punchline.

but I'm gay though. If anything, I should have daddy issues, not mommy issues. Silly! 😜

Also, actually, if you want to get technical about joke structure, the Oedipal thing was the setup of the joke. The "whites are incestuous, so you won't get this" was the punchline. But I quibble.

Yeah, its easy, he didn't say said black people are inferior to white people you retard.

he said it's a fact that black people are more criminal than white people, and used the (made up) statistic that rich black people commit more crime than poor white people.

Criminality is obviously not good, so yeah, Jon did say that a universally negative trait is more inherent to one race than another. Which is literally racism. Whether you agree with him or not, it meets the criteria: it is prejudice (check) directed against a different race (check) based on the belief that one's own race is superior (check). Pretty simple.

How many leaps of logic does your big gay brain need to get to such conclusions? Lmao.

I expect no less of a chapotard honestly.

If you don't understand the logic of that, you may actually be retarded.

Like seriously, I was just bantering earlier when I said only retards think JonTron isn't on some level racist, but if you don't understand a simple if/then statement, you probably are actually a bit disabled.

I kinda feel bad now, honestly. I'm morally against bullying the weak-minded.

based on the belief that one's own race is superior (check) What are you basing this on? How do you not see this is a huge leap of logic to go from "Black Americans commit more crime" to "Whites are superior to black people genetically".

he said it's a fact that black people are more criminal than white people

They do though. Black people commit WAY WAY more crime than whites. How is stating that FACT racist?

If his comments were limited to just him stating that African Americans commit more crime per capita than whites, he'd probably be in the clear tbh. That's going to stir up some outrage, but it's not going to get you in big trouble to say that. However, when you generalize all black people globally to be the most criminal group globally (which he did in other statements about Africa and majority black countries) it goes from a supported if controversial fact to an unsupported and outrageously stupid opinion.

He wasn't even right, Asia has the most crime total and the most crime per capita.

Plus I did say earlier that he wasn't exactly wrong about some of the stuff he said (black people do commit a disproportionate amount of some crime types, that is true), but the poor whites/rich blacks comments he made are completely retarded and flat out wrong. Yet you still see people falling over themselves to defend that blatantly wrong statement because JonTron's /ourguy/ for naming the (((issue))) and being BASED and REDPILLING the normies on FACTS and LOGIC!

Back to SRD my man

So, people don’t watch political debates on YouTube when they get bored? No wonder I don’t have friends 😢

Jon "if they're black, they smoke crack" Jafari

Didn’t he just say white people have a right to there own country and not wanting to be a minority?

Fucking woke reddit kek

saying mayoids should have any rights, ever


I'm just waiting until he goes back home we don't need any more fatties shitting up the gene pool

white people have a right to there own country and not wanting to be a minority

Well, this is profoundly retarded so reddit probably should be making fun of it.

posts in stupid pol and taiwan

go home white man

sometimes you have to briefly look at somebody's posting history to when you are not sure whether he's trolling or not, but making a habbit out of it is a bit weird

he also came out againts blacks entering pure mayo American gene pool (basically coming out againts race mixing because it degrades mayos according to him), even if they are fully culturally integrated, protecting mayos by not allowing non-mayos to come in then he had the balls to talk about how we stop talking about dumb identity politics and that democrats are the real nazis and

he's a dumb fatass that repeats retarded boomer talking points combined with retarded alt-right talking points and is a great example of why gamers shouldn't be allowed to talk about anything except for videogames, they are just too stupid for that

chap stick

wanting europe to be white is an alt-right talking point

Y I K E S pls remove yourself tranny

lol i only wish i was tranny

wanting europe to be white is an alt-right talking point

well yes it is, just not only their talking point


right to there own country and not wanting to be a minority

is a nice euphemism for "i want to halt all non-white immigration and kill all brown people trying to reach my mayo ethnostate because they endanger my pure genes"

When did he say kill?

Find me a direct quote

I wish I was a tranny

I know you freak

i didn't say he said that (i said this is what alt-righters usually really mean by saying "protect the white majority"), i said it was closer to this than saying "europeans have the right to stay european" or some BS usually paraphrase it as

That is quite possibly the shitiest argument I have ever seen

you... wish you were a tranny? Who would wish to be retarded?

i would piss off everyone i know with that, talk about transition or some hormone therapy every 5 minutes, how it's great to be a girl finally, i would be even more obnoxious with than vegans

This sounds amazing and like lots of potential drama

JonTron "never relax around blacks" Jafari

Jon "if the skin ain't white, they're criminal alright" Jafari

Jon "if the skin ain't white, they're criminal alright" Jafari

So good you posted it twice.

Toiletposting gone awry 😹😹😹

Jon “Repost Twice and Gas Those Kikes” Jafari

It's "around blacks, never relax" ya dingus

I would watch Jontron's videos but I won't. Racist fuck.

Virtue signal harder, faggot. No one gives a shit about what you would or would not watch

Jon 'niggers and jews mean bad news' tron

Isn't he big time Jew? He sure pals around with Ashkenazi Ethan a lot.

He's Iranian.

Ahh, I just guessed because I remember someome irl telling me something about his father being a tank crewman in the Yom Kippur war.

Ew hes sand

Jon "if you think about it, all blacks are criminals" Jafari

Jon 'empty my nine at the welfare line' Tron

Everything in this world exists within a vacuum! Don't mix real life with my YouTube funnies!!!'

daily reminder that progressives can't separate artists from their art

Its hard to separate when its stuck in his fat folds

Unless you're stealing the content I don't know how you could tbh.

why do people get upset when people say Jon tron is racist I think its funny cause he's a self hating immigrant

Jon "if their skin ain't beige, they're full of rage" Jafari